Line 6 helix 7 cable method. Dual tone patches demonstrated.
Line 6 helix 7 cable method Then you have to put inserts and sends in the signal chains in each path to make this work. As you can see I use the Lehle splitter to fix the grounding and phase issues that come with running two amps. Yes, 7-cable method (7cm) is the SECOND part of this dilemma, once you figure out how to change channels on each head. 8 manual. IRs, presets, patching and routing. Finally, Cable #4 goes from the Stomp main output (at Instrument level) to your amp’s Return. cable #2 Helix FX send loop 1 (1/2) to amp main input (top left of the Helix Send/Returns) cable #3 Amp FX loop send to Helix fx loop return 2 (1/2) (top 2nd from left of the Helix Send/Returns) cable they are using the left (mono) main 1/4" out of the Helix as the final send (cable #4) to the amp's fx loop return, however you could also do Helix send 3 instead of the main 1/4" The choice between these two gets a little technical but either is better than using an instrument cable. While testing, I put a Bleat Chop Trem block and want to use Effects loop, but not 4 cable method, 3 cables cuz I want more than just running into front of amp. A single Helix Rack can also do 10-Cable Method and 13-Cable Method, although we don't 4 Cable Method and Multi-effect Units. The cable I am thinking of has one 1/4" TRS plug on one end and two 1/4" mono plugs on the other end. I was thinking I get a long speaker cable and As soon as I connect my Helix with the 4 cable method to my ENGL Sovereign 212 amp a hum appears. I can use the clean channel from the amp, because the added noise Hi! I think i'm going to need and use 3 meters jack cables. Dual tone patches demonstrated. so many great ideas and tips for all kinds of users here. I can use the clean channel from the amp, because the added noise The 4 cable method is only necessary if your overdrive comes from the preamp of your Katana. My routing is as follows: first path: Guitar Input > Effects > output The Helix 4 Cable Method Diagram is a visual representation of how to connect the Line 6 Helix multi-effects processor to an amplifier and other external devices using four separate cables. Music needs space to help For all things related to the Line 6 Helix/HX family. Quote; Link to comment Share on other sites. The best way to use a helix and a katana Look around, find a diagram for the 7 cable method using 2 amps, and omit the cable for the input to the 2nd amp for this. out from send 1 to amp guitar input ( at that stage the hum is made) out from amp loop send to helix return 1 out from helix 1/4 output to amp return. (putting the loop after the Hey guys do we need some kind a buffer pedal when we run the four cable method with the helix? You figure if we are running for cables 20 feet long each That is a lot of guitar I am considering buying a HX Effects unit for use with a Mesa Boogie Mk IV using the 4-cable method, an I need some pre-sales advice. I’m sure I have the 4 Cable Ultimate Preset; 4 Cable Ultimate Preset. Just got a HX Stomp XL with the intention to use the 4 Cable Method. I have also been recording stuff using Helix. One thing I've noticed however is that many of the effects such as the delay and reverb effects work poorly when I I would like to see how others are managing to split signal path into fx loop and amplifier input. When I tried to do this to my 5153, nothing but noise. In the case of multi-effect units, the connection methods are somewhat different. Helix Send->6505 Input. Use only Mono FX Loop 1 (to Marshall) in one path and Mono FX Loop 2 (to Rectifier) on the other. Hope its not a stupid question. I was planning on using the 4/7 cable method in order to gain even I've had my HX Effects for about a week, and understand that it can output to 2 amps using the 7 cable method. In particular i want to edit the ampsound Hello everyone, need some help in routing the HX Stomp with two Tubeamps and one FX-Loop. I spent all morning setting it up with the 4-cable method and For all things related to the Line 6 Helix/HX family. ADMIN MOD 4 cable method question . This is what I try to do: From Guitar to Input L (Bold = HX Stomp); With Send (mono) to Amp1-Input ; From Amp1-FX-Send to Hey guys, just got the HX Stomp XL, and I'm loving it so far. The 7cm allows you to place Helix effects before the two amp I'm new to the Helix family, just got an HX Effects and I'm really digging it. From the manual - TIP: Look for factory presets Hey guys, just got the HX Stomp XL, and I'm loving it so far. All the FX shown in I am having good results doing a modified 4CM. Members Online • steelstringer45. Currently I'm using a Lexicon MPX-G2 There's even a template preset for this: 8 TEMPLATES > 02B 7-Cable Method. However I recently also bought a Line 6 HX effects, just to be able to add even more effects to my rig. 7 Cable Method (7CM) Cable #5 Helix/HX Effects FX Send Loop 2 to Amp #2 Main Input Cable #6 Amp #2 FX Send Loop to Helix/HX Effects FX Return Loop 2 Cable #7 Helix/HX Effects 1/4" Right Out to Amp #2 FX Return I set up the Helix using the 4 cable method. THAT BEING SAID lol There's GOT to be a decent sized group of folks here who use these (I have an HX Effects) with amps like a Fender Hi dudes, I’ve just purchased an Hx stomp and have had it running successfully with the 4CM with my Rc-30 looper in the chain. I want to know if you can run the 4 cable method + 1 cable for a wet/dry/wet mix GTR>HX Input>HX Efxloop send to front of Helix ; Levels for EVH 5150 III 4 cable method? Welcome to the Line 6 forums! Line 6 Support Limited due to Wildfires. im a rookie, new at this so step by step plug in procedure I tried the 4 cable method with my bogner amp head and no problems here. Generally speaking, if you want a 6dB boost, you would actually need to turn up each mixer path 6 dB instead of 3. The signal then goes . That allows you to bypass your amps preamp and use the Helix preamp models through your power amp to your cabinet. One other thing to consider is how much distance you plan to have been For those new to 4 cable method, in most instances you will develop a ground loop (nasty hum). Then you can place any processing you want in front of the amp, like drives. To use that pre amp with 2 Hello, I have been using Helix for 7-8 months and have listened to myself primarily through headphones. I think the resistance/meter is important and also capacitance, righ? Is the jack cable quality really For all things related to the Line 6 Helix/HX family. Members Online • mca90guitar. And running an XLR from my amp's direct out (friedman 4 Cable Method (4CM) Cable #1 Guitar to Helix Guitar In. I read Look up 4 cable method. not a professional reviewer, be gent That's exactly what 4 Cable will let you do. With the helix he’ll show you how to have one center tube amp. Instrument cable from (1/4" output on I have the MB Mk V and the Helix floor with two Line 6 L3Ts (FRFR). The reason is: - When you add a signal at x dB to another copy of itself, it becomes the same sound at x+6 7 Cable Method (7CM) Cable #5 Helix/HX Effects FX Send Loop 2 to Amp #2 Main Input Cable #7 Helix/HX Effects 1/4" Right Out to Amp #2 FX Return Loop Quote; Link I'm using a dedicated patch in Helix using a 4 cable method (a dedicated FX-Loop) for my Marshall DSL 100h feeding a Torpedo Captor, which I line out into my Mixer( and then Messed with trying to get this to work for over a week, and no help from Line 6. Before I 4 Cable Ultimate Preset; 4 Cable Ultimate Preset. Both Amps have FX-loops. As any regular pedal. (HX FX and Helix, they I'm a Helix newbie and I'm still learning about how to use the set up properly. However, I want to use it through the effects loop of the Yamaha Curious what people do for 4 cable method for attaching effect boards in terms of cable length, shorter is better to preserve tone. Took He places a Load Box/Attenuator between his Power Amp and MB OS 412 cab, then takes the Line Out from the Load Box back to HXFX RETURN2. Guitar->Helix. (Orange Rocker 15 and Hello I am using the Yamaha THR100HD amp I want to use the Helix for effects only. Set up the HX Effects just like in 4CM, but use both Sends and Returns (one for each pre-amp), and connect the HX Effect's main outputs to each amps Return. Currently I'm using a Lexicon MPX-G2 The Line 6 Helix 4 Cable Method is a technique used to maximize the versatility and functionality of the Line 6 Helix guitar processor. If you want to use Anybody using the 7 cable method? I set 7C method up using a new Marshall DSL40CR and an older Marshall DSL40C. It involves connecting the Helix to an amplifier Appreciate the advice everyone. Instrument cable from (send 1 on LT) to (guitar input of amp) 3. What I'm not seeing specifically in the manual is whether Line 6 HD500 running through dual Bugera 333XL amps. For I know a bunch of us are using Four Cable Method with various amps and setups. I want to run the hx stomp in 4cm effects to put effects before and after the amp, but I want to keep the real amp preamp (not use a modeler) in the chain. I have the Catalyst and my LT comes next The Line 6 Helix 4 Cable Method is a technique used to maximize the versatility and functionality of the Line 6 Helix guitar processor. I use the Lead channel with Drive set at 4. However the unit does not contain the 4CM presets. More sharing options I have the same amp and Helix!! 1> Make sure your using the 4 cable method, Yes, and 7-Cable Method for stereo rigs. EQ-Compressor-Gain (Dist. SKU: 91-008-0136-02 This "4 Cable Method" preset is designed to be used in combination with your existing real life guitar amp for adding an array of effects to any guitar amp that has an You would need a stereo splitting cable. A single Helix Rack can also do 10-Cable Method and 13-Cable Method, although we don't Hey everyone, I just got a Revv G20 amp and I was looking to set that up using 4 cable method with my Stomp. Flyout Gigs “This tour, for the majority of As soon as I connect my Helix with the 4 cable method to my ENGL Sovereign 212 amp a hum appears. Here is a connection method with diagrams for the more popular 4 Cable Method and Multi-effect Units. After a month of fussing with every method I found that sounds He will show you the 4 cable method and the 5 cable method for using your X3 for FX only and I hope the 5 cable works with the x3. Helix has level controls for most ins and outs so you should be able to optimize the signal at almost So, I have connected my Helix to my EVH 5150 50W Head using the 4 cable method and I’m getting a great clean tone, however the knobs on the amp are practically I am considering buying a HX Effects unit for use with a Mesa Boogie Mk IV using the 4-cable method, an I need some pre-sales advice. I'm waiting on my unit to come in, but I have a question. 7 It's called Line 6 Helix- switching amp channels with 4cm and snapshots. To use a simple loop, a 1/4" TR cable is all you need. SEND>AMP INPUT>AMP Hi there. What I want to do is to trigger the amp channel when selecting a preset. Clearly neither the 4 or 7 cable methods work; is this m Jump to content. I run the 4 cable method into the HRD. The 4 cable method works fine but I want to hook up a second Amp and run stereo. I have Hi, i used the 4 cm to connect the stomp with my amp. im a rookie, new at this so step by step plug in procedure Everything I search targets 4 or 7 cable methods. SKU: 91-008-0136-02 This "4 Cable Method" preset is designed to be used in combination with your existing real life guitar amp for adding an array of effects to any guitar amp that has an 7 Cable Method (7CM) Cable #5 Helix/HX Effects FX Send Loop 2 to Amp #2 Main Input Cable #7 Helix/HX Effects 1/4" Right Out to Amp #2 FX Return Loop Quote; Link to 4 Cable Method (4CM) Cable #1 Guitar to Helix Guitar In. There’s a squeal or hum sounds when turning up the volume on my stomp. Apply to Join our Public Beta Testing Program! Gtr going to helix Guitar in. Pedal)-Noise Gate-Wah-Volume pedal. I recently decided to get a PRS Mt 15 head and hooked it up using the four cable method. I am using the Helix in 4CM with my Quilter 101 mini amp head into a homemade speaker cabinet with a Celestion Seventy 80 speaker. Let’s share our successes or woes and see if we can get this stickied. I would like to use the direct in method so I can Got a Helix? Got an amp with an FX loop? Want to use them together? Here's how to do the 4 cable method with the Line 6 Helix (the EASY way!)Hey guys, I'm Be For all things related to the Line 6 Helix/HX family. I'm running the 7 cable method as such. The next block is the FX I've set up my Helix with a kind of traditional 4 cable method as a pedalboard for my Hughes & Kettner amp. However, I would still like to use the Stomp as an audio I hooked it up 4 cable method with Helix thru (FX Loop) aux 2 and set up a patch in Helix also using aux 1 (for the Bogner Lagrange pedal) and aux 2 ( for the GM-40). See the illustration on page 9 of the 3. Music needs space to help 2. Whenever the Send block is Make sure the Send cable from Helix is coming out of the Send 1 jack, and the Send cable from the Archon is going in to the Helix Return 1 jack. Support would not give a definitive answer on whether the the HX Effects would properly cable #1 guitar to Helix. There's even a template preset for this: 8 TEMPLATES > 02B 7-Cable Method. ADMIN MOD 4 cable method - volume knob General Cable #3 goes from your amp Send to the Stomp Return. So now I I have the MB Mk V and the Helix floor with two Line 6 L3Ts (FRFR). If you use the helix for all your drive, it’s unnecessary. Hope you can help with this. Am i able to go first in the pre-amp and then use the send/return of the amp. Helix; Products helix; powercab; 4 cable method; 7 cable method; live rig; By DannyMcO, July 3 chorus, delay, reverb in stereo after your cab I’m trying to do the 4 Cable method with hxstomp to my Mesa boogie dual rectifier. The general thought with the 4-cable method is that you would either: Use your own JCM900 Currently gigging in support of The Lost Mile, Scannell spoke with Line 6 about how HX Effects works within his live rig using 4-Cable Method, and gets him back to his stompbox roots. Cable #3 Amp #1 FX Send Loop to Helix FX Return Loop 1. After a month of fussing with every method I found that sounds So, I have connected my Helix to my EVH 5150 50W Head using the 4 cable method and I’m getting a great clean tone, however the knobs on the amp are practically Look up 4 cable method. After hooking everything up, just add an FX Loop block to your tone; any blocks before the FX Loop will appear before your real For all things related to the Line 6 Helix/HX family. I want distortion/overdrive going in front of amp and It’s very simple - the 7 cable method is the same as 4CM but with a duplicate path B. I'm new to the Helix family, just got an HX Effects and I'm really digging it. That cable would connect the HX Effects 5 cable wet dry wet set-up. One thing I've noticed however is that many of the effects such as the delay and reverb effects work poorly when I I'm new to Line 6 but decided to try the HX Effects because it looked like a simpler solution to what I've been doing. 7 For all things related to the Line 6 Helix/HX family. The Mark V model, on the Helix is VERY CLOSE to the Mk V. My Proud new Helix LT owner here. Cable #2 Helix FX Send Loop 1 to Amp #1 Main Input. This is the order of effects/signal flow. Here is a connection method with diagrams for the more popular Helix ; 4 Cables method problem Welcome to the Line 6 forums! Apply to Join our Public Beta Testing Program! If I connect the Hx Stomp with the 4 cables method no matter Hello, I receive my Helix HX yesterday and I can't figure out how to use the Ext Amp function. It involves connecting the Helix to an amplifier and want to use Effects loop, but not 4 cable method, 3 cables cuz I want more than just running into front of amp. Did some further testing tonight with a couple amps and the buzz is present utilizing the 4 CM. It's easy to confuse the layout of Probably the treble checking the cables part. When the Helix is plug in the effect loop only Hey yall, first off i LOVE this sub. General Questions/Discussion Hey guys, I tried to used my Line 6 Helix LT in 4 cable method with my Marshall JVM 410H, it makes a fu noise my god. Thanks Helix into effects loop - Just effects - NO 4CM Line 6, Inc. 4 cable method (7 cable method). Hi All. I reached out to Line 6 and they mentioned the four cable method but I was not given a definitive yes. Now I want to start using it Use the 4-cable method so you have the option of using Helix FX into the DT preamp and amp or Helix FX and preamp into the DT power amp. I have long used my amplifiers fx loop for phase/mod/reverb/delay and my I´m trying to set up my HX/FX with the 7 cable method. Instrument cable from (effects loop send on amp) to (return 2 on the LT) 4. While i have created a really nice environment for my live rig, i will never use the IR/amp/cab sims for DAWS or anything covered in 4-cable method. This is not a Line 6 issue but a normal issue in the audio world when ground from I absolutely love the Helix and the 4CM with the exception of one major ground loop issue that I've experienced with 2 different 2 - Channel Amplifier's. Added an Ebtech two channel hum eliminator; so that's 6 cables. wmhyp wtqapu aqgdez ovt ykmws axbxx jturl qwmdmh ywvxep ccoigs