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Reddit i want to be pregnant. So I got the shot again.

Reddit i want to be pregnant Even after the birth she had no desire to see him. At the beginning of my pregnancy I felt very “never doing this again!” and I didn’t even have it that bad. I don't even know if I'll end up with a man or a woman in the future and I may only be 22 but I do know I don't want to be pregnant. Every time I tell someone this, they say I'll change my mind once I start dating someone. I HATE being called "mama". You need a resraining order against your aunt and your cousin yesterday. 5 weeks. wanting to breed me. i want nothing more than for him to cheat on mom with my hot younger body and wetter pussy. She ended up not getting one but now she is not involved at all We weren't in a serious relationship when she got pregnant. 33%, at 41 it’s around 1%. Pregnancy seems uncomfortable, childbirth seems painful, I don’t like people, I don’t like kids, I don’t want kids, and there should be fewer of all of the above. A healthy breeding fantasy (group or individual) should be at least as focused on female desire — I'm a man, but the sexiest aspect of a breeding party is that the woman/women involved are fully embracing their sexuality and conceiving a child as nature This is my first pregnancy and I was just hospitalized with pre-term contractions at 34. Yes, you want to be pregnant; those are your hormones screaming in your head. All are welcome, please read and abide by You cannot get pregnant on your period, you get pregnant when you have sex during or the few days prior ovulation, which is technically considered week 2 of pregnancy. While you were having a difficult time getting and staying pregnant, your husband was fucking someone you know and continually lied about. But I have a question, if you don't mind: Do you just want the pregnancy? Do you just want the baby? Do you also want the loud, disobedient toddler? Do you want the snarky teenager Do you want a whole human or just a cute baby? I’ve been crying about not being able to be pregnant since I was 18 years old, well before I even thought about transitioning. But gosh, I want to light one up. He’ll like talk about it but then contradict himself by saying “if you feel like it might be possible though, take a pill” and “no, I wouldn’t want to be tied to you forever”. Despite these statistics, there are some things you can do to encourage a speedier conception, such as stopping birth control and tracking your fertile window for baby-making I'm a firm believer you can tell whoever you want whenever you want. If not, you should still find a family lawyer in SC and ask about the birth certificate and timing on filing. Neither one of us imagined it taking 3 months shy of three years plus IVF to actually achieve a positive pregnancy test. There are a few other ways to get it This is a great comment. Your feelings are super valid, it’s okay to feel these things as a lot of us do. D) that's your problem right now, besides I don't want to get Becky (new girlfriend) sick cause she's pregnant with my baby. which is relevant to the wife here. thing. I don't have anything against women who do want to have their As someone who had their child at 18, just make sure you're doing it for the right reasons not because you just want a baby or want to be pregnant. But it’s all I want. So I got the shot again. I definitely want the option, but that entire experience is just something I inexplicably long for even though long term they dont sound appealing to 20 year old me. I lost my first pregnancy at 9/10ish weeks and bled for two months then needed surgery to help stop the bleeding. still going. In the past I felt baby fever but it was more abstract. I've essentially been 'allowed' due to circumstance to enjoy my pregnancy, circumstances MANY mom's are simply denied due to financial need and ideas that are prevalent that women need to work until they drop into the third trimester or horribly have to choose to work until they drop for that extra maternity leave after. 😂 I’m indulging in the soda (the little cans) and no cigarettes. Things like, I'll never have a baby shower because they're creepy. And part of me is so glad because she is better off in there until 37 weeks, but also I was disappointed not to meet her and get her out of me! More significantly, I decided that I never want to get pregnant. There are plenty of ways to live a good life. Two years into hormones and my biological clock is now raging inside of me. Him knowing I'm unprotected and fertile. i want the ability, i would die to have a vagina without needing to pay for major surgery. I know with pregnancy you have additional hormones generated, but you need to turn off the emotions and look at this situation logically. It felt more like a NEED than just a whim or want. You should be 100% honest with you doctor though incase there are any pregnancy I called this waiting period “Schrödinger’s pregnancy,” where you’re pregnant but it doesn’t really feel like it and it hasn’t been confirmed by a doctor. However you're feeling is perfectly fine. [Mature Content] From the gendertransformation community on Reddit: TF Commission made by MDL_Culebra (Male > Pregnant woman) (M4F) after loosing a bet, you get to pick which permanently pregnant beauty you want to You need to get a lawyer, OP. Also, he jeopardized you and your fetus’ health with unprotected sex. I remember one night a few months into my pregnancy he rolled over and said he knew it wasn't the last time he'd see me when we separated, that he knew we would end up together, he just didn't know I want the experience right up until the water breaks, spending days of pushing a crotch-goblin out of my pelvis, and raising it for the next 20+ years. Just tired and didn’t feel like myself. And maybe, keep filling you once you are pregnant with the possibility of doing it again afterwards. Im not saying I'll never want those things. I still want him to keep his distance in bed, we basically shared a pillow before I was pregnant lol and now I have a barrier between us (large pregnancy pillow) but during the day I cry when he leaves for work, I cry if I have to leave him to go grocery shopping c I cry when he steps outside to answer a phone call. But now that I'm pregnant, my partner suddenly wants to keep the baby, says it might be good for our son to have a sibling, that we can just "figure out" the finances. They were VERY careful to let me know I couldn’t get pregnant for three months. Any sort of namecalling, insults,etc will result in the comment being removed and the user being banned. That's OK. I want my perfect lover to take me, treat me like a princess and fuck me like a slut. The more plans we make, the more opportunities for “failure” to creep in. At some point it really Take matters into your own hands. I know I really shouldn't want it that badly but I do. Please don't post anything irrelevant You need to understand that this isn't going to be easy and you'll sacrifice a lot. I’m pregnant with a 2 year old and still bask in my “glow” and wear cute maternity clothes and read pregnancy books etc. This is my last pregnancy and I am much busier with an almost 3 yr old and a 1. What scares me is telling our families, mainly our parents. Now, if I eat only some yogurt and granola, i'm starving within a couple hours. I told him that it's generally not a 'one and done' process and that it can take years to get pregnant. If I didnt want the older kids I would have gone crazy or given up long ago. Instead, I'm "the pregnant woman" to my family. If you're struggling to find joy in your pregnancy, you're not alone. You can plan all you want but pregnancy and babies happen in their own weird timeline and it’s something that you have absolutely no control over. the test coming up positive. I was on a low calorie, healthy diet before I got pregnant, and the same foods that used to fill me up just don't hit me the same. Mormons only pretend to have morals. It’s different for everyone, but I had no trouble getting pregnant and nothing remarkable about either pregnancy my doctor never even mentioned my age. They would be excited and so would his parents. i in no way want to get pregnant, i never even want to have sex, I just dont want this. i want to be "right" down there. I want to be so large and round, feel my body stretch and swell as it gives way to new life My breasts leaking milk and growing even Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30. In general, there’s not much to do except taking a prenatal vitamin, avoiding alcohol/smoking/drugs, and taking it easy if you feel tired or ill. Oh, and then I got pregnant 16 months later, got my titers tested again, still wasn’t immune. You don't ever have to get pregnant if you don't want to. But I still never want to do it again for a lot more reasons than just pregnancy, and, I’m definitely not a failure. Maybe you won't be ready and the choice will be taken out of your hands. They only want to talk about the pregnancy. And we don’t need that shit! It’s hard to grow a human. But the whole reason we want to get pregnant is to become parents, not to just be pregnant forever. There were outside factors that Every time I see a pregnant woman I just get so envious. Being an anxiety sufferer herself who also doesn't want a child ruining her life, she's understanding. i would kill to be pregnant like that with his child and walk around the house naked and ready go be fucked No. My MIL in particular is terrible about this. Plus, your unborn child received no compassion from them. TL;DR: My girlfriend is experiencing all the signs of a pregnancy, it's been about 9 days since the "incident," she doesn't want an abortion and I am in no place financially to care for a kid but I really don't want to leave her. He then agreed that we would start TTC earlier because of this. My first friend to get pregnant was 16 at the time, and somehow, in 20 years of talking to friends and family about pregnancy, I'm still experiencing so so much no one warned me about. Even at 36 weeks, my discomforts are few and mild (occasional heartburn, peeing more often, difficulty bending over) and they don’t keep me from doing anything I’d be doing otherwise. fucking me as I swell. attached to me. Constant nausea, vomiting, extreme fatigue, bladder infection, and vitamin D deficiency. You want children eventually, you were not proactively preventing pregnancy, you have a stable job, housing, and relationship, you’re not a teenager where it will drastically affect schooling and life trajectory, you’re not addicted to substances, your fetus does not have any known medical issues, and now, you’re almost 1/3 complete with 126K subscribers in the impregnation community. I've had the mind space to take Plan B even tho I was on the pill as I had doubled the pill too many days than I was comfortable, because I didn't want to get pregnant. I didn’t have a ‘hollow’ feeling but I did have this insane URGE to get pregnant that felt really instinctual and overwhelming. We'd like to take this time to remind users that: We do not allow any type of am I the asshole? or situations/content involving minors. You can get advice on potty training, talk about Personally I would never want to get pregnant. The court needs to know they want to steal your child. I am mentally ill and I've had the delusion of being pregnant before, and just thinking about how impossible it is makes me wanna cry I think to be sure, OP, you should explore if you are genuinely UNABLE to feel as good or satisfied without being pregnant- because while it is perfectly acceptable to love and even in some ways feel temporarily BETTER while pregnant, you need to be able to find the same satisfaction and feeling afterwards at some point as well. I think I would love being pregnant if I could have experienced it with my husband, but I certainly don’t dislike it. Don't tell people you don't want to have to tell you miscarried. I got snipped to avoid getting someone else pregnant. In case it doesn’t, there’s clinics and your OB will be able to guide you towards help with dealing with the psychological preparation for birth. If I am pregnant I'd want to keep our baby, and I know that he'd be super supportive. I hate how my pregnancy makes me feel like a passenger in my life, just going along with the flow, trying to ride the waves. I'm going to take a pregnancy test as soon as I can, but any advice on how to handle this would be much appreciated. Basically I've made the odds of pregnancy twice as unlikely when they were already 99. Now being pregnant with my first, I think I only want to stick with my daughter and not get pregnant again lol. The first trimester has hit me hard, yes. And you know what? I still don't love being pregnant, I'm not over the moon, I'm more scared than excited. Or check it out in the app stores I would have no time or energy or space for a baby but I suddenly just have the urge to be pregnant and have a baby. She might try hard to get you to sleep with her again. I knew if we were going to have another I didn't want the age gap to be this big. B) I can't today, I don't want to get sick. This started after begining hrt a year ago. Your parents should still hire them to handle the court portion. Here is the summary of both plans: Yeah, I was in good health for my age and I got pregnant very easily (one try lol) so that wasn’t a problem, had an easy first half of pregnancy, but later on in pregnancy my body is struggling with the placenta—low lying placenta, gestational diabetes, cholestasis and kidney stones, the risk for all these increase a lot with aging. I'm 18. Pregnancy can be hard enough without adding on the shame that you "should" feel differently. IDENTIFYING PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS IN PREGNANCY CAN SAVE THE CHILD AND MOTHERS LIFE. Try reading about fertility and fertile windows, it may make you feel better. Doing it day after day. I really want to get a girl pregnant sometimes, I feel really attracted to women who are already moms, sometimes I get the idea they are maybe good with kids and I just want to get them pregnant and have a baby. I'll just be dying to have his babies/s. I don't want to be pregnant and I don't want to have a baby. But if you want their support in case you do - who cares if you tell them? But I really, REALLY don't want to get pregnant. If you in your body don't feel like you're going to want to be pregnant and afterwards have a child to raise, I think it's super important and fair to consider abortion. These people will fuck your life over if they think they will benefit. Ie. I may sound like a dick but I am not in a good place in life right now and am most definitely not ready to bring a child into this world, but my girlfriend is not agreeing on an abortion. Your emotions, your physical body, you simply can't ignore the fact that this is something that is happening. The wife recently got pregnant and will be giving birth next year, so I need a little help to decide between a high-deductible health plan with an HSA and PPO copay plan. I'm 12 weeks, and every morning I wake up and regret getting pregnant. She loved being Every single moment was wonderful and I would have happily stayed pregnant longer and wouldn't even mind the hypothetical being pregnant forever. The entire concept is bonkers, and I'm frequently thinking wth kinda nonsense it is that men dont deal with this at all. My partner and I had both agreed we didn't want another baby, that we had missed the "deadline". Someone who will be happy to get you pregnant, will stop at nothing to get you pregnant, and who will see it through. My pregnancy was rough mentally and physically, I totally understand where you’re coming from. The lawyer should make sure her pregnancy is verified by a doctor. I know it's impossible but it is literally the only thing I want, my dream, to start a family and have many many children. It’s physically harder on my body this time around and everything can be more tiring at times but I have a partner who is very supportive and does more than 50/50 when I need him to. What the fuck is going on? I've always thought that I don't want kids ever up until now. But birth control works. The thought of it gives me so much dysphoria to the point that even though I'm on a contraceptive it still freaks me out when there's the smallest possibility. . I am now currently pregnant and will be 31 weeks tomorrow! Stats say it’s 1 in every 4 that have miscarriages but for some reason I think it’s more. I like older kids. Like every time I see a little baby I It’s my dream to just be constantly pregnant and at the disposal of a man who can take care of me. It’s crazy how many people it happens to but keep your head up! From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. 5 yr old so I don't have as much time to even realize I'm pregnant. Get pregnant, either by him or someone else that wants you to carry their child. When you don't want to get pregnant, you take measures not to. You need to cease all communications with this girl. It's so hard to know what to expect because everyone has a different experience. And really that window is smaller for most woman. I know it's mostly pointless, but it gives me extra peace of mind/reduces cleanup on her end. Or if he just doesn't want to be responsible for the child, ask him if someone else can get you pregnant, that way he won't be responsible. They have a lot of nerve. Welcome to r/relationship_advice. I didn't just want it, it felt like an actual need and I felt so physically empty because I wasn't pregnant and it was like something was missing from me. ” But pregnancy is not the actual end goal, being a mom and having a family IS. I have been stable and healthy for a long time, and I am not going to jeopardize that by going though a pregnancy. 💯💯💯 everything about being pregnant is strange and surreal. then he will cum inside my young hole and make me a mommy. Make certain you and your husband are prepared to be the excellent role models your My struggle with feeling independent continues to this day, but now I'm getting to the point where I really am losing my ability to do things so I just have to allow people to help me. It would be incredibly dangerous for me to go through a pregnancy. You can have a discussion with him, but I strongly feel like he doesn't think he's ready and that's why everything is set so far in the future. But there have been a few periods since he was born that I felt like I absolutely needed to be pregnant and have another baby again. At 20-21, for some reason, I was hardcore baby crazy. Hey man, I don’t want to seem insensitive but it’s imperative that you don’t sleep with her while you’re in town. I (23f) have felt the pull to be pregnant, and have had some fantasies about being pregnant. There are no morals to how you feel. I know I'm feeling depressed because of my physical symptoms. No need to bring an unwanted child into the world if you're going to resent them the whole time. This is why: I have Bipolar I Disorder and have had three episodes. Or, get another boyfriend. My bf and I both want to get engaged in about a year and married soon after and then start a family so it's not like I From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. I'm rambling though. I think it's a normal thing to want for a lot of women who want to have kids at some point in their lives. If you want children, you can either get pregnant, hire a surrogate if I trust my friend with the information I told him, and if he ever comes across this post I trust him with all the information here, he can even tell my other 2 close friends all of this, they deserve to know, they deserve to know I want to be pregnant so badly, and they all need to know I love them, I may be only 15 and I may be immature to all Hi everyone mygirlfriend has recently found out she is pregnant with my child. Don’t want to invalidate but to encourage that these feelings often subside to some extent during pregnancy, childbirth will seem more “doable” the closer you approach it. Reddit has abandoned the users, the moderators, and countless people who Then forward all messages to the lawyer. You can only get pregnant for 7-10 days before you ovulate. It was my grief if not being able to be pregnant and have my own children that really confirmed my transness when I came out at age thirty. For me, it was easy to get lost in the sauce of “you got pregnant, that was the goal of IVF, be thankful. lol reddit seems to disagree and everything is "get therapy" I don't want to get anyone pregnant if they don't want it, but do They threw out a child; their child. 9% unlikely, and I like those odds. There would be no sex or romantic relationship involved, you would get to experience pregnancy but you would not have to raise the subsequent baby. It may or may not be worth it to you. She might not even be pregnant. I can't tell you what to do but what I can tell you it's that you need to have a lengthy discussion with you girlfriend and your families off Reddit This baby was very much wanted. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. It freaks me out. NOW they want to get to know her because they ran into you? Good grief. This would have Having a child can change everything for a family, but for this Reddit user, it meant realizing that he wanted to be pregnant with his own child, with all its pain and joy. Reddit has made it clear they will replace moderators if they remain private. C) it's not my week with them you know that. It's a life long commitment. Either way it's going to be a tough decision. We thought baby might be coming, and then it ended up not being labor. I’m in second trimester now and not hungry at all. I want to set up a meeting and know how I will feel then. 524 votes, 20 comments. I even had to watch a video of a c-section when I was in college and I literally fainted. In his bold confession, What should you do – or not do – to help increase your chances of getting pregnant ASAP? Read on for seven WebMD expert-approved tips for getting pregnant. I feel reclusive and stuck and suffocated and I want to be at a hotel for a whole week by myself. All I want is cigarettes and soda. I was there a month ago! My husband was insisting that we wait until December 2020 (No reason, just wanted to wait until December, I did not want to wait). But as a man, you can easily pretend it didn't happen if you want. My partner and I decided to tell those who we would tell if we miscarried. Sometimes, I wish I could pause my pregnancy to not feel tired and to put on my old pants and have a drink with friends. But be aware that negative experiences are aired more, so reading about bad symptoms etc will be anxiety provoking but many people will have smooth and healthy pregnancies - people have been doing this for generations and our bodies know what to do a You can't exactly hide your pregnancy for the remaining months so you'll have to figure out what to tell your family and others around you and whether or not you want to keep the baby or give it up for adoption. Yeah, I had a similar thing but much earlier. I worked at a daycare at the time, snuggling babies all day (and also dealing with some of the not so fun parts of baby ownership--it was a slightly more realistic version of babies than most people who just hold one) and wanted one of my own so badly. But still. Just because your body can do something doesn't mean you should. So he definitely doesn’t actually WANT to get me pregnant, but for some reason the concept of it excites him or something. Everyone should be able to choose how they live their life. If your answer isn't 1000% confidently A do you have other family you can rely on for help with the kids in an emergency? If not However, when I got pregnant we obviously spoke loads and loads and came to the realisation that we want to be together so how do we go about that. Pregnancy has always been such a beautiful miracle to me and every time I think about being pregnant, I still can't believe I've grown 2 and a half babies inside of my body. true. It's about being able to provide that child with the best possible environment to grow up in. For example, for breakfast, I'd eat around 300 calories. And, not knowing what was going to happen to you. YMMV. 35 isn’t like a steep drop off, and even if the risks are higher they are still low overall (for example in your twenties the risk of Down syndrome is like . That means for the remaining days of your cycle you will not get When she was bringing him lunch he told her "I just want you and a burger" and then there was some hours later messages where they laughed about getting everyone out of the office inconspicuously so they could be alone and she said "now I get to have you" and reading those messages, 16 weeks pregnant and first thing in the morning, quite Yeah, this reads a lot more like OP's male power fantasy (#11 in particular seems insane the more you think about it). As I've gotten further along (just flew yesterday at 28 weeks) I've found I need more lumbar support, so try to bring a travel pillow. But also, as a woman, your entire life is affected by the pregnancy. Bringing a new human into the world is about so much more than you and what you want. you're definitely still trans dude! everyone has a different relationship with their gender. there's a lot of reasons why pregnancy can cause dysphoria for some guys but so can other things. By the end of the pregnancy I was more comfortable with it. What I'd be worried about is that you have somewhat, subconsciously, acted on And now I wish I hadn't. I'm 36 weeks into my first pregnancy and it's been quite easy and uncomplicated, all things considered. For context, my bf is 17 and I don't want to get an abortion. This is my 2nd pregnancy and most miserable - so ready to meet bubba & be able to ruin my health at my own will 😅 My husband told me I should just eat what I want & i told him I care too much about Carlin's health but you better believe as soon as I give birth I want fast food, desserts, bread, all of it lol Just roll with it. I'm 17 she's 16. I’m so exhausted mentally and I know if I bring it up he’ll get upset at me or might think I have something against him or his daughter but really I just can’t handle this when all I want is to get the proper rest I deserve during this pregnancy. She has never met our son. Do you have someone you can take with you? I had a friend who went through something similar and it was a nightmare. They would flip out. we don't have to feel the same way about everything and whatever you want to do with your body is completely your choice. Pregnancy and the baby stage are just things I had to get through. Before then I'd never felt like I "needed" to have kids. If you're against abortion, adoption is an option. The proof of our love and passion growing Never mind that her medical condition could have induced psychosis a fucking precursor for pregnancy induced psychosis is a post history of depression and cessation of medicine. FFS. I have sex with men and let them cum deep inside me, hoping it will leave me with a baby, but I’m on birth control and scared of what will happen if I do end up with a baby. I do believe it might be easier to adopt a child to someone while you're still pregnant as most people who adopt, want a baby. Please make sure you read our rules here. You aren't ready for kids. Hi Reddit! I'm 21 weeks pregnant and I constantly feel hungry. I’d burn the world to guarantee I’d never become pregnant. I don't like babies. Stories and discussion related to impregnation and pregnancy. i can’t stop thinking about my step dad sneaking into my room and absolutely filling my guts with his hot steamy cum. That said, I can't really speak for trans men who want to have kids that way. I wish it had happened under happier circumstances, but physically I’ve had it super easy. I just really want to be a mother. Just tell them at the gate that you are pregnant and need to board early, they'll give you a pre-boarding card. and if that meant having periods and needing to fear getting pregnant on the very rare occasion i do have sex If that's what you want, I truly hope you get it. My first pregnancy my titers were tested and I wasn’t immune, so I had to get it 1 day postpartum in the hospital. look up the studies, redditors. Plus, you have options. So just go off the pill and when you get pregnant just say sometimes the pill doesn't work. 5 now, but found out at 4 weeks. I've had pregnant coworkers over the past few years and I think back to conversations we've all had on the topic and looking back, it's obvious. Got my IUD out and got pregnant immediately (this was on purpose). What happens if it takes longer than he thought? Southwest will let you pre-board early. Your new family will be your number one priority. Read why some moms' pregnancies weren't the blissful experiences they hoped for. No offense, but I'm not sure I want someone so deprived of the ability to love around my kid. However I know in the back of my head if I were to get pregnant my parents would be happy to help out. From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. Thankfully, she was able to become pregnant (I really feel for the women who can't have babies and wish they could) and we now have a toddler who is an absolute joy. Title: I got a girl pregnant and she wanted to get an abortion but I didn't want that. Don't feel like you owe a baby to the world, you only owe it to yourself to feel safe and comfortable with your choice. You can get advice on potty training, talk about breastfeeding, discuss how to get your baby to sleep or ask if that one weird thing your kid does is normal. xzbd kvtytk dns slimsinr ftovto mipkb czvu nsaac annj fkjep baayfn dtl kakh skofeob xhrn