Circuitpython esp32. 4 GHz Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5 (LE) and the 802.

  • Circuitpython esp32 Copy the following code to your CircuitPython 9. 4GHz Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth BLE 5 support, integrates 4MB Flash. SCK1, board espidf – Return the total size of the ESP-IDF, which includes the CircuitPython heap. 3 Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 Sense has equipped a highly-integrated ESP32-S3 chip, it supports both Wi-Fi and BLE connectivity, and battery charging. D5) 44 45 # Secondary (SCK1) SPI used to connect to WiFi board on Arduino Nano Connect RP2040 46 if "SCK1" in dir (board): 47 spi = busio. The unique identifier for the board model in circuitpython, as well as on circuitpython. org. Targett ESP32-S2 Module Clip (WROVER) By Targett Badger 2040 W (Pico W Aboard) By Pimoroni ESP32-S3 LCD Evaluation Kit By Espressif digitalio – Basic digital pin support . CircuitPython also uses this serial channel for the REPL. 3. init (mode = 0) Initalizes a pre-defined pin. For the essentials of analogio, AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit_2M ARAMCON Badge 2019 ARAMCON2 Badge ATMegaZero ESP32-S2 Adafruit BLM Badge Adafruit CLUE nRF52840 Express Connecting to the ESP32¶ The ESP32 chip itself has no USB support. Install and Code CircuitPython on ESP32 boards. 14inch 65K Color LCD, Supports WiFi & Bluetooth LE, USB-A Male Port, With White Plastic CaseTechnical details Adopts ESP32-S3R2 chip with Xtensa® 32-bit LX7 dual-core processor, capable of running at 240 MHz. This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the ATMegaZero ESP32-S2. The A build of CircuitPython 8 or newer with the espcamera built in module enabled; A supported camera, connected properly; At the moment, we really like the esp32-s3-eye from Espressif since it packs a 2-megapixel ESP32 as wifi with SPI interface. 2. And Feather means it works with the large community of Feather Wings for endless possibilities! espidf – Return the total size of the ESP-IDF, which includes the CircuitPython heap. This tiny device will enable you to realize your ESP_RESET) 39 40 # If you have an externally connected ESP32: 41 # esp32_cs = DigitalInOut(board. 4G Wi The last step is optional because CircuitPython will do it automatically after the program finishes. This is the Saola development board with a WROOM ESP32-S2 module. This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the ESP32-DevKitC-VE-WROVER. This module supports both Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® (5. Espressif doubled-down on the CPU resources for the ESP32 with a dual core, running at 160MHz and tons more pins and peripherals. This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the Autosport Labs ESP32-CAN-X2. Ditto for the It's the new Adafruit ESP32-S3 Feather, with native USB and 8 MB flash, making it simple to upgrade your existing ESP32 projects. Most This chip is a great step up from the earlier ESP32-S2! This ESP32-S3 mini-module we are using on the Feather comes with 4 MB flash and 2 MB PSRAM, as well as lots of 512KB of SRAM so it’s perfect for use with CircuitPython support or any time massive buffers are needed: for fast memory access use SRAM, for slower-but-roomier access use PSRAM. She explains why the use of interprete Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 has equipped a highly-integrated ESP32-C3 chip, built around a 32-bit RISC-V chip processor with a four-stage pipeline that operates at up to 160 MHz. Technical details ESP32-S2FN4R2 WiFi This is CircuitPython 9. The dev board consists of the ESP32-WROVER-B For this example, configure your device settings. It’s an ideal choice for a wide variety of application scenarios related to the Interne The Adafruit ESP32-S3 TFT Feather has all the features of a Feather main board, the comforting warmth of an ESP32-S3 WiFi+BLE microcontroller, and the crispness of a 240x135 pixel color TFT display. If necessary, you can visit www. The ESP module must be pre-programmed with AT command firmware, you can use esptool or our CircuitPython miniesptool to upload firmware. For other boards, like ESP32-S2, -S3, etc. Espressif designed this kit to demonstrate the ESP32-S2’s human-computer interaction functionalities and provide the users with the tools for development of human-computer interaction applications based on their new CircuitPython will automatically turn off the PWM when it resets all hardware after program completion. Use deinit() AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit_2M ARAMCON Badge 2019 ARAMCON2 Badge ATMegaZero ESP32-S2 Adafruit CLUE nRF52840 Express Adafruit Camera ESP32 CircuitPython firmware is uploaded to the board via the USB serial port. That means if you are running CircuitPython you will need to use WiFi, Bluetooth or WebSerial for transferring files back and forth rather than drag-and-dropping to a drive. You'll be able to use any board designed for CircuitPython and learn about the different CircuitPython DisplayIO Driver for ST7789 Color TFT Controller - adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ST7789 This video is a step-by-step guide on how to put circuitpython on your ESP32-S3 microcontroller. It offers 8MB PSRAM, 8MB FLASH, and external SD card slot. 4 mm x 25. The list along the left side leads to more information about specific topics. 15. The development board can Implementation of CircuitPython API Pin Handling for ESP32SPI. For information on building library documentation, please check out this guide. 4 GHz Wi-F ESP32 V2 03 Dual Core 240MHz Xtensa processor - the ESP32 you know and love, with the latest engineering fixes. To do so, either call deinit() or use a context manager. This board is very similar to the TTGO T8 ESP32-S2 ST7789 just without the display. 4 GHz Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5 (LE) and the 802. If the colors on your board appear inverted, use this board definition. by Kattni Rembor. With 1. Have a look in In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about CircuitPython on ESP32, from its background and history to its compatibility with different boards and its advantages over other programming Install and Code CircuitPython on ESP32 boards, then connect to CircuitPython from a web browser to use the REPL and file system. Massive user base and thousands of existing projects and libraries to use. This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the ESP32-S2-Pico. 3 V. Contribute to adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ESP32SPI development by creating an account on GitHub. at_response (at_cmd: str, timeout: int = 5, retries: int = 3) → bytes M5StickC PLUS is powered by ESP32-PICO-D4 with Wi-Fi and is an upgrade of the original M5StickC with a bigger screen . The web workflow serial output includes some special escape sequences that are intended to update the window title bar of the terminal program being used. Learn how to install, build, flash and debug CircuitPython on Espressif ESP32 chips and boards. Use this release if you are new to CircuitPython. 6. The ESP32-C6 is Espressif’s first Wi-Fi 6 SoC integrating 2. ESP32-S2-HMI-DevKit-1 is powered by the ESP32-S2-WROVER module, which supports a 4. 2” 65K Color Touch LCD. If CircuitPython firmware was loaded, the REPL can be accessed over a serial COM port. It is designed for smart speakers and smart-home applications. A limited number of boards have inverted green/blue on the internal status RGB LEDs. For example: Usage Example . It features a 2-Megapixel camera, an LCD display, and a microphone, which are used for image recognition and audio processing. Supports Wifi & Bluetooth. uf2 files are not currently working on ESP32-S2 or ESP32-S3 boards. This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the NanoESP32 S2 w/WROOM. The device uses the ESP32-S3 chip, which can be used for the test prototype of the Internet of Things application ESP32-DevKitC is a low-footprint and entry-level development board that is part of the ESP32 series. Three user accessable GPIO ports (two shared with I2C, one is input-only). The popular Nano form factor With CircuitPython firmware loaded, the REPL can be accessed over a serial/COM port. CircuitPython supported boards. All previous releases of CircuitPython are available for download from A low-cost WiFi/BLE board based on ESP32-C3. Technical details Onboard round 1. Use this release if you are new Sunton ESP32-2432S032C Development Board, Based on ESP32-D0WDQ6 MCU. 3, the latest bugfix revision of CircuitPython, and is a new stable release. espnow – ESP-NOW Module. This is CircuitPython 9. 11 b/g/n WiFi and CircuitPython DisplayIO Driver for ST7789 Color TFT Controller - adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ST7789. 0 and above), making it an ideal device for IoT development. Terminal Window Title Bar. For boards lacking native USB, like the ESP32 and ESP32-C3, no folder will show up after pressing reset. Technical details Adopts ESP32-S3FH4R2 chip with Xtensa 32-bit LX7 dual-core processor, up to 240MHz main frequency Built in 512KB of SRAM and 384KB R ESP32-S3 Dual Core 240MHz Tensilica processor - the next generation of ESP32-Sx, with native USB so it can act like a keyboard/mouse, MIDI device, Every time we commit new code to CircuitPython we automatically build binaries for each board and language. Note: update. I2C → busio. . This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the Saola 1 w/WROOM. BAT to VIN; GND to GND; I2S DATA or DIN to D11 or D27 (depending on which CircuitPython board you are using) ESP32-S3 Dual Core 240MHz Tensilica processor - the next generation of ESP32-Sx, with native USB so it can act like a keyboard/mouse, MIDI device, Every time we commit new code to CircuitPython we automatically build binaries for each board and language. Important: The ESP32-S3 has arrived in QT Py format - and what a great way to get started with this powerful new chip from Espressif! With dual 240 MHz cores, WiFi and BLE support, and native USB, this QT Py is great for powering your IoT projects. 4 GHz Wi-F A wrapper for AT commands to a connected ESP8266 or ESP32 module to do some very basic internetting. Drag the adafruit_circuitpython_etc. Features: ESP32-S3R2: Xtensa® dual-core 32-bit LX7 microprocessor, up to 240 MHz; 2. UF2 NOW 本文要介紹的,是 MicroPython 在 2017 年衍生出來的一個近親,叫做 CircuitPython Ai-Thinker 的 ESP32-CAM 開發板(搭配 OV2640 200 萬畫素攝影鏡頭)推出其實已經很多年了,一直因為其低廉的成本和看似潛力無窮的應用空間而受到關注,唯一較不便的是因為沒有 USB 燒錄 ESP32-C6 1. Find the supported SoC status, connection methods, peripheral information and Follow the steps right through Build CircuitPython. 47inch Display Development Board, 172×320, 262K Color, 160MHz Running Frequency Single-core Processor, Supports WiFi 6 & Bluetooth, With Colorful RGB LED, ESP32 With Display ESP32-C6-LCD-1. See Lifetime and ContextManagers for more info. Important: this will erase previously flashed firmware and sketches from the board Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather CircuitPython Libraries Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather. Comprehensive Documentation:The board comes with extensive documentation, making it easy to learn and program for beginners. 2 kit is a full featured development kit by Espressif for the ESP32-S2. Make the connections to the I2S headphone adapter as shown, and plug in headphones. It integrates a built-in camera sensor, and digital microphone. Get Started. We packed everything you love about Feathers: built in USB-to-Serial converter, automatic bootloader reset, Lithium Ion/Polymer charger, and just about all of the GPIOs brought out so you can use it with any of our Feather CircuitPython 9. ReadableBuffer, *, channel_count: The ESP32-S3-DevKitM-1 is an entry-level development board equipped with the ESP32-S3-MINI-1, a powerful, generic Wi-Fi + Bluetooth LE MCU module that features a rich set of peripherals, yet an optimized size. Save New Favorite Adafruit QT Py ESP32 PICO Adafruit QT Py ESP32-S3 4MB Flash 2MB PSRAM Adafruit QT Py ESP32-S3 no psram Adafruit QT Py ESP32C3 Adafruit QT Py ESP32S2 Adafruit Sparkle Motion Adafruit Vindie S2 Adafruit-Qualia-S3-RGB666 Ai Thinker ESP32-CAM Arduino Nano ESP32 Artisense Reference Design RD00 AutosportLabs-ESP32-CAN-X2 BARDUINO CircuitPython BLE UART Example. The Arduino Nano ESP32 features the NORA-W106, a module with a ESP32-S3 chip inside. , a BOOT folder should show up. espnow – ESP-NOW Module; espulp – ESP Ultra Low Power Processor Module; AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit_2M APARD32690 ARAMCON Badge 2019 ARAMCON2 Badge ATMegaZero ESP32-S2 Adafruit BLM Badge Getting Started with CircuitPython on the XIAO ESP32C6 Network-WLAN For boards without native USB (like ESP32-C6 or ESP32) you will need to use the REPL to connect to the Wi-Fi. There are two options for the USB to serial chipset on your board. It is a portable, easy-to-use, open source, IoT development board. Follow this step-by-step to get CircuitPython running on your board. The first section is API and Usage. Can be used with Arduino IDE, The TTGO T8 ESP32-S2 development board has useful features like the microSD card slot or the option to run the board with battery power. The ESP32-S3 is a highly-integrated, low-power, 2. Driver Install. 4 protocol. D10) 43 # esp32_reset = DigitalInOut(board. Try the non-inverted Arduino Nano ESP32 board first. Here is a complete guide for getting Circuitpython installed onto an ESP32C3 device, and for enabling Web Workflow so you can load your Python code onto it. The binaries are stored on Amazon S3, organized by board, and then by language. Downloads Libraries Blinka Code Editor. 4. This board does not support deep-sleep, since the integrated LiPo-chargerwill go ESP32 as wifi with SPI interface. This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the DOIT ESP32 Development Board. Powered by the ESP32-D0WDQ6-V3 this is our first device to integrate a super sized 540*960 @4. 7” E-ink display,which supports 16 gray scale levels. This version is equipped with the ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 (PCB antenna) with 8MB Flash and no PSRAM. Important: this will erase previously flashed firmware and sketches from the board ESP32-C3 is a 32-bit RISC-V CPU that includes an FPU (floating point unit) that can perform 32-bit single precision operations and has powerful computing power. All previous releases of CircuitPython are available for download from Amazon S3 What has all the features of a Feather main board, the comforting warmth of an ESP32-S2 WiFi microcontroller, and the crispness of a 240x135 pixel color TFT display? The Adafruit ESP32-S2 TFT Feather! With Arduino or CircuitPython, you CircuitPython boards using an ESP32 "AirLift" Co-Processor such as the PyPortal require a helper library to connect to the internet. It's easy to use Adafruit AirLift ESP32 co-processor boards for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) with CircuitPython. 47 is a microcontroller development board with 2. Example: “hallowing_m0_express”. This is where you can find ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N8R8 microcontroller powerful dual-core Xtensa LX6 CPU running at up to 240 MHz. This board has a rich peripheral set. Use this release if you are new This video is a step-by-step guide on how to put circuitpython on your ESP32-S3 microcontroller. It is based on the ESP32-S3 SoC and ESP-WHO, Espressif’s AI development framework. As a general tutorial it is for everyone looking to get star This is a ESP32-S3 Mini Development Board, based on ESP32-S3FH4R2 Dual-Core Processor, 240MHz Running Frequency, USB Port Adapter Board Optional. As a general tutorial it is for everyone looking to get star The development board breaks out all the module’s pins to 0. This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the Adafruit QT Py ESP32 Pico. 1, you will not be able to ESP32-LyraT is an open-source development board for Espressif Systems’ Audio Development Framework (ADF). NOTE: This class does not currently implement reading digital pins or the use of internal pull-up resistors. 28inch 240×240 pixels 65K color Touch LCD display. Contributing The LOLIN S2 Mini is a small (33. published November 25, 2021, last edited January 22, 2025 last major update June 21, 2023 posted in Adafruit Products Sensors/ Temperature & Humidity Feather CircuitPython STEMMA. Introducing the Nano ESP32, a powerful addition to the Arduino ecosystem that brings the popular ESP32-S3 to the world of Arduino and MicroPython programming. ESP32-S3- The ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 version 1. Wi-Fi function is enabled This guide provides examples of all the core modules and some of the common libraries found in CircuitPython and how they're used. Check the examples folder for various demos for connecting and fetching data! Documentation . 1″ headers and provides a CP2102 USB-TTL serial adapter, programming and reset buttons, and a power regulator to supply the ESP32 with a stable 3. CircuitPython 9. If this is your first time using an ESP32 board on Windows or MacOS, you may need to install the USB to serial drivers. vcc-gnd. com for purchase. When you reset the ESP32, you can put it in WiFi mode (the default), or in The YD-ESP32-S3 core board is designed by VCC-GND Studio. 1, you will not be able to Aww yeah, it’s the Feather you have been waiting for! The HUZZAH32 is our ESP32-based Feather, made with the official WROOM32 module. This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the Nano ESP32. With 3. ESP32 V2 03 Dual Core 240MHz Xtensa processor - the ESP32 you know and love, with the latest engineering fixes. It's Metro shaped and has an ESP32-S2 WiFi module! Follow the initial steps found in the Run esptool and check connection section of the ROM Bootloader page to verify your environment is set up, your board is successfully connected, and which port it's using. API documentation for this library can be found on Read the Docs. 4 DOWNLOAD . SPI Display I2C Touch High-Performance Microcontroller:Equipped with a robust ESP32-C6 processor, this board delivers superior performance for your projects. All classes change hardware state and should be deinitialized when they are no longer needed if the program continues after use. This means that there is a high chance that the D1 Mini Shields could also be uses with this board. SD card slot. WARNING for nRF52 boards only: If your board has an nRF52 UF2 bootloader whose version is before 0. keyboard, or disk drive. I2C ¶ The cutest ESP32-S2! The main page covers the basics including where to download CircuitPython, how to contribute, differences from MicroPython, information about the project structure, and a full table of contents for the rest of the documentation. DFRobot FireBeetle 2 ESP32-S3 Datanoise PicoADK Datanoise PicoADK V2 Deneyap Kart 1A v2 Deneyap Mini Deneyap Mini v2 Diodes Delight Piunora DynOSSAT-EDU-EPS DynOSSAT-EDU-OBC DynaLoRa_USB E-Fidget ELECFREAKS PICO:ED ES3ink ESP 12k NodeMCU ESP32-S2-DevKitC-1-N4 ESP32-S2-DevKitC-1-N4R2 ESP32-S2-DevKitC-1-N8R2 Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather CircuitPython Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather. 4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth wireless communication. It has excellent RF performance and supports IEEE 802. Integrated 2. Install and Code CircuitPython on ESP32 boards, then connect to CircuitPython from a web browser to use the REPL and file system. 4 mm) development board. Learn everything there is to know about this board in this guide! Adafruit QT Py ESP32 PICO Adafruit QT Py ESP32-S3 4MB Flash 2MB PSRAM Adafruit QT Py ESP32-S3 no psram Adafruit QT Py ESP32C3 Adafruit QT Py ESP32S2 Adafruit Sparkle Motion Adafruit Vindie S2 Adafruit-Qualia-S3-RGB666 Ai Thinker ESP32-CAM Arduino Nano ESP32 Artisense Reference Design RD00 AutosportLabs-ESP32-CAN-X2 BARDUINO Sunton ESP32-2424S012 Development Board, Based on ESP32-C3 MCU. Save New Favorite sunton_esp32_2432S028 sunton_esp32_2432S032C takayoshiotake Octave RP2040 uChip uGame10 uGame22 board. board. esp (ESP_SPIcontrol) – The ESP object we are using. 11 b/g/n WiFi and ESP32 is already integrated antenna and RF balun, power amplifier, low-noise amplifiers, filters, and power management module. 28” 65K Color Touch LCD. Native USB means it can act like a keyboard or a disk drive, and WiFi and BLE mean it's awesome for IoT projects. SPI (board. 3 DOWNLOAD CircuitPython 9. Parameters: esp_pin – Valid ESP32 GPIO Pin, predefined in ESP32_GPIO_PINS. Technical ESP32-C3 is a 32-bit RISC-V CPU that includes an FPU (floating point unit) that can perform 32-bit single precision operations and has powerful computing power. On many boards there is a USB-serial adapter chip, such as a CP2102N, CP2104 or CH9102F, usually connected to the ESP32 TXD0 (GPIO1)and RXD0 (GPIO3) pins, for access to the bootloader. board_id: str ¶ Board ID string. toml file to automatically connect to WiFi. In the final command to write a binary file to the board, replace the port with your port, and replace The ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 is an entry-level development board equipped with ESP32-S3-WROOM-1, a general-purpose Wi-Fi + Bluetooth LE MCU module that integrates complete Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE functions. The BOOT drive will disappear and a new This chip is a great step up from the earlier ESP32-S2! This ESP32-S3 mini-module we are using on the Feather comes with 4 MB flash and 2 MB PSRAM, as well as lots of 512KB of SRAM so it’s perfect for use with CircuitPython support or any time massive buffers are needed: for fast memory access use SRAM, for slower-but-roomier access use PSRAM. Release Notes for 9. The ESP32-S3-EYE is a small-sized AI development board produced by Espressif. The display is a GT911 capacitive touch screen,which supports two point to The ESP32-S3 has arrived in QT Py format - and what a great way to get started with this powerful new chip from Espressif! With dual 240 MHz cores, WiFi and BLE support, and native USB, this QT Py is great for powering your IoT projects. After you build mpy-cross, you are ready to build the ESP32-S2 port of CircuitPython for your board. uf2 file to QTPYS3BOOT. For more details on installation, how to configure your ESP32, and info on getting started with CircuitPython on your ESP32 using This wiki introduce how to install and run the official CircuitPython by Adafruit Industries on the Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6 development board! CircuitPython is a programming language designed to simplify experimenting This wiki introduce how to install and run the official CircuitPython by Adafruit Industries on the Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 development board! CircuitPython is a programming language designed to simplify experimenting The LuatOS ESP32-C3 core board is a type of development board based on the ESP32-C3 chip, which is a highly integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth system-on-chip (SoC) designed for low-power Internet of Things (IoT) applications. 3” LCD screen. The BPI-Leaf-S3 is a basic development board equipped ESP32-S3R2 chip , provides Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE functions via PCB antenna. AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit_2M ARAMCON Badge 2019 ARAMCON2 Badge ATMegaZero ESP32-S2 Adafruit BLM Badge Adafruit CLUE nRF52840 Express Adafruit Circuit Playground Bluefruit RawSample (buffer: circuitpython_typing. Features Based on the ESP32-C3 WIFI & Bluetooth LE RISC-V Single-Core CPU Type-C USB Castellated pads 4MB Flash Clock speed: 160 Mhz 15x Digital IO ADC(5 channel, 12-bit), I2C, SPI, UARTx2 Size: 21mm x 51mm Default firmware: LuatOS 2 red s Waveshare ESP32-GEEK Development Board, Based On ESP32-S3R2 Controller Chip, With 1. M5Paper is M5Stacks latest core device with a touch enabled E-ink display. Adafruit’s Founder and Engineer, the one and only “Ladyada”, delivers a presentation on using CircuitPython for ESP32. The ESP32-S3 has arrived in QT Py format - and what a great way to get started with this powerful new chip from Espressif! With dual 240 MHz cores, WiFi and BLE support, and native USB, this QT Py is great for powering your IoT projects. The digitalio module contains classes to provide access to basic digital IO. From TFTs to touch panels, this dev board has it all. The form factor is almost the same as the well-known LOLIN D1 mini. D9) 42 # esp32_ready = DigitalInOut(board. Connecting to the ESP32-C3¶ USB The main page covers the basics including where to download CircuitPython, how to contribute, differences from MicroPython, information about the project structure, and a full table of contents for the rest of the documentation. ESPNow; ESPNowPacket; Peer; Peers; espulp – ESP Ultra Low Power Processor Module; AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit_2M ATMegaZero ESP32-S2 Adafruit Feather ESP32 V2 Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT Espressif’s ESP32-S2 Human Machine Interface Dev Kit 1 (ESP32-S2-HMI-DevKit-1) has been specifically designed for human-machine interfaces in smart-home automation controllers, smart speakers with display, smart alarm clocks, etc. Skip to main content Contributing News Awesome Newsletter Documentation Forums Discord RSS. This is the latest stable release of CircuitPython that will work with the NodeMCU ESP-12K. Contribute. sgpqhe wsqrm dfgfs kwsq kdpti ewcpr gesz urq lipjw jhhlfp