Fairfax general district court calendar. (Note: criminal sexual offense convictions .

Fairfax general district court calendar Please email the General District Court IT Department at GDC-Helpdesk@fairfaxcounty. Shawn Lherisse Court Services Director. Example Bed to Bed Order; Bond Reduction Motion Form; Civil Motion Form Fairfax County, Virginia - Diversion First Information Page Skip to main content Contacts; Court Calendar; Case Information; Prepayable Offenses; Remote Hearings; Request Accommodations; Courtroom Technology; Interpreter Request; EZSubmit; Electronic Attorney Vouchers; General District Court Alert: 703-246-7530. 1-3900 of the Code of Virginia. In addition, unlawful detainer (eviction) suits that include a request for rent for commercial or agricultural property can be heard by the general district court even if the amount of rent requested is more than $25,000. , Monday - Friday Judges from the Fairfax County General District Court visit the City of Fairfax Courthouse to hear cases. Foreign counsel must apply for permission and pay a $250 fee per case to appear pro hac vice in Virginia courts. Fairfax County Mental Health Docket sessions are conducted on every other Friday at 2:00PM in the Fairfax County Courthouse, Courtroom 1E. 3 in lieu of having a notary or clerk sign the document. You must file the request to enter the Fines Options Program with the Clerk's Office. The Clerk’s office will request the case file from Archives and have it delivered to the courthouse. 1-207 of the Code of Virginia, the Fairfax Circuit Court will be closed on the holidays listed below. sun sat sun sat sun sat 4 1 1 5 11 2 8 2 8 12 18 9 15 9 15 19 25 16 22 16 22 26 23 23 29 30 sun sat sun sat sun sat 5 3 1 7 6 12 4 10 8 14 13 19 11 17 15 21 Either party in a case may appeal a decision made in the Fairfax General District Court to the Fairfax Circuit Court. 2-259. Search General District Court Appeals must be filed in writing within ten calendar days from the date of conviction. If a case scheduled on the long trial calendar settles early, the plaintiff must notify the clerk’s office so that the trial date can be released for future use. The court house is located next to the Herndon Municipal Center. The petitioner or respondent must be a resident of Fairfax County OR the act of violence must have occurred in Fairfax County. Online payments are made using this system. Each division in the Fairfax County General District Court accepts certain types of documents for email filing at our public email address, GDCMail@fairfaxcounty. Mediation is available at no charge when used in our Court Forms. Fairfax County, Virginia - Requesting copies of Traffic cases in the General District Court. City of Fairfax Courthouse: 10455 Armstrong Street, Room 1, Fairfax, VA, 22030; City of Fairfax Phone: 703-385-7866; Clerk's Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. The use of this system, as with all Internet usage, may pose a risk of damage to user computer systems because of the We are working hard to update the City of Fairfax General District Court webpages so those who need our help have the most recent, accurate, and thorough information and resources. Search General District Court. When requesting attorney's fees FAIRFAX COUNTY Last Updated 12/17/24 12 MARCH 2025 THU FRI FRI GENERAL DISTRICT COURT MON TUE WED 6 COMPLIANCE & COMPETENCY DOCKET @10:00am 10 2025 Criminal - FINAL THU 14 WED 14 13 7 3 6 7 1 10 17 10 3 *November 26, 2025 = Court closes at noon 17 24 2 14 18 17 20 27 30 7 TUE 4 26 MON THU 25 5 AUGUST The General District Court has adjusted some procedures and eliminated others that were instituted during the Coronavirus pandemic. Calendar; Channel 16; The Fairfax County General District Court mental health docket is active and aims to divert eligible defendants with diagnosed mental health disorders into judicially supervised, community-based treatment, designed and implemented by a team of court staff, including Probation Officers, and mental health professionals. Cases may be searched using name, case number, or Pay Criminal Cases and Traffic Tickets in a Circuit Court; Pay Criminal and Other Cases in a Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court; Pay Traffic Tickets and Other Cases in a The Fairfax County General District Court has three divisions: Civil/Small Claims, Criminal, and Traffic. The General District Court grants judgment on the affidavit contingent on review of the file in chambers. Court Calendar; Court Schedule; Court Procedures; Career & Volunteer Opportunities ; General District Court Alert: CONTACT INFORMATION: Open during There are some Fairfax County-specific things to note about making online payments: Make sure to select Fairfax County General District Court when selecting your court to perform a search. Department Resources. Home; General District Court General District Court Alert: CONTACT INFORMATION: Open during regular business hours 8 A. This page describes the procedures to be followed. A suit is begun by filing a civil warrant or complaint with the clerk of the court and paying a filing fee. Contacts; Court Calendar; Case Information; Prepayable Offenses; Remote Hearings; Request Accommodations Search General District Court Appeals must be filed in writing within ten calendar days from the date of conviction. Online access to a statewide search of adult criminal case information in the juvenile & domestic relations district courts, criminal and traffic case information in general district courts and select General District Court Case Information Online access by locality to civil, criminal, and traffic cases in the general district courts. The procedure for Assignments of Judgment in the Fairfax General District Court is as follows: The request for entry of the assignment in the court's records should be made by Praecipe referencing the case number and the names of the Plaintiff and Defendant as set forth in the original judgment. Civil case appeals from the judgments of the Court must be noted in writing within ten calendar days and must be perfected within thirty calendar days from the date of the judgment by posting the bond (includes bond amount plus court costs plus attorney fees), paying the writ tax and circuit court notice fee, and signing the Civil Appeal Bond (form DC-460). There are multiple ways to check the service return on a Fairfax County Sheriff Service : Fairfax County, Virginia - Explanation of the procedure and laws governing requests for attorney's fees. 32:1 of the Code of Virginia ). If you need to speak with a court clerk at any time other than when court is in session at Herndon, you may Search General District Court On documents that require a notary or clerk's signature such as the UD summons and servicemembers affidavit, parties may use the language from VA code 8. . The use of this system, as with all Internet usage, may pose a risk of damage to user computer systems because of the In appropriate cases involving Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving, or failure to pay fines/costs for any General District Court charge, the defendant may petition the Court for a restricted driver's license pursuant to the Code of Virginia, §18. As a result, once a case has been set for trial, a continuance of that trial date will be granted only for good cause. The respondent is at least 18 years of age. Depending on the type of hearing, you may appear by telephone or Webex. If you need to bring your own equipment to the courthouse, please call (703) 246-3279 to clear it with security. Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. Fairfax County, Virginia - Pretrial Evaluation Information Page Skip to main content General District Court Alert: 703-246-7530. For offenses not listed below, a court hearing is required. 703-385-7866 Orientation prior to use of the equipment is strongly encouraged. The court rarely closes unless the weather is extremely hazardous or if emergencies arise that impact normal Court operation. Also explains the current legal rate of interest for most cases. File in person, by phone, or by email at least 2 business days prior to court for Judge to review. While a matter is pending in the General District Court or Circuit Court, upon motion of the plaintiff seeking to increase or decrease the amount of the claim, the court shall order transfer of the matter to the court that has jurisdiction over the amended amount of the claim without requiring the case first be dismissed or non-suited. Search General District Court For any offense listed below, a defendant may enter a written appearance, waiver of court hearing, plea of guilty, and prepay their fines and costs. It handles traffic infractions, criminal misdemeanors, civil cases up to $25,000, and preliminary hearings for felony cases. OES is the administrative office for Virginia's Court System. 1- 69. A felony is any charge that may be punishable by more than one year in jail. The plaintiff is able to request a non-suit or dismissal of a case coming into court as long as notice is provided to the defendant and there is no counter-claim In order to petition the general district court for a preliminary protective order, the following conditions must be met: The petitioner is at least 18 years of age. The goal is to provide a more convenient alternative to in-person filing for all users of the Court for certain types of filings. For exceptions to this 50 case maximum per court date, prior arrangements must be Attorneys practicing before the court must be members of the Virginia Bar in good standing. Fairfax County General District Court Calendar of 2019 Closings 2019 Holidays – Court Offices Monday, April 2, 2018 (0 Comments - view/add ) Civil Trial Update » Search General District Court All filings submitted on a case currently showing a bankruptcy stay must be accompanied by correspondence, with signature and printed name of filer, stating that the bankruptcy has been dismissed or relief has been granted from the bankruptcy stay. (Note: criminal sexual offense convictions Search General District Court The employees of the Civil Clerk's Office will not check service for any plaintiff or plaintiff's counsel, to include pulling files and making copies. Motions filed by 8:30AM in the Clerk's Office can be heard the same day. All contested cases shall be placed in the designated trial courtroom(s) by attorneys or pro se parties with approval of the judge, in open court, or by praecipe with agreement of all parties prior to the first return date. File in person, by phone (703-246-2815) or by email at GDCMail@fairfaxcounty. Most types of civil processes in the General District Court can be served by private process server. It is published as three separate calendars, with the dates that are relevant for Criminal, Traffic, and Civil The Fairfax County General District Court is the court that hears traffic violation cases, minor criminal cases known as misdemeanors, and civil cases such as landlord and tenant disputes, Fairfax County, Virginia - The Fairfax County General District Court's docket schedule, listing on which days and at which times all of the case types are heard. Foreign counsel and third-year law students must associate with local counsel pursuant to §54. The General District Court's Calendar can be viewed by clicking the link(s) below. The Court's current procedures can be found on the Court Procedures page. 4110 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax If you are requesting an accommodation for a visit to the courthouse that is related to a specific case or matter that is going to be heard in Fairfax County General District Court, Town of Herndon General District Court, or Town of Vienna General District Court: You can email the Court at GDCMail@fairfaxcounty. On the court date, the judge will approve or deny the request per the A reminder that the Fairfax County General District Court entered an Order for Temporary Procedure for Video or Telephone Hearings Due to COVID-19 Pandemic. For misdemeanor cases punishable by confinement in jail and in which the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office is involved, the parties should both sign the court’s Discovery and Inspection Order form and file in the Clerk’s Office. Currently, the EVPS is available for use by court appointed attorneys who may be providing legal services to defendants charged with an original Virginia State code site. If a private citizen is the complainant, their written consent to the continuance must be submitted with the request. Motions may be typed by either party, may be filed on the General Notice and Motion Form or may be filed on one of the appropriate forms provided by the Supreme Court of Virginia (located here). Exceptions, which must be served by a sheriff, include any Writ of Eviction, Levy, or Capias. The General District Court has adjusted some procedures and eliminated others that were instituted during the Coronavirus pandemic. to 4 P. The General District Court hears cases in which a person is charged with a traffic offense. Substitution of counsel may be made by letter to the court stating the substitution is made pursuant to agreement by the parties represented and original counsel (see §16. Requests for dismissal or non-suit of a pending case can be submitted by using the Request for Court Action – Civil/Small Claims Division form, plaintiff's praecipe, endorsed order, or sufficient proof of the consent of all parties. Example Bed to Bed Order; Bond Reduction Motion Form; Civil Motion Form Once you obtain a date/time for your filing, it will be held for you on the court's calendar. Court Calendar; Court Schedule; Court Procedures; Career & Volunteer Opportunities ; Interpreter Request; Request Accommodations; Civil Division §16. Civil appeals must be filed within ten (10) calendar days of judgment. Website: City of Fairfax General District Court If you were involved in an accident and wish to plead not guilty and have your case heard before a judge, please notify the court by checking the "Not Guilty" box on the back of the information sheet the officer gave you, and returning that sheet to the Traffic Division within 7 calendar days from the date the summons was issued. The Herndon Division of the Fairfax County General District Court is held at 765 Lynn Street, Herndon, Virginia, on Wednesday mornings starting at 9:00 a. If your ticket does not say "Mark for Payment", call us at 703-246-3764 to make payment by phone. Mediation is a process in which impartial, trained professionals assist parties in dispute in finding a mutually acceptable solution to their conflict. 55, the Fairfax County General District Court currently retains case records for a period of ten years from the date of judgment or conviction. In accordance with §2. The Fairfax County General District Court is requiring use of the new Electronic Voucher Payment System (EVPS) located here. Participants are required to come to court every two weeks to four weeks, depending on their phase in the program, in order to provide the Judge and Docket team with updates on their treatment progress, successes, and challenges that To request a copy of a court record stored at Archives, you must contact the Clerk's Office in the General District Court. If you wish to waive your right to a court hearing and pay your traffic summons in advance, visit the Fairfax County General District Court’s How to Pay Traffic Tickets webpage or call the automated phone service for payments and case information at 703-246-3764. 1-69. For misdemeanor cases punishable by confinement in jail, in which the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office declines to represent the Commonwealth, Once an appearance is entered in a case, counsel may not withdraw without leave of court, after notice to the client. Fairfax County, Virginia - Court Services Administration Information Skip to main content General District Court Alert: 703-246-7530. The Clerk's Office processes filings when they are received. The Fairfax County Courthouse building (including all three courts - General District Court, Circuit Court, and Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court) and Historic Courthouse building are open. Thank you for your patience. If more than 10 calendar days have passed, then your opportunity to appeal the conviction for The General District Court strives to ensure equal access to justice for all parties having matters before the court. gov. The ceremony is Fairfax County, Virginia - Requesting a copy of a Criminal case in the General District Court. It describes the requirements and procedures that need to be followed to request a remote hearing if you are unable to attend court due to concerns related to COVID-19. Example Bed to Bed Order; Bond Reduction Motion Form; Civil Motion Form Court Forms. Fairfax County, Virginia - Probation Information Page Skip to main content Contacts; Court Calendar; Case Information; Prepayable Offenses; Remote Hearings; Request Accommodations; Courtroom Technology; Interpreter Request; EZSubmit; Electronic Attorney Vouchers; General District Court Alert: 703-246-7530. 2021 Circuit Court Calendar continued: AUGUST 2nd _ Misdemeanor Term Day @ 9:00 a. Local counsel must remain in the courtroom The process requires that the judgment debtor obtain an abstract of judgment from the General District Court, pay docketing fees to the Circuit Court, and then file a motion in that court to pay the judgment into an interest bearing account in the Circuit Court so that the judgment may be ordered satisfied. All pretrial tasks (including, without limitation, providing discovery, negotiation of plea agreements and recommendations, meeting with defendants, interviewing and preparing witnesses and executing agreed orders) shall be General District Court Judges General District Court Alert: CONTACT INFORMATION: Open during regular business hours 8 A. Listed below are the local forms developed by the Fairfax County General District Court. If the file is later found to be incomplete or incorrect, the judgment will be vacated and the case will be continued on the return docket to a date 60 days after the provisional judgment date to enable the plaintiff to appear and remedy Labor Day – Court Closed: October 14: Columbus Day & Yorktown Victory Day – Court Closed: November 5: Election Day – Court Closed: November 11: Veterans Day (Observed) – Court Closed: November 27: Court Closes at 12:00: November 28: Thanksgiving – Court Closed: November 29: Day After Thanksgiving – Court Closed: December 24 If you cannot pay your outstanding fines, you may be considered for the Fines Options Program (FOP). Example Bed to Bed Order; Bond Reduction Motion Form; Civil Motion Form Traffic Motions are heard each day at 9:00AM in Courtroom 1D. View the City of Fairfax General District Court weekly schedule by hearing type. 4110 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax, VA 22030. gov to set up an appointment. m. Case may be searched using name, case number, or hearing date. A Court Services Division also serves the court by providing supervised release Fairfax County General District Court 2024 Court Calendar Last Updated 12/18/2024 This document contains all three Court Calendars for the year 2025. The clerk's office will process a first continuance request. 2-3300 and §17. Fairfax County General District Court Civil Division, Room 211 Fairfax, VA 22030; All of the other guidelines and requirements for an in-person filing must be followed by mail. 01 Court Forms. We welcome your use of this informational system. General District Court Case Information Online access by locality to civil, criminal, and traffic cases in the general district courts. Statewide forms (DC-XXX forms) are available via the state's forms page, located here. 1(c). A misdemeanor is a charge that carries a penalty of no more than one year in jail or a fine up to $2500 or both. On August 29, 2022, the Fairfax County General District Court entered an amended Order for Video and Telephone Hearings. If you have lost this form or have other questions, you may Fairfax County, Virginia - Updates about policy changes in the Civil Division of the General District Court. Civil Motions on Warrant-in-Debt filings shall continue to be heard on Wednesdays @ 1:00PM with a seven (7) day notice requirement on the certificate Calendar of Events; Bench Bar Dinner Dance Tell a Friend 11/17/2023: When: November 17, 2023 4:00 - 7:00 pm: Where: Fairfax County Courthouse 4110 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax, Virginia 22030 of the Bench and Bar are cordially invited to attend the Investiture of The Honorable John A. , Monday - Friday Calendar; Channel 16; Mail; Security; WIFI; Facebook; Twitter; Fairfax County, Virginia Search General District Court. The Motion to Extend should explain: When the original and/or current PO was issued and when it The Fairfax County General District Civil and Small Claims Court Mediation Program is provided by Northern Virginia Mediation Service (NVMS). Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese interpreters are available each day to assist with short matters. Interpreters for speech or hearing impaired persons and non-English speaking individuals will be provided by the court. The Judges of the Fairfax Circuit Court believe that the maintenance of strict calendar control leads to a more expeditious and efficient administration of justice. The Clerk’s office will then provide the copy as requested. Learn More. If you are convicted of certain traffic violations, the Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will assess points against your driver's license. Please scroll The General District Court decides cases in which a person is charged with a misdemeanor. Fairfax County, Virginia - Supervised Release Program (SRP) General District Court Alert: 703-246-7530. You may be required to pay an appeal bond to file a Civil appeal. It describes the requirements and procedures that need to be followed to request a remote hearing. 01-296 ) and how return of service is made to the Clerk's Office (see §8. Fairfax County, Virginia - The Fairfax County General District Court is the court most residents have contact with. Fairfax County, Virginia - The General District Court has implemented a continuance policy for preliminary hearings to reduce backlog. Contacts; Court Calendar; Case Information; Prepayable Offenses; Remote Hearings; Request Accommodations; Courtroom Technology Infractions/Misdemeanors . 4110 Chain Bridge Road If the official records or official printed publications of the individual courts differ from the contents of records or publications included in this system, the official records or written publications should be relied upon. In Fairfax General District Court, file this motion with the Clerk’s Office in the Civil Division, Room 211. The FOP is a program in which you perform community service in lieu of paying fines and court costs. 01-4. Most traffic offenses are traffic infractions, which are generally punishable by a fine. An appeal may be filed by a defendant or by the defendant's attorney by appearing at the Clerk's Office to complete the appropriate forms. Kassabian as Judge of the Fairfax General District Calendar of Events; Bench Bar Dinner Dance; When: December 9, 2022 4:00 - 7:00 pm: Where: Fairfax County Courthouse 4110 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax, Virginia 22030 the Bench and Bar are cordially invited to attend the Investiture of The Honorable Dipti Pidikiti-Smith as Judge of the Fairfax General District Court. This must be done in writing to the General District Court within 10 calendar days of the date of conviction. Cases cannot be copied on their court date. , Monday - Friday Search General District Court All parties shall be ready to proceed at the time the matter is scheduled to be heard. M. Visit the Coronavirus Updates page for more information. Attorneys and pro se parties with multiple cases shall not schedule more than three trials per day on the contested docket, and estimated total hearing times should not General District Court Request a New Court Date CONTACT INFORMATION: Open during regular business hours 8 A. For a more detailed calendar, see the Circuit Court's 2025 Master Calendar. Search General District Court There can be 50 cases maximum of any one type or combination returnable to any given date by an attorney, law firm, or party. with the exception of scheduled court closings. Please note that the Master Calendar may not reflect holidays added after publication; see the calendar below for the most up-to-date list of holidays. Court Calendar; Court Schedule; Court Procedures; Career & Volunteer Opportunities ; Interpreter Request; Search General District Court. If the official records or official printed publications of the individual courts differ from the contents of records or publications included in this system, the official records or written publications should be relied upon. Important announcements are also posted on the County of Fairfax Web Page. Copies in the General District Court cost 50 cents per page over 10 pages, however, single copies of civil judgments or criminal or traffic charging documents are provided free of charge to civil parties, counsel of record, defendants, prosecutors, public defenders, and law enforcement officers. If the agreed continuance request is not received at least 4 business days in advance of the court date, then the request will be sent with the case into court on the upcoming court date. General District Court. General District Court Susan Madsen - General District Court Juvenile 86 Domestic Relations District Court Darcie Dunn - Fairfax City District Court Courtnie Norris - Fairfax Bar Association Tracy Lavely - Probation and Parole Dawn Butorac - Office of Search General District Court HB7001, which required landlords in nonpayment of rent cases to serve a 14-day notice informing the tenant of the existence of the Virginia Rent Relief Program and information on how to reach 2-1-1 Virginia for any other available federal, state, and local rent relief programs, ended June 30, 2022. Please call or email the City of Fairfax General District Court Clerk's Office for any pressing question in the meantime. Visit the Coronavirus Updates page for more information. Appearance of Counsel For Criminal and Traffic Cases; For Civil Cases; Bed to Bed Order. Pay Traffic Tickets and Other Offenses in a General District Court; Civil Filing Fee Calculation Court Forms. General district courts have exclusive authority to hear civil cases with claims of $4,500 or less and share authority with the circuit courts to hear cases with claims between $4,500 and $25,000, and up to $50,000 in civil cases for personal injury and wrongful death. Before the current Protective Order expires, the petitioner should file a Motion to Extend with the same court that issued the current PO. The only sure way to do this is to note an appeal to the Fairfax Circuit Court. When that occurs, local radio and television stations will be notified and requested to announce the closing. Examples of civil cases are landlord and tenant disputes, contract disputes Misdemeanor Continuances. Civil Appeals. The Code of Virginia is very specific as to the manner of service (see §8. gov or you can make your request The Fairfax County Web site is being translated through "machine translation" powered by Google Translate. Delivery can take 2-3 business days. Criminal Motions are heard each day at 9:30AM in Courtroom 2K. The General District Court holds preliminary hearings in felony cases. cuur czck jzgryc inuw edddta kzj dpcc sfaez xiqbj fhvqb ktfcsoq wuoy hpwf eesv gchf