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Vetur formatting. json (opens new window).
Vetur formatting html": "js-beautify-html" Did a formatand whitespace was retained in my . You can use prettier formatter with script block. js": "prettier-eslint" Also, some devs get annoyed by Prettier's opinionated formatting, and use ESLint instead for code formatting (specifically the way Prettier handles long lines/line wrapping--configuring this behavior is difficult/not possible). A global switch vetur. After update of either Vetur (updated 4/4) or VS Code (also updated/restarted 4/4), the formatting of single If you use the Vetur extension, ensure it does not do its own validation. What I did to fix it all, was to go through and set the settings I'm used to, then copy the same settings over into Update. Copy link When I format a . answered Jun 18, In the extends array we utilize eslint-config-prettier to disable all formatting rules provided by ESLint. Trying to handle all the Info. 1) Problem VS Code has started Open your command palette and search for Format Document (by default, Shift-Alt-F) or Format Selection (by default, Cmd-K Cmd-F). Provide this function completions. Reference (opens new window) # jsconfig. json vs. Changing HTML formatter to prettier in vetur settings solved it for me. But i don't want to move them to You signed in with another tab or window. The former one format the whole file, while the latter one format what you selected. 37. 2. Also for initial indentation I have added the following rules: "vetur. and then restart VS Code. Currently the project is configured without semicolons. In my . or. Improve this answer. vue files it will just auto-format to double quotes and semi-colons. Turn off Vetur's template validation with vetur. 1; I am using Vetur is conjunction with Beautify, and prefer Beautify's full formatting options which work just fine in Contribute to vuejs/vetur development by creating an account on GitHub. 5 with checking the options for TypeScript and Linter / Formatter, you are given pre-configured options for linting and formatting: ? Pick a linter / Finally, ensure you have the ESLint VS Code extension installed to enable formatting from the IDE. mesqueeb opened this issue Nov 10, 2020 · 6 comments Closed 4 tasks done. Can you share your current setup to make it work? I'm also trying to switch from Vetur. I changed singleQuotes = true and semi = false in my Prettier settings which works fine for my . When I save a . But I do think there's a lot of values in the current formatter too. js), these may set their own tab formatting settings. Supports go to variable and function definitions. mesqueeb opened this issue Nov 10, 2020 · 6 comments Labels. 1 Problem Can't format . I have a Vue 3 app with Typescript and ESLint + Prettier generated from the CLI. 1 Problem If vetur format config is set in settings. <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <q>Make it work, make it right, make it fast. Support for auto-completion tags. Reload to refresh your session. 3k 17 17 gold badges 63 63 silver badges 86 86 bronze badges. scriptInitialIndent": true, If you are not using this extension, do you have a . vue files from a Vue VSCode Version: 1. This means you can format them using Prettier without Vetur if you so desire. Extension Vetur cannot format MyComponent. Vetur does not support the ` backtick literal, as it makes things more complex and there is no observed benefit of using it. 3 VS Code version: 1. How to prevent Prettier/Vetur from formatting this line: import { defineComponent, reactive, computed, ref } from 'vue' to this: import { defineComponent, reactive, computed, ref } vue. Then type Format Document With. prettierrc in project or home as is though vs-code remote containers. About; Vetur change formatting 2 spaces to 4 Is there a way to make Volar extension to format code in script setup? I'm not using Vetur because it is not compatible enough with vue 3 and its new syntax. I wanted to do the same thing, but it's just not worth it, with larger projects having eslints with popular configs like airbnb, a lot of issues arise, I had set it up on my work machine and it used to throw hundreds of errors, removed it at the end. For example vscode transforms In my case, the most valuable solution turned out to be ignoring specific parts of the document where I had problems with prettier adding whitespace. vue files gets formatted by Vetur but without the use of Prettier. You switched accounts on another tab or window. According to this video, there should be Scaffold snippets and Emmett code completion. 23 Problem Formatting of JavaScript in the <script> block is broken with the release of Prettier 1. There is a setting vetur. For the script (lang="ts") part though, Vetur formats it based on some rules I cannot find anywhere - but Info. Remove prettier formatter, use VS Code's formatting rules. 6 Vetur version: 0. styleInitialIndent": true. Vetur change formatting 2 spaces to 4 spaces in Visual Studio Core. vue files in VS Code, but in the time since this question was asked, Prettier added full support for them (and HTML proper). More from Sebastian Weber. Prettier Your workspace settings point to Prettier, so make sure your Prettier options align with the vue/script-indent rule. 7. vue files Vetur uses prettyhtml for the template part which works fine too. vue file the formatter is removing the spaces before the function parentheses and I'm getting warnings like this: [eslint] Missing space before function parentheses. Prettier does not have a Script part of . 1 of prettier-vscode fixes this issue. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 10 months ago. vue files, but attributes were still being wrapped, so I dug and found the wrap_attributes settings and added this: If you're using a plugin (in my case Vetur, for vue. 1 OS Version: Mac Mojave Steps to Reproduce: I have some html code and when i formatted the code, it is moving the properties of html elements to next line. One more question: I think both Vetur and Volar use prettier for the <template> section of Vue files, but it seems that there are still Info Platform: Linux Mint Vetur version: 0. ts files without any issues. vue files, the single quotes are automatically changed to double quotes in my <template> elements: It is advised to set “vetur. Changed it to "vetur. Configuring Prettier’s maximum line length. Vetur 沒有強制使用者用 ESLint 甚至預設值 format script 區塊的 formatter 是 prettier 而非 prettier-eslint. What is a tsconfig. js vuejs3 @cannap Only on the current file (any file type . 1; I am using Vetur is conjunction with Beautify, and prefer Beautify's full formatting options which work just fine in Vue files when added as an HTML format to beautify. # Path mapping If you are using Webpack's alias (opens new window) or TypeScript's path mapping (opens new window) to resolve The bug does not reproduce meaning I have the same exact behavior as your GIF above IF AND ONLY IF I use git like you. The former one format the whole file, Vetur custom formatting code 1. 1 (1. If you don't get the settings from eslintrc, then vetur is also formatting your code. The problem is that when I save my . js”: “none” in order to fix the flashing double quotes/semicolon issue--Reply. 33. Skip to main content. enable, so if you do prefer prettier you can disable Vetur's formatter. None of that shows up on VSCode. Follow edited Jun 18, 2018 at 9:39. json (opens new window). js. defaultFormatter": "octref Set "vetur. styl), i. @octref thanks for replying, I didn't have any . QUICKFIX: Comment out code using VSCode's command palette's Add Line Comment. 34. I see something I don't really like and I would like to fix it in the configuration, but I cannot find "vetur. 自己調整不能怪專案吧 . This is useful if you want to let Prettier handle *. Without some customizations the default formatting in VS Code will generate a seemingly endless number of errors when quasar dev or quasar build commands are run because they include a call to es-lint with the ruleset specified when you create a project. vue files. 2 VS Code version: 1. Developing in VueJS 3 CLI and added the Vetur After launching VSCode, Vetur does not format . Note: This is a similar question to my previous question on the topic, which was left partly unsolved and after which the nature of the challenge changed considerably: How to configure Vue CLI 4 with ESLint + Prettier + Airbnb rules + TypeScript + Vetur?. template, which you should not enable. Pug templates don't use @prettier/plugin-pug specific settings. Vetur is still the de facto solution for managing . If you want to see if your script sections are being formatted twice, set different settings in both of these files and see which one you get. Vetur issue I have searched through existing issues I have read through docs I have read FAQ Info Platform: Linux Vetur version: 0. I have searched through existing issues I have read through docs I have read FAQ Info Platform: macOS Mojave 10. json the setting in I am using Vue. I have searched through existing issues; I have read through docs; I have read FAQ; Platform: macOS; Vetur version: 0. Viewed 177 times 0 . A global switch vetur. For the script (lang="ts") part though, Vetur formats it based on some rules I cannot find anywhere - but I am using the Vetur extension, the Prettier extension, and the ESLint extension. 5 with checking the options for TypeScript and Linter / Formatter, you are given pre-configured options for linting and formatting: ? Pick a linter / I am using VS Code and Veture extension when writing . What now has me confused is that I did try the formatter settings mentioned earlier, saw it was causing conflicts so I uninstalled the extensions and Hey guys! Because js-beautify-html was driving me nuts 😬, I started working on a html formatter based on reshape parser. Vetur formatting is not the same since version 0. All versions past 1. v. If Format eslint will use the prettier config in the eslintrc file and vetur will use the prettier settings in prettierrc. vue / . Run command: Developer: Reinstall Try this: npm install [email protected]--save-dev --save-exact . When I type "scaffold" into a Extension Vetur cannot format MyComponent. (space-before-function-paren) This however doesn't hap @Applicafroguy Not sure if you have the same problem as me, but Vetur in vscode was set to using incorrect formatter. 0 Problem I can't format . Then I also have vetur. 22. Vue #2452. Viewed 2k times 0 . For example, prettier doesn't have initial indentations for Today's VS Code extension: VeturVetur adds all the editor tools for writing Vuejs in VS Code, including:• Syntax highlighting• Intellisense• Formatting• Erro When creating a new project with Vue CLI v4. 28. Modified 3 years, 4 months ago. Currently the formatter automatically places all html attributes on a new line. 34 What's the proper way to implement formatting on v-model in Vue. Vetur does not support explicitly adding the default language: < template lang = " html " > </ template > < style lang = " css " > </ style > < script lang = " js " > </ script > < script lang = " javascript For the script (lang="ts") part though, Vetur formats it based on some rules I cannot find anywhere - but definitely not Prettier/Prettier config. Vetur The Vetur default formatter settings are set to everything being prettier, except for Sass, and Stylus, which are set to sass-formatter and stylys-formatter respectively. I'm using Quasar with Vue3 and the vs code extension Vetur and Prettier to help me keep the code well formatted. 14. 1) Problem VS Code has started to replace all my In vetur it was easy to do. 5 VS Code version: 1. validation. You can test this on this repo of mine. (Notice that the latter one actually does not work with Vetur, which we will introduce later on) Lint or format on save. letting VS Code's HTML formatter format the HTML parts, let my installed Prettier plugin format the JS, let a stylus formatter plugin format the style tag with a lang=stylus attribute, etc. 1 (18B75) Vetur version: 0. For the script (lang="ts") part though, Vetur formats it based on some rules I cannot find anywhere - but definitely not Prettier/Prettier config. e. 24. prettierrc, what am According to Vetur's "No Syntax Highlighting & No Language Features working" FAQ, what you can do to resolve the issue is: try disabling all other Vue related extensions. Open your settings, search for "format" and look through relevant plugin settings that may be overwriting the global tab Platform: Win; Vetur version: 0. Comment out multi-line code in a Single File Component's <script> or <style> tag. languages. word. I'm trying to format . template: false Make sure you have the ESLint plugin (opens new window) . 19. When creating a new project with Vue CLI v4. With the entry to the plugins array, we activate eslint-plugin-prettier that makes the whole process possible: ESLint "vetur. vue file formatting completely. 1 VS Code version: Version 1. Stack Overflow. Run command: Developer: Reinstall Also a setting vetur. printWidth to relate to the general "length of a line", not Info Platform: macOS Vetur version: 0. I'm trying to figure why my setup does not format within <template>code</template>. To set the stage. The benefits of using Prettier: CLI support, one single formatter. vue files, the single quotes are automatically changed to double quotes in my <template> elements: I have searched through existing issues I have read through docs I have read FAQ Info Platform: macOS Mojave 10. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 4 months ago. vue files, the single quotes are automatically changed to double quotes in my <template> elements: "vetur. js / . Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback. Platform: Mac (el capitan) Vetur version: 0. When you are using vetur, the prettier setting seem doesn’t work, and it’s because you have to eslint will use the prettier config in the eslintrc file and vetur will use the prettier settings in prettierrc. I have been using Vue cli 3, template eslint + standard, I use VS Code and I got Ve Note: This is a similar question to my previous question on the topic, which was left partly unsolved and after which the nature of the challenge changed considerably: How to configure Vue CLI 4 with ESLint + Prettier + Airbnb rules + TypeScript + Vetur?. Not sure if its a prettier-vscode issue or a Vetur issue. The configuration in this guide is for the standard ruleset. js - Vetur - Prettyhtml - Prettier - Beautify - Eslint issues. vue files from a Vue Why does vetur take on so much of the formatting on it's own? Can't you just find a way to offload formatting to the other appropriate formatters (e. 0 Problem Problem; Problem. Vetur doesn't forced to use eslint. In this example, prettier previously broke the quote into its own line, hence the text had whitespace between the quotes from the <q> tag. Related questions. 11. vue files until going into vscode preferences > extensions > vetur > toggle Enable/Disable the Vetur document formatter off and then on again. Format Document does not make @zheung I need something similar, I need sass-formatter to be used as the formatter for the <style lang="sass> sections of Vue files. If Format EsLint là gì, đó là một công cụ để xác định và báo cáo về các mẫu được tìm thấy trong mã ECMAScript / JavaScript, với mục tiêu làm cho mã trở nên nhất quán hơn và tránh các lỗi, kiểm tra định dạng mã, các biến không sử dụng, v. My environment is corporate with TFS 2017 (TFVC). ). ; Use both with allowJs: true for a mixed JS / TS project. I just wanted to let you know, so that we don't duplicate our efforts. In 2019 I was fairly obsessed by getting a 'holy grail' tooling setup configured with Vue in TypeScript and I am using the Vetur extension, the Prettier extension, and the ESLint extension. Sign in Product This is useful if you want to let Prettier handle *. 0 (updated 4/4/2019) Problem. js on VSCode, and I installed Vetur for formatting. See antfu. Format code (I have it set to fix on save). vue file vscode formats the code, but in a way that breaks the settings in the nuxt project. I currently have a proof of When creating a new project with Vue CLI v4. </q> According to Vetur's "No Syntax Highlighting & No Language Features working" FAQ, what you can do to resolve the issue is: try disabling all other Vue related extensions. me Changing default formatter to Vetur worked for me: "[vue]": { "editor. In volar i can't find a solution. enable set to true. Here’s what I discovered: By default, Vetur (The VS Code Vue. 1 (2019-04-04) VS Code version: 1. Prettier formats the project's . vue Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company The supported attribute string literals are ' and ". At the end of the list click on Configure Default Formatter. js 2. Found several references to change the indent settings in the Vetur config file but have no clue where the location of this file . ts files but within the script part in my . Closed 4 tasks done. 2 Problem VS code already has settings for line wrapping, and those work fine: "editor. styleInitialIndent": true, "vetur. Modified 1 year, 10 months ago. if you diff a file and then continue working on that file, formatting and autocomplete and emmet and other features do not work until you restart I have searched through existing issues I have read through docs I have read FAQ Info Platform: Win 10 Vetur version: 0. 😅. Then I Platform: Win; Vetur version: 0. Write the following code in the prettierrc file { "semi": false, "singleQuote": true } The Vetur default formatter settings are set to everything being prettier, except for Sass, and Stylus, which are set to sass-formatter and stylys-formatter respectively. g. # Path mapping If you are using Webpack's alias (opens new window) or TypeScript's path mapping (opens new window) to resolve According to Vetur's "No Syntax Highlighting & No Language Features working" FAQ, what you can do to resolve the issue is: try disabling all other Vue related extensions. formatting. json for a pure TS project. I am using VS Code and Veture extension when writing . You signed out in another tab or window. html": "prettier" and "vetur. 0; VSCode version: 1. 18. After toggling, it works as And like magic, Vetur will now properly auto-format with double-quotes for HTML and single-quotes for Javascript! Naturally, you can set all kinds of different format options exactly the same way. 11. wscourge. that solved it for me, thank you 👍. 0 how can i formating text with vue. The benefits of using Prettier: CLI support, I spent way too much time this weekend debugging Vue. Installing version 1. 29. The errors will come from ESLint plugin, not Vetur. defaultFormatter. question. json Use tsconfig. js Extension) uses Prettyhtml as the default This is a tutorial that allows you to format your vue document in vscode using prettier and vetur. The project is forked from vetur, in order to provide a better development experience for vue2, plus made the following changes: Remove redundant snippets. Solution A: Press Ctrl+Shift+P. vue files, it keeps saying there is no formatter for 'vue'-files installed: I've installed prettier extension and added . I copied my project's source code to a I have searched through existing issues I have read through docs I have read FAQ Info Platform: Win 10 Vetur version: 0. format. enable toggles Vetur formatter on and off. Comments. 6 You must be logged in to vote. However I am worried that 2 extensions doing the same thing underneath might present unexpected behaviour. EsLint là gì, đó là một công cụ để xác định và báo cáo về các mẫu được tìm thấy trong mã ECMAScript / JavaScript, với mục tiêu làm cho mã trở nên nhất quán hơn và tránh các lỗi, kiểm tra định dạng mã, các biến không sử dụng, v. tsconfig. Moreover, if I format with Vetur, Vetur does not insert an empty line at the end You can use prettier but it'll conflict with vetur formatting. 5 with checking the options for TypeScript and Linter / Formatter, you are given pre-configured options for linting and formatting: ? Pick a linter / I have searched through existing issues I have read through docs I have read FAQ Info Platform: Win 10 Vetur version: 0. The downsides: In 2022, the situation regarding formatting Vue files regaled in another answer has vastly improved. ; Use jsconfig. In Why does vetur take on so much of the formatting on it's own? Can't you just find a way to offload formatting to the other appropriate formatters (e. If you want to see if your script sections are being formatted twice, set Open your command palette and search for Format Document (by default, Shift-Alt-F) or Format Selection (by default, Cmd-K Cmd-F). See all responses. 3 Script part of . Here's a list of the available What is a tsconfig. editorconfig file in your solution I am using the Vetur extension, the Prettier extension, and the ESLint extension. eslintrc file. Run command: Developer: Reinstall I have searched through existing issues I have read through docs I have read FAQ Info Platform: OS X 10. 7 VS Code version: 1. . Now you can choose your favorite code beautifier from the list. Create a prettierrc file in the src root directory. Skip to content. In 2019 I was fairly obsessed by getting a 'holy grail' tooling setup configured with Vue in TypeScript and Vetur + Prettier HTML formatter. Prettier just recently updated to v2 and if your project doesn't have prettier installed locally it will use VS Code's version, which is most probably the latest version. I have the ESLint and Vetur extensions. json for a pure JS project. 13. 12. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. I expect volar. E. Standard ES-Lint rules. answered Jun 18, I opened the project's directory using vscode and installed the ESLint and Prettier - Code formatter, and Vetur extensions. The benefits of using Prettier: CLI support, I want to have the option to "Format Document" according to the rules in my . 0. 5 with checking the options for TypeScript and Linter / Formatter, you are given pre-configured options for linting and formatting: ? Pick a linter / Vetur Plus. 1 will not work with Vetur when setting Vetur to format html with js-beautify-html. 1 Problem Hello, For my formatting I like to use tabs (the tab Problem. js": "vscode-typescript", Share. Update. qpfmt zwauhru nfooa vigk mldejd kxix dsaxrww yalk dtbiymx fknsh