How to beat tier 4 darth revan. For the eponymous Star Wars.
How to beat tier 4 darth revan The Hero’s Journey event introduces the all-new concept of Bonus Zones, offering players the chance to unlock extra rewards and challenges. But I ran Palps, Vader, Darth Revan, Malak and Nihilus. When a Sith Empire ally is inflicted with Ability Block or Stun, they dispel that debuff and gain Ferocity for 2 turns. Besides using another mask like u/acobray mentioned, the only way to "wear" Darth Revan's mask without mods would be to use the KotOR Savegame Editor (if you don't count that as a mod) to change your character's appearance to the Darth Revan model. Best. I recommend the full video but I'll list the ones I wrote down for each phase below (/ indicates possible subs but I ordered them in the preferred order On the one time I got good rng and beat it, i was scared it was only the 6 star one because it was significantly easier They need to be geared higher than Jedi Revan. Revan has an advantage in terms of force power imo, especially if you count his feats as Shadow Revan from TOR. Revan May be considered OP and still it isnt known if they are actually dead. He can be beaten with darth Revan easily. Remember, blue orb -> Blue Circle, Red Orb -> Red Circle. Revan vs Darth KraytRevan during SW:TOR (Before Shadow of Revan)Darth Krayt RebornFight Takes Place:Rules:Both In CharacterBoth At Full PowerBoth h I've heard a lot of people have had troubles with the Revan Battle and say its "Broken" and complain to BioWare. One character is Feb 19, 2021 · Scourge of the Old Republic is an Ancient Journey event that requires five specific characters to go through six tiers in order to unlock Darth Revan. 5K GAC Battles analyzed for Season 61. The more ferocity stacks you get the less Damage Malak was doing to him. Worst fight in game as there is no challenge and no 4 days ago · Darth Revan is a Ruthless Sith Lord that is extremely effective at taking down the enemy leader. The team that our Content Director, LJ, has used historically includes a KRU lead with FO Officer, FO Special Force Tie Pilot, FO Executioner and It allowed my slower and lower relic Darth Reven to beat a faster, stronger team. So In ga opponent has a 320 something darth revan. run orb. More Details Show. This ability deals 100% of max health damage and only becomes available after all 4 Jedi pods are destroyed. Last updated: 18h ago. So the strategy is really simple. With Revan having such a vast kit, high speed, and direct counters to previously meta teams, it seems difficult to make Darth I think without Malgus you want Marauder as the fifth next to Revan, Bastila, Trooper and Malak. LUCK! And RNG! Lol First Order – KRU lead – The First Order seems to have some use in the Sith Triumvirate Raid, and a Kylo Ren Unmasked lead in Phase 4 of the Heroic STR is effective after Darth Nihilus is down. New ( can barely beat SR 4 in time) About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright all you need to do is watch the npcs beat revan up. Based on your description, I’d say probably 6-8 weeks of dedicated grinding to get DR, and then another 3-4 months after to unlock Malak. watch npcs beat revan up. In div 3 I find that it usually comes down to who's Darth Revan is better and if you can't clear it with the mirror you really struggle to clear it at all. As mentioned elsewhere, they're not great tanks, so giving them some time to build up aggro keeps Revan off your ass for a while. Before I got Jedi with Rey and I was only using resistance, I was having trouble beating some very well modded teams. Darth Revan – 30,831 power How fast is your Darth Revan? Question I have a Darth Revan with mods all with level 5 speed but can’t get him past 337. Sort by: Best I've been using this video by Darth Kermit as a farming guide to work towards. Unlocks at Gear Level 8. Hello my friends. Read the Lore, sometimes it gives you helpful information about the enemies you are facing. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in SWGOH, and 5 days ago · Based on 11. Revan is on a whole different Scale of power than vader TBH. Tier 4 Darth Revan Revan is, quite simply, one of the most powerful Sith Lords in all of history. Difficult teams to beat. If you use HK and Mara the squad's total offense is insane, it can beat GAS and many other stronger teams. Watch NPCs kill Revan Worst fight in game as there is no challenge and no chance at failure so not sure whats working for you now because the OPs post was from back when fight was bugged My Old Republic squad is at 6 stars which means I can now attempt tier IV of the Darth Revan event!! Not gonna lie, started off kinda sketchy and was worrie Hey everyone and welcome to VetAaron Gaming! This video will help you through the Darth Revan unlock event. This will override any armor you wear in all you need to do is watch the npcs beat revan up. The first battle, your going to lose, but the idea is to keep their turn Welcome to my Darth Revan Unlock guide! Not the easiest event, but not the hardest either. As always please like, subscribe and I was super frustrated yesterday. Choices for 4&5: Darth Vader, 7*, G10 Emperor Palp, 7*, g10 Sith Assassin, 6*, g8 Darth Talon, 3*, g8 Darth Nihilus, 5*, g10 Darth Sion, 4*, g9 I really do not want to give up the Revan lead so please dont suggest using palp as lead, SE lead has proven to be much better. Watch NPCs kill Revan Worst fight in game as there is no challenge and no chance at failure so not sure whats working for you now because the OPs post was from back when fight was bugged 15 votes, 121 comments. Usually the key to beating these fights is to kill Malak early if not first since he is one of the more dangerous ones. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and Darth Revan is more difficult than JKR but he is well worth it. When Darth Revan's Health falls below 50%, it is equalized with the other healthiest ally. . at g13, I have a cls a palp and a treya team left any way I can beat it? Don’t mind if I take all my toons to do it, just don’t want to spend an hour of it’s pointless. Revan was a skilled enough fighter to beat Mandalore the Ultimate in single combat at the end of the Mandalorian Wars and a strong enough Force user to single handedly take down Darth Nyriss, a member of the Dark Council, whilst weakened from imprisonment, so combat-wise he could go toe-to-toe against most Sith or Jedi. Darth Revan is a Ruthless Sith Lord that is extremely effective at taking down the enemy leader. Especially with Malak. Honestly I am surprised I can get through challenge tier 1 with this team. Watch NPCs kill Revan Worst fight in game as there is no challenge and no chance at failure so not sure whats working for you now because the OPs post was from back when fight was bugged At level 46 you should be 8 levels higher than Revan during this fight, which would normally make this considerably easier. com/APGAINS Credits and distribution permission. I bought DR lsb in order to unlock him. com/SongetaJoin m #swgoh #revan #tw #gaDarth Revan is insanely strong in 3v3 GA defense, I had a very hard time finding teams that can actually beat him. I’m sure this has been discussed plenty before so I apologize, but I found a handful of About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I made it to phase 4 of tier 2 before Anakin melted my team. If you wish to support Darth Revan has +100% Defense Penetration. I'll walk you through the strategy on every tie A really good Darth Revan team is one of the top tier non-GL teams. Prerequisites Achievements Dec 6, 2014 · all you need to do is watch the npcs beat revan up. (I have one on Carth) and I could barely make it past tier 3. Sort by: Best. No pinned post like the chewbacca one. Nihlius, I won't speculate about because his insane power serves as an anomoly. While Darth Revan is alive any Sith Empire cleanses a stun immediately. Below are the links to my other forms of Social Media!Discord: https://discord. Revan Mastered Both Light And Dark side to High Degree and even Used light and Dark side Powers in Tandem with another. He’s my arena team and want to know what an average Revan speed is. run orbs. I am trying to get past tier 5 atm. Having him is a great milestone The enemies in this tier are as follows: Darth Malak: Starts the battle with no access to Drain Life. Cheers!The Mr and Mrs S I made it to phase 4 of tier 2 before Anakin melted my team. Bring Assault Droid Mk I Protection and health (if able) down before killing the Assault Droid Mk IV and finishing off Assault Droid Mk I. Tier 5 - Wave 4: Kill Turrets first and then 1 Assault Droid Mk IV. (All relic 7 except relic 6 Dooku) Everyone’s recommending revan and SEE and Malak and I don’t have any :( I’m using these characters cos I’m working towards SEE I do with See vader malak Darth revan bastilla fallen In this video we shall go over how to easily blast through the tier 4 and 5 of the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren event. So here’s what helped me unlock just a few minutes ago. At the start of each Sith Empire ally's turn, dispel all Foresight on all enemies, which can't be evaded. 3 days ago · View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Darth Revan Counters on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Dec 6, 2014 · all you need to do is watch the npcs beat revan up. Tier IV – Using Carth, BSF, Canderous, Juhani, HK-47 and Darth Revan you face the spirit of a Sith Lord named Ajunta Pall. Does anyone know how to beat places of power challenge tier 3, I’m really struggling. (All relic 7 except relic 6 Dooku) Everyone’s recommending revan and SEE and Malak and I don’t have any :( I’m using these characters cos I’m working towards SEE I do with See vader malak Darth revan bastilla fallen I was able to beat the Dark Side portion of the event by supercharging Darth Revan by focusing on the droids. When a Sith Empire ally is inflicted with Ability Block or Stun, they dispel that May 17, 2019 · A step-by-step guide on how to beat Darth Revan + Malak with Jedi Revan and Ezra. Cheers!The Mr and Mrs S Join The Discord!https://discord. The addition of Challenge Tier I introduced Gear 12 finisher gear pieces as rewards while Challenge Tier II added Relic materials to the prize for winning. How do I fix this? - 5042663 What are the best teams to beat the Rancor Challenge Tier? Question Share Add a Comment. I got through with "under-geared" toons, only struggling with the last battle of Tier 5. and I already had Darth Revan before About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Beat Darth Revan teams with Jedi Knight Revan, Thrawn, Bastilla, GMY and Jolee Bindo or hYoda. Imo, only Gas is better. UPDATE: Relic relative. com/APGAINS Join The Discord!https://discord. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in SWGOH, and consists of data from 4989 characters. You beat this event with a roster better than what most people had when they completed it. And man is it easy. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. In this video I shall guide you through tier 4 of the Galactic Legend Lord Vader Event. Speed wise I had HK For anyone having trouble with the Revan event, this post from the last time around by u/IAmKrego was a great help to me. calumjg • Took me about 4-5 months for Darth Revan but I wasn't focused on him was also doing CLS and JKR at the same time which Many people benefitted from my Malak Strategy GuideMalak Strategy Guide, so I thought I would pass on the info I used to unlock GS with g11 magna and only Assaj as a g13 character. Vs. A full squad sometimes only to get gunned down. run orbs . twitch. Best way to beat fast darth revan. He was able to defeat to defeat a grandmaster and two battlemasters. Using SET creates a more balanced squad and the pre taunt is nice, although other than the pre taunt, he isn't as useful IMO. How do I fix this? - 5042663 Does anyone know how to beat places of power challenge tier 3, I’m really struggling. God mods not requ 128K subscribers in the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. com/infinem__Twitch: https://www. When you get Malgus though, you'll probably yeet out Trooper and add Talon. Now, as you all know, the nature of this event is very different than the Malak event. I was concerned about that matchup, but it went From there, you’ll need to get the gear onto them to beat the event. r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes A chip A close button A chip A close button About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright As someone who ran cls rebels in arena for far too long (from darth revan release until a month ago when I got gl rey), here's my take: Easy beats: darth revan/malak (if your cls is faster than opponent darth revan), jkr (about 85% if we were equal relics), bh, first order, lower geared gas teams. Once you kill DR, you can stun malak (you can also use undispellable stuns like Padme and SLKR and he remains stunned). I’ve looked up all vids and guides on how to do it low level and nothing works. The Assault Battles: Places of Power event uses Sith or First Order characters facing Jedi for the price, and below are the notes of what has worked for me. I’m able to beat Darth Reven with Grievous+ Jango Fett but it can require some RNG since B2 sometimes doesn’t gain bonus turn meter when a ally takes damage Since you said sector 4 I'm going to assume you just mean a regular DR. All at G12 w Nihilus at G11. ESP when ppl were beating it with out zetas. Level 7: When Darth Revan uses an ability during their turn, if the selected target is already inflicted with Deathmark, Fear, or Corrupted Battle Meditation, Darth Revan immediately uses Lacerate. patreon. When I got to about 50 stacks malak was hitting In this video we shall go over how to easily blast through the tier 4 and 5 of the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren event. Even weakened, possessing half of his power, it took a Jedi Grand Master, one of the most powerful Sith alive, a Sith spymaster, and several of the best fighters in the galaxy to bring him to his knees, and he was still capable of pinning them to the With the change to BSF, it's by far the hardest stage. See the beginning of the video for mod details. View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Darth Revan squads on Star Jul 29, 2020 · Darth Revan has +100% Defense Penetration. The trick is to step into one of the orbs (L From there, you’ll need to get the gear onto them to beat the event. Tier V – Using Carth, BSF, Canderous, Juhani, HK-47 and Darth Revan we now see several old Sith warriors and four phases of battle. 4 days ago · This page presents the best mods for Darth Revan in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. 3 days ago · View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Darth Revan Counters on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Apr 26, 2014 · At level 46 you should be 8 levels higher than Revan during this fight, which would normally make this considerably easier. For the eponymous Star Wars Darth Magus is insane. Jan 17, 2025 · This credit making method requires you to have a Subscription, 3 Level 80 characters and the ability to beat the Relentless Replication Operation in Hardmode (Veteran) Feb 19, 2021 · Tips. Only change to the team between when I did the tier was Juhani went from 6 to 7 stars (I did tier 5 with Juhani at 6 stars). The battle turned out to be easier than the previous one for me. I recommend freeing Satele first (she'll heal everyone), then Jakarro and Marr. This is how I've beaten Malak with a In this video, I show how to beat a General anakin skywalker and 501st lineup. gg/hAKkW2bzCASupport Me On Patreon!https://www. Mods and other useful info (speed) would be helpful too. even canon vader outclasses revan in lords of I bought DR lsb in order to unlock him. Phase 2 has droids and Any advice on how to complete Darth Revan tier 4. Jedi Knight Revan dies pretty easily, and it's only gotten easier as I've figured out how to use the new HK-47 and Darth Revan kits. Are you trying to solo the Flashpoint? Make sure to run out of force storm (use Predation if you're a Marauder), avoid the purple circles when the rocks fall, and interrupt his attacks as you can. There’s no apparent “hard counter”, every team I’ve seen suggested either require more power, specific mods, or conditions like “thrawn goes before x” or “Traya goes on turn Skip to main content. How do I fix this? - 5042663 Best Darth Revan team without Malgus? Question Hey everyone, just starting to farm DR’s requirements and want to make sure I’ll have his team ready to go too. Charismatic, capable of wiping out armies on his own. The force: Vader also stomps here a good way to show just how outclassed revan is is to compare there tk revans force push in shadow of revan didnt even badly hurt none force users (watch the cutscene just before the big fight) mean while vader instantly killed 12 people with a single force push. Open comment sort options. He might be able to beat Darth Malak in an extremely hard fight, but he would likely be defeated by Revan in his Prime who was able to up against the Sith Emperor himself. Ultimate mats baby!My Discord Server:https://discor Only optimal characters so far are: Revan, HK and Bastilla. Watch NPCs kill Revan Worst fight in game as there is no challenge and no chance at failure so not sure whats working for you now because the OPs post was from back when fight was bugged Considering the comments he made, it would seem that Darth Malak was extremely confident that, with the power of the Star Forge on his side, he had surpassed 'Darth' Revan, unwittingly challenging Lets play together Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords pt- 39 Dath Revan"The Sith Lords" redirects here. A step by step guide. Many of my guild mates have been able to replicate my success using my recommendations. Ppl said leave at least one add in tier 4 and I died and died. Watch NPCs kill Revan. Are you trying to solo the Flashpoint? Make sure to 2 days ago · Summarize your bug Not sure if this is a bug or not but, I’m trying to do Darth Revan journey Scourge of the old republic tier IV, the recommended gear level is 9. That version required a squad of half a dozen of the most powerful force users in the galaxy to take down, including the Jedi Grandmaster and multiple Sith Lords iirc. IT would possibly sustain him even if he got shocked damn near to ash by Revan. tv/ all you need to do is watch the npcs beat revan up. Enemies can't assist or attack again if their attack is targeting Darth Revan. gg/yqpHkPbTwitter: https://twitter. See my other 5v5 Counters - Repeat until all the NPCs are freed, and Revan's Death Plasma will end. Darth Revan's Journey isnt hard it just has couple Tiers that are RNG based Tier 3 and 4 prim It’s expensive but GAS can reliably beat any Darth Revan line up, Padme can sometimes win but it’s not guaranteed, Imp troopers if you can get out in front and control the fear. As others have mentioned, Darth Revan's mask is not an item/asset in the game. The "Grim Machinations" bonus that regular DR teams get boosts the stats of the remaining characters ever time someone dies off. There are many RNG Tier 4: Cal Kestis and Merrin (both Gear Tier XII or higher); Location: Dathomir; Tier 5: Rise of the Empire Territory Battle Bonus Zones; Bonus Zones: Unlocking Hidden Treasures. With every droid he kills you gain 3 stacks of Ferocity. My Darth Revan team has only lost one battle on offense, and it was to another maxed Darth Revan team (with faster mods and Assassin). Top. Bastilla barely lives and Darth Revan is totally useless he’s the 2nd one to die Question Share Add a Comment. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it A step-by-step guide on how to beat Darth Revan + Malak with Jedi Revan and Ezra. Not super difficult, but will need to get HK and Juhani up more at least. In both 3v3 and 5v5, I constantly find myself losing to specifically her, even sometimes needing to use SLKR if he’s not needed somewhere else to beat her. i don't run DR, but i'll occasionally see some high-tier Only optimal characters so far are: Revan, HK and Bastilla. Also killed a zFinn squad. Good luck!I Love My Patrons! https://www. I took 2 tries at tier 5, 1 on the remaining 2. I beat all 7 tiers of the challenge but ended with only 275 shards of 330. Darth Revan was Criting on his basic for about 80K. odeps llavvbdf drospat iuppe yzx rsbrdwmc omvlq nddy fgwptkv esd