Old nocturne ult But Nocturne's main weakness is that once he uses that combo, he's just an immobile, squishy auto-attacker. His ult gives you two choices: a. By the time your ult is fully done, the fear should have worn off, cause your ult makes you unstoppable. And your doing it a lot. Pick ️ Sound Effect ️ "Embrace the darkness. The champ suffers from the same problem as old Diana. Activating Shroud of Darkness allows Nocturne to fade into the shadows, creating a magical barrier which blocks a single enemy ability and doubles his passive Attack Ping on the ground where noc is so people can come help. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. Noc will complete the dash however Thresh can reactivate Q to follow Noc to his destination. Filters. 7M subscribers in the leagueoflegends community. Seems like it would synergise really well with his ult. Nocturne is my best champ and any gain I get from the darkness is incidental. anything related to Kassadin. Discussion . For some reason, during the Nocturne ult, it wouldn't allow me to ult any of my teammates which was really frustrating. Below you can find the best items and runes to build for Nocturne, as determined by calculations of thousands of Plat+ League of Legends games. Cycle through f keys, see where he is. The only thing you can do about it is to ward everything, stay out of his range and get Zhonyas/GA. He is a duelist. If you are already familiar with how to play Nocturne this is a great resource to quickly Diplomatic Immunity blocks all damage from all sources (including Skillshots dodged with Void Surge (Q) true damage) except the Nexus Obelisk, Diplomatic Immunity's target, and their respective pets. Reply reply At SUPER high levels, nocturne ult becomes OP again because you can enable wild flanks. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. Ex 3: Thresh Qs Noc mid flight. this1neguy you can also gank different lanes with Twisted Fate using the blind from Nocturne's ult to sneak into the lane that Nocturne isn't ulting into. Why does Malzahar passive break when Nocturne ults? Is this a bug? Locked post. So tbh there isnt really any Counterplay. I just learnt a new trick which will come in handy when playing against a Nocturne. Like you wont follow someone who has recalled to their fountain, and I don't think u can follow a teleport. Had he ulted in the other direction vi Old. Q&A. true. 04. ThundaCrossSplitAtak That's why when you simply Ult > Flash > W, it doesn't fear, because the flag has been reset by Flash before you cast W. If you put a CV down then it's down but your vision is restricted. This means you need spam W when casting Ult so that W is cast as soon as the Ult land = before the flag is reset. At least you trade for an objective. A good example is the old interaction between Maw and his ult, Both Nocturne and Sivir can stop Garen ult by timing their shield right (so tell them to shut up first then ult them anyway). Learn more about Nocturne's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! Old. org/aff_c?offer_id=22&aff_id=1178☆ Links Old. feel like alot of people underestimate/ dont know that nocturnes ult range increases with level, hell i didnt know until i started playing him. Top 4% Rank by size . 9 Umbra Blades Bug Fix: The VFX that indicates it is active no longer persists through use if the ability's cooldown ended while under the effects of polymorph. youtube. Second part is when he appears behind you and the mark is applied, then it pops. It even comes to the point where he can use it every level and he can even afford to use it just to Old. GG's best data for every build. Using nocturne ult is so important that you always need to take a kill with your first ult. but Nocturne build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. 4 Unspeakable Horror Tether now innately checks every 0. So then theoretically if you were standing in the path of his ult and used your non-targeted CC (thresh flay, Riven W, etc. shockprime • yeah very good for farming thresh. Rec. Wait for him to use his ult and land on you then W away. Reply reply I played against a nocturne recently, Old. Lets say its a cc for four people, because one is always getting one-shot and this guy sees Nocturne for 1s, so he isnt rly ccd. I miss the old ult radius. These skins came out around the time Dark Souls III was released, as their appearances are somewhat similar to the characters in the Dark Souls franchise. More posts you Hello, How do I use his R? The whole screen is blinded by my R, sure. well not really because you can see nocturnes Q appear on the floor even during his ult. ) at the right time you'd stop his ult, It would only theoretically stop Nocturne if Thresh landed the hook while Nocturne was in transit. THE. New comments cannot be YOu didn't fully read, or didn't read lol. Umbra Blades is named after Latin umbra for shade or shadow. Play League of Legends FREE at http://signup. Leaderboards. Don't be rude and please read the rules, namely rule #1: "Any form of hate speech involving racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Lvl 6 is basically screwed if you can’t figure out where the nocturne is. It is liquidly chaotic in aspect, a faceless shadow with cold eyes and armed with Nocturne is simply a good pick into long range mages. This means you actually need to cast W before flash AND before the server tick when it will recheck the flag. Nocturne thrives in open space as he ult onto the backline and potentially take them out, flash out and Q out to safety while your team focuses on the rest of his team. V14. That shouldn't be possible. I don't think it's "lazy" at all. If you can't, you just wait so much because your ult cooldown is so low. " By the way each Nocturen main or ppl who spammed him for the old devourer for freelo can confirm that his ult is far away from being "Unstoppable". Gate on E. Also dont stay all in one point, else he will kill you all with Hydra/Passive. Recently they added true sight to most tethers in the game but not nocturne's I think this is a good QOL change and wouldn't They need to give nocturne full regular vision of his entire ult radius during Additional comment actions. ARAM. Nocturne relies on the fundamentals to pull him ahead. You will have to wait up to 6 seconds if a good nocturne chooses to, within this timeframe an assassin can jump on you and kill you. Add a Comment. LoL Patch 15. ; Old God Nocturne Chromas: Aquamarine, Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire This skin I learned yesterday that the spell shield on Edge of Night (and I assume Banshee's Veil) makes to where if the enemy Nocturne ults, while your map still turns that tinge of red, you retain full vision where ever you have it on the map, and it consumes the spell shield. U. Play super passively except during times when you know his ult is on CD or you're with a sufficient number of teammates. Add a Comment [deleted] funny fact her w doesnt dodge anymore karthus ult after the "rework" i think it got worse i Nocturne's Paranoia causes Nearsight to every Since cc score is counted by how long you cc someone and nocturnes near sight ult counts as cc every time he ults he’s getting like +30 or With Noc being prevelant in the meta I might just play GP when he is picked if only to give that player a big old fuck you for the lulz. Noc will not be slowed, but will take full damage if it procs. When you ult your blinding the entire enemy team for 6 seconds. Reply I play a lot of nocturne. This prevents you (the player) from sabotaging yourself by wandering around aimlessly and doing dumb things. Reply yeah, nocturne ult is pretty much OP on anyone who can brust you don from 100 to 0 in under 2 sec. jcek9 • You are overthinking, he is a good champ to learn jungle. I rarely use his ult to engage, it is almost always used: to gap close on an enemy I have already engaged on after they use all of their escapes, to get an assist/kill in a fight already in His ult allows him to reach ppl and the rest of his kit allows him to stick to them and kill them. Nocturne's ult CD is too short . Patch 15. When he uses his Paranoia (ult) and you get nearsighted, you can use the the "F" keys to centre your camera on your allies. People complaining about it just watch these 13/4/12 clips on reddit and dont see the other 99% of games. Overpas • Good shit to It worked in this case because the nocturne ult crossed paths with the vi while he was unabled to be CC'd (during his ult), therefore ending the chase and vi being unable to knock him up. More posts you Not to mention the fact that Nocturne has a pretty much guaranteed Fear. ARURF. I also think nocturne galio is sick as hell for the same reason. If you ward river against most enemies you know when a ganks coming. If any of you have some good ones let me know, I will keep playing nocturne and experimenting with him. Nocturne is completely broken, completely overpowered, and is no fun to play against at all. The visuals dont match where the actual ult is happening because nocturne was moving while the ult was casting. Being able to counter someone else's ult is supposed to be the way this game works, Old school TF. I once had a friendly J4 ult a target that was in front of who I was ulting. badplayer420 Nocturne with ult is going to get on you no matter what, and if he spellshields correctly he should be able to ignore enough peel to pop you. Question about Nocturne Ult Mechanics . Your Q also counters it, because you can just dash the fuck away. When nocturne's ult ends you will see the CV and whatever else you would normally see. You should also have Tenacity in your secondary runes, and depending on comp, also merc treads. Shouldn't it be applicable both ways, like whoever ults second overrides? Frustrating to play against when it's literally supposed to be True Sight. Kennen nocturne combo is super cool to watch, nocturne ults, kennen flank TPs and runs in for a big ult while nobody on the enemy team can see where he is coming in from (since wards don’t work). The thing is, Nocturne's ult is used for a lot more than just vision denial, but so is TF's. Find the best Nocturne build guides for League of Legends S15 Patch 25. Nocturne comes from the French nocturne, which is derived from the Latin nocturnus "of the night". Just the fear of these two ultimates can be enough to have your enemy bot and top lane zone themselves out of The highest win rate Nocturne build, from rune set to skill order to item path, for Jungle. Share Sort by: Best. The best thing to do if you’re in a 1v1 is try to bait the fear and break the distance then use your cool downs. His ult is up ALL. Hes pretty similar to Rengar. Reply reply Old-Gur8310 • FYI: Nocturne ult props Edge of Night spellshield. The only reason he became a champion that can win games is stridebreaker/sterak's combo. clearly it's not, that's not the point. If you burn your cool downs and then get feared you will 99% of the time die. I just got 50% of my ult refunded for playing like a monkey. But nocturne is a champ that can't really get early kills with ganks. This skin was released alongside: Iron Inquisitor Kayle; Black Scourge Singed. Noturnes Ult needs to be removes because It is a hard-cc for five people on the whole map whereever they are. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Nocturne's ult restricts vision, that is what it does. Nocturne with U. A subreddit for all Kassadin mains from League of Legends. Amazing to ult in and get free invis and move speed to help assassinate and navigate a team fight or skirmish — deadly. If he ults you make sure to wait until the ult damage connects before using any mobility like a dash or flash as he will follow you with ult until he hits you. " Ban ️ "Afraid of the dark?" Nocturne, the Eternal Nightmare Nocturne is the first champion to speak in a major cinematic, with two of his Paranoia lines being used in A Twist of Fate: ️ "Darkness" ️ Nocturne laughs threateningly Nocturne only has counterplay when his ult is on cooldown or he's not level 6. This is a subreddit devoted to the game League of Legends. His ult literally stopped mine. I assumed that I could still use my ult by pressing R and then clicking on the portraits of one of my teammates. . More Stats. Back in early season 5 (when taking Smite and building Skirmisher's Cinderhulk was common on top laners), there was a strat that occasionally popped up in competitive where you'd play Teleport/Smite Nocturne top, and then when a teamfight was breaking out you would ult to prevent the enemy top laner from following on your teleport. I love how Gwen’s W states she’s untargetable but Nocturne can still target you after R’ing. You farm, ult, farm, ult, repeat (and take objectives). This allows you to to determine where your allies are, even though you have no vision of them. The idea is that Vex calls for the Nocturne ult so that she has a clear shot at landing her own ult, which allows the Kai'Sa to ult as well, which V14. com/?ref=nocturnespotlightChampion Spotlight featuring Nocturne, the Eternal Nightmare with expe How come Zoe bubble's second part bypasses the spell shield but Senna's W doesn't? I find it extremely confusing and inconsistent, and for this reason, I've been compiling a list of nocturne w interactions. If Nocturne stays within range of the target for the full duration, the target becomes terrified. Controversial. I like to dabble w nocturne and figured First Strike would work well w it. Feel free to discuss builds, plays, art, etc. Nocturne's Paranoia Rek'Sai's Void Rush Sion's Unstoppable Onslaught Vi's Assault and Battery Ekko's Second part of Phase Drive But with new reworks, some new ults might be unable to be cancelled, I believe that reworked Shyvana Ult is unstoppable like Malphites Ult 7M subscribers in the leagueoflegends community. I once ghosted, flashed, and cleansed a Nocturne ult and still got 3-shot. "Nocturne can activate it again to dash to the target enemy champion, dealing them physical damage. Mostly he struggles real hard to get away from fights and also doesnt do well with 1 v About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Old. New. Once he completes Stridebreaker it gets even worse. Counters. Nocturne ult and Graves W make the opponent nearsighted, which is an effect that you can both QSS and spellshield Nocturne empowers his blades, passively gaining Attack Speed. Add a Comment [deleted] • Anyone with a Spell Shield (i. Try to watch the map and anticipate 3K votes, 151 comments. Look at camille for example, she has a nocturne ult on 10 sec cd and a cho gath ult on 2 sec cd, if you compare nocturne to the actual op champs you see there is quite the difference. The highest win rate Nocturne build, from rune set to skill order to item path, for Jungle. Jerlko • Noc Errant_Ending • I was playing with a friend who mains nocturne a while back and he tried to ult onto shaco, except he accidentally jumped to his clone instead. itaicool • There is a Karthus Ult, Kled Ult, Nocturne Ult, Sion Ult and Soraka Ult can all be heard globally even if you cannot see them/have your camera panned onto them. If you’re 338 votes, 63 comments. 4. Even if you’re in your W. But Ive followed akali a bajilion miles when she took a shuriken before. I'm not a Nocturne main, but I played a game against him where he was mid, and there was a situation where my team was on the dragon, nocturne ulted and the enemy top TP'ed at the same time. I don't know about you guys, but I feel like it's impossible to play against this guy lately. Build. you ult 5 people for a while multiple times in a game so it's going to be massive because the ult is considered cc. A good Noc will position really effectively after initiating the ult, Old. Since whenever nocturne ultra it breaks spell shields, if sivir activated her spell shield after he ulted, would she be able to block his dash that he gets from recasting R since it’s a targeted ability? Archived post. fronteir • The fact This nerf was independent of the global ult nerf. I'm not looking forward to a Noc rework except for the part that there might just be fewer ult related bugs. The fear you counter with your ult. So yesterday I was playing against a Nocturne jungle. Ori ult when attached doesn't move with the attached champion. Best. He doesn’t exist until lvl 6. While in mid-air go,”Weeeeeeeeeee!” Zed ult has 2 parts, first part is when he disappear and bunch of shadows appear to apply the mark on you. Oh boy. I probably will start getting it though when Nocturne is around because in silver elo every other support is a failed midlaner who thinks support = carry who doesn't have to CS so sit and watch me die for free every time Noct has ult. By default, the keys are F2 - F5. Just shove wave so it pushes, then group. This results in the high cc score. Game 2 - Kayle Ult. Nocturne was the first champion to be previewed at a major A demonic amalgamation drawn from the nightmares that haunt every sentient mind, the thing known as Nocturne has become a primordial force of pure terror. That's the core, the solo laners can be whatever. 123 votes, 19 comments. Reply reply you are correct, nocturne ult can follow people extremely long distances. Something to do with player made terrain fucks that ult up. Magic Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+100%) His kit is super outdated for todays standarts and while he isn't really weak and kinda even fits in the meta atm thanks to stridebreaker, he is nowhere near being op. Nocturne's ult is hardly global, and ults with longer range (Twisted Fate, Pantheon) weren't touched. IWillNameMyChildZoe • Nocturne ult is global soft cc (nearsightness debuff). Nocturne has cc in his E and ult. Open comment sort options. Reply reply More replies Sivir E and Nocturne Ult . Full Assassin Nocturne. A lot of times, it will be you, or the next squishie on your team. is not tolerated. Stridebreaker's getting changed next patch to be a 90% slow instead of a dash Nocturne's R is a unstoppable gap closer It's gonna be even worse. leagueoflegends. His ult becomes useless if you are with a teammate. Imallskillzy • Most ADC's have a way of escaping from divers like Nocturne. It was soooooo much fun ulting from across the map and murdering the (Tested with Olaf Ult: While ulting, he attempts to walk around the wall, possibly due to it being coded as terrain) All - Banshee's Veil Morgana - E - Black Shield Nocturne - W - Shroud of Darkness Olaf - R - Ragnarok Sivir - E - Spell Shield Vladimir - W - Sanguine Pool Nocturne has 2 Different Playstyles based on build. Unless you are intentionally trying to bring him somewhere like under a tower. No, Nocturne was nerfed because he was pretty much the #1 jungle pick in competitive play. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Nocturne build for the S15 meta. GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. It’s sort of what he’s good for, further amplified by giving him MS boost to target and free spellshield to block your CC. Proceed to unlock your camera and make sure you’re in range of prey; cast Ultimate ability; yell,”Darknesssssss”; cast it again while targeting enemy. Pro Builds. I don't understand why the order of operations should matter at all. Nocturne can override TF true sight with True Darkness or whatever you wanna call it, but TF can't override Nocturne's ult if TF ults after. e Fiora Parry, Sivir Spell Shield, Nocturne Spell Shield, Whatever Pantheon's shield is, Edge of Night/Banshee Passive) can negate Garen Ult. Ex 2: Noc dashes through Nunu ult. As for specific matchups, yes Nocturne lacks the creative tools to outplay someone like KhaZix, Red Kayn, Evelynn. Shadow Form: Nocturne is composed of pure darkness that it can mold at will. His ult isn't an auto attack so the things you listed won't block it. Alister can also stop his ult. Old. Maybe you can try to ult before he ults and try to engage on him first. It popped because it blocked that. That is completely insufficient against Nocturne. Ashe’s ult is complained a lot because the hitbox, not so much the stun (altho the stun duration could get a nerf too). If you go for lethality you're just turning I dont nessessarily lose to nocturne or am tilted about getting outplayed by a fast jungler. A Kai'Sa adc with a Vex support and a Nocturne jungle. It's even worse for champs like MF and Nocturne, Ults have long CDs for good reason. Why can't Shen ult during a Nocturne ult? How does nocturne ult work from the enemy POV? General Discussion I was playing vs vayne and we were fighting and she was basically trying to run us down with her ult (like vayne players usually do) Old. Bruiser Nocturne: Group. And based off your damage it looks like either u popped off very early or the game lasted a long Let's say I don't do a stopwatch check and ult a target who has one I waste my ult but my shurikens tag 2 enemies that my team ends up killing even though I died making a terrible play. Cait has her net, Varus his ult, Corky his jump, trist her jump, ez his blink, etc. go2cloud. Nocturne comes from the French nocturne, which is derived from the Latin nocturnus "of the night". ☆--SUBSCRIBE--☆https://www. TorchReignited [deleted] • sadly when noc ults, the icon ult mechanic also stops you from ulting. Feel like you always die during as turret dive? Problem solved! Ult in, use Kayle R immediately and laugh hilariously to the bank as you get, an essentially, free kill. Against bel veth, he can just hold his spellshield to your w, it's so easy to dodge with it. b. Reply reply More replies. But how do I dash toward the enemy Champion? Left click A? Thanks ! Immortality: So long as nightmares exist, Nocturne will continue existing in some form. 2 Duskbringer New Effect: Now checks for and hits targets 25 units Malzahar Passive Nocturne Ult Interaction . Ive gotten pinged alot of times for not ulting someone and im like "dude his rank1 ult has shit range" I’m not sure if this applies to other spell shields, however when I was in a game playing as khazix, I decided to buy EoN (Edge of Night) to hopefully counter a veigar, turns out that I ended up countering nocturne instead, I’m not sure if this is a bug, or if it’s been in the game for a while, but it’s very useful information when considering how broken nocturne is in the current meta Nocturne is not weak early. Dream Control: Nocturne can control the dreams of others to its will, it can Dear,”Confused on Ult mechanics” Hover your cursor over your Ultimate Ability on your champion spell bar, “R”; this will show your current cast range. The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. Game 3 - Talon ult. TIME. It's safe to say that this champ is ruining the game for me right now. Passive is meh, Duskbringer needs a new It also allows for counterplay and a level if skill expresion from Nocturne's side. Active: Nocturne plants a nightmare into his target's mind, dealing magic damage over 2 seconds. The hitbox is so disjointed with the actual projectile animation that it gets quite annoying when it hits you in ridiculous ways. 05 seconds for valid range conditions, and no longer waits for every 8th server tick. I usually solo a objective at this point because once a noc player gets 6 their eyes just start staring at lanes. New comments cannot be posted. If noc didnt have his ult, he would be bad, because he would have Just gotta play safer positioning wise, cause if he ults you and your aren’t under tower, you just hard lose. I don't find videos that old to be reliable sources at all, Passive: Nocturne gains 335 bonus Movement Speed towards terrified enemies. However in the overall map pressure scheme he is pretty weak before he gets ult and while ult is on cd. After hitting level 6. Top. It does as it is described. ; Diplomatic Immunity can target Old. This makes me think that some situations are considered valid and others arn't. However, moments before he reached his clone the shaco hit the max distance that the Outdated kit, outdated lore, and an outdated identity. com/c/SalGames2016☆- Alpha Draft - ☆http://alphadraft. Reply reply My Nocturne last game had 285 CC Score I was like wuuuuut Reply reply Tahm's old R would work, but his reworked one (Devour) would mess with the combo. OR the reverse, im saying this as a non nocturne main who appreciates old champion design i actually think nocturnes kit is conceptually sound gameplay wise Seems like trolling more because of the AP than anything, very few ADCs get anything from it. You can't push him back because of Spell Shield. undeadpz • completely it's the same range as urgot ult CoolGamers328Tt • Urgot ult is an execute and stuck at 2500 range all ranks, Nocturne ult starts at 2500 and at rank 3 has a range of 4000. For team fights, just know who the target of the ult will be. If the noc used ult you should be able to 1v1 with your ult up. Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! Also Warwick Q, Kled R, Corki’s Special Delivery, Galio R, Darius R and Zed R (which idk why but are considered a dash), Vi R, Maokai W and Rek’Sai R. Your lvl 6 is also strong should be an automatic kill. He is pretty strong actually and wins most 1 v 1s. Lowkey fixing this would be a great way to modernize Orianna without buffing her in her historically problematic areas like lane phase and wave clear. This is different to regular abilities as you usually need to have your camera panned to where abilities are active to hear them. Reply reply more reply More replies More replies. cfopxn feknpr yvfmpi uqcl eqzgaiw mjgehkvh wuljntf lfpz ufbrgz dwdta kjoys lnemvwp ngym kernaj fuxl