Brocade link reset on port auto trigger. Open/Close Topics Navigation.

Brocade link reset on port auto trigger. 0 Supporting Fabric OS 8.
Brocade link reset on port auto trigger Link Reset done. creditRecovMode Examples To enable backend port credit loss recovery with the link reset only option and to display the configuration: switch:admin> creditrecovmode --cfg onLrOnly switch:admin> creditrecovmode --show Internal port credit recovery is Brocade® Fabric OS® Message Reference Manual, 9. This ultimately causes lost credits on device-to-switch links, inter-switch links (ISLs), and back-end switch ports. The Brocade switch shows the WARNING like below: 2020/05/21-09:24:09, [C3-1014], 349, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6520, Link Reset on Port S0,P-1(193) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=2 You can perform a link reset on all the 8G, 16G, and 32G backend ports if there is a loss of sync from peer ports. portstatsclear 1. Message Type. Note: If you make changes to a port's speed or topology and want the changes to take effect immediately, you must reset the port by using the chportfc -reset command. Sign in to view the entire content of Brocade KBs Switch missing from fabric but reachable via management IP 2020/04/08-14:26:03, [C4-1014], 9554, CHASSIS, WARNING, BrocadeG630, Link Reset on Port S0,P-1(86) vc_no=30 crd(s)lost=45 auto trigger. The Brocade SX6 Extension Blade has Brocade Fabric OS v7. To clear the stats for a range of ports. Connected NetApp port to the Brocade switch shows the status as "Link Disconnected" slot 0: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 0e Brocade switch port flaps due to faulty switch end sfp 2024/02/25-02:26:08 (GMT), [C4-1014], 628, CHASSIS | PORT 0/4, WARNING, switch, Link Reset on Port S0,P4(22) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=6 auto trigger. If a port remains an LR received state for a period of time greater than a time out period, a link reset protocol time out shall be detected which results in a link failure condition, loss of synchronization, synchronization failures on either bit or transmission word boundaries are not separately Indicates that an F_Port or N_Port has negotiated a link that is capable of quality of service (QoS). 1 ADMINISTRATION GUIDE Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide, 8. x 53-1004392-04 7 June 2017 The default configuration defines 300,000 trace entries (trace records) per trace buffer. C4-1013. does not apply to FL_Port. The default FTRACE configuration enables auto checkout (ACO) for the first four buffers and disables ACO for the last four. x (53-1002063-09, August 2012). Turn on back-end credit recovery to reset the link and 53-1002751-01 14 December 2012 ® Fabric OS Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Guide Supporting Fabric OS v7. Both physical and hardware problems can cause link failures. The failure might due to the handshake in SSL/TLS connections. Alternatively, run the restart command in the interface view to restart the interfaces. • 802. C3TXTO — Class 3 timeout. -h | --help Brocade® Fabric OS® Message Reference Manual, 9. StoreFabric SN6500B software pdf The port link-flap trigger error-down command enables link flapping protection on an interface. How do I go about resetting them and clearing any V-LANs that are on them? I’ve previously worked on FCX648S-HPOE switches and reset them and basically unmanaged them which is what I am looking to do to the ICX switches. To clear all the switch port and diagnostic switch in one go. This video presents the following: Configuration backups are triggered in several ways. A switch port in Brocade/Cisco is in an unhealthy state or there are several errors on a switch port. === Remote IT Support ===https://linktr. During link reset, the frame and credit loss counters are reset without performance degradation. 2022/03/17-21:47:29, [MAPS-2030], 1507, SLOT 1 For more information link failures. Credit recovery is supported on E_Ports, F_Ports, and EX_Ports. and 16 1GbE or 10GbE ports labeled ge2-ge17. If the problem persists, replace the blade. 2. Indicates that multiple credits and frames were lost on the specified port, and that the link has reset. 1, Brocade switches continually reset after external ports are enabled via the Brocade management interface. SIGN This is only supported on the backend ports of 64G and 32G-capable Fibre Channel blades in the chassis of Brocade X7 and X6 Directors respectively. This in turn triggered the ITW errors since link was being reset during that time, the frames coming to that link will get dropped. portstatsclear -i portindex1-portindex2. f6d2 (bia d4c1. 0 Supporting Fabric OS 8. The number of class 3 frames discarded due to Indicates that an F_Port or N_Port has negotiated a link that is capable of quality of service (QoS). (SFP) transceiver or the cable on the port and peer port to which this port is connected If you need to redeploy a Silkworm switch into a different environment, resetting the switch to factory default settings is a quick method that could save the time required to troubleshoot issues caused by an old configuration. portStatsClear. Discovery. switchShow. S<slot number>,P<port number>(<blade port number>): Link Timeout on internal port ftx=<frame transmitted> tov=<real timeout value> (><expected timeout value>) vc_no=<vc number> crd(s)lost The number of times a link failure occurs on a port or the port sends or receives a Not Operational Sequence (NOS) state. -h | --help On the Brocade Gen 6 and Brocade Gen 7 CPs, this command supports . C4 Messages. 2b, a switch may experience port bounce during firmware upgrade to FOS v7. In all cases, you can bring the automatically disabled port back into 2022/11/11-18:43:46, [C5-1014], 17920, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS, WARNING, XXX, Link Reset on Port S6,P296(120) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=1 auto trigger. Brocade Departmental Switch is not accessible via switch IP, with no access via webtools, telnet, or SSH. View and Download Brocade Communications Systems StoreFabric SN6500B documentation update online. Disc/c3 is not trivial to troubleshoot as it is not always the port discarding the frame that is causing the issue. 1GbE RJ-45 copper ports on the Brocade 7810 Switch can also participate in LAG (both static and dynamic) formation, and the LAG could have a mix of copper and optic GbE ports. --send. Purchased two ICX-5450-48 switches that are used. Brocade switches continually reset after external ports are enabled - IBM BladeCenter Do not enable the external switch ports by using the Brocade management interface. Multi RDY/Frame Loss detected on internal port of Slot <slot number>, Port <port number>(<blade port number>) m_rdy(0x<Multiple Credit(s) Lost>)/m_frame(0x<Multiple Frame(s) Lost>). Page 188 highlights. 0a Release Notes v1. Message Severity. Buffer credit recovery is enabled automatically across any long-distance connection for which the E_Port, F_Port, or EX_Port buffer credit recovery mechanism is supported. CDR-1011. Port speed and link autonegotiation can be set for the LAG to control the setting of the individual LAG ICX7150-C12 Router>show interfaces ethernet 1/1/1 GigabitEthernet1/1/1 is up, line protocol is up Port up for 14 second(s) Hardware is GigabitEthernet, address is d4c1. Brocade Director Class switch is not accessible via Chassis IP or Active CP IP, with no access using webtools, telnet, or SSH. and . (SFP) transceiver or the cable on the port and peer port to which this port is connected 两台博科6510光纤交换机,连接曙光DS900存储和服务器;存储各有4根光纤分别连接到了两台6510;最近发现数据库RAC宕了三次,经过检查发现光纤交换机上报了许多link reset的错误;这个错误持续报影响了数据库正常运行;临时解决办法是portdisable 端口和portenable 端口,但不知道下 The supportshow outputs from the two Brocade switches show the problem details. (Resetting a port causes a brief interruption in I/O. 3ad link aggregation. Lr_out -> Link reset Out (primitive sequence), does not apply to FL_Port. C2-1012. IO_PERF_IMPACT and IO_LATENCY_CLEAR events reported on E Ports/ISL ports under errdump; 2022/01/27-10:59:24:421723, [MAPS-1003], 883769/797720, SLOT 2 | FID 128, WARNING, NETM_X6_101_FAB1, slot10 port47, E-Port 10/47, Condition=ALL_PORTS(DEV_LATENCY_IMPACT==IO_PERF_IMPACT), Current Reset both the specified ports. Probable Cause Brocade® Fabric OS® Command Reference Manual, v9. When you create a custom rule, you need to account for the constraints associated with each rule parameter. LR_IN indicates a link reset on the remote switch, whereas LR_OUT indicates a link reset on the local switch. switch Displays the port settings: portcfg rscnsupr [slot/port] –enable: A registered state change registration is suppressed when a state change occurs on the port: portcfg rscnsupr [slot/port] –disable: A registered state change registration is sent when a state change occurs on the port: portname: To assign a name for a port: portdisable: To 01. portstatsclear -i 1-5. 0 Initial Release May 29, 2015 Brocade Fabric OS v7. You can configure 1000, 100, or 10 as the speed. f6d2) Configured speed auto, actual 1Gbit, configured duplex fdx, actual fdx Configured mdi mode AUTO, actual MDI Untagged member of L2 VLAN 1, port However, you can save backups to an offline location and restore them to switches based on need. Status and Counters in the menu interface. Open/Close Topics Navigation. 2019/06/01-08:39:16, [C3-1014], 74, CHASSIS Faulty port in Brocade/Broadcom switch Skip to main content. x. LOG. x Topics. To reset the link operating attributes on eth0: switch:admin Configures a Brocade Support Link (BSL) Resets the custom configurations to default and removes the other used-defined configurations. Content feedback and Brocade® Fabric OS® Message Reference Manual, 9. S<slot number>,P<port number>(<blade port number>): Link Timeout on internal port ftx=<frame transmitted> tov=<real timeout value> (><expected timeout value>) vc_no=<vc number> crd(s)lost Brocade FC端口脱机、并出现IN_Sync状态和链路因缆线故障而失败错误 在错误转储中 defALL_PORTSLF_3 and Link Reset on Port 15448, WWN x0:00:88:94:71:96:xy:yy | CHASSIS, WARNING, BrocadeG610, Link Reset on Port S0,P0(23) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=12 auto trigger. 0a Release Notes v2. PDF. To isolate the issue Work Around: Lock the port speed to 8Gb or portdisable/portenable may temporarily fix the issue. 2020/05/21-09:24:56, [C3-1023], 350, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6520, Single RDY/Frame Loss detected and recovered on Slot 0,Port -1(193) rdy If the default policy does not suit your requirements, you can clone an existing default policy and create your custom rule. Thus far, I can restart the port via a manual toggle in HA, but I can't seem to do this automatically based on variables (uptime, et al). switch Sign-in with the email address on your NetApp account. Link-fail: If a port remains in the LR Receive State for a period of time greater than a timeout period (R_A_TOV), a link reset protocol timeout will be detected, which results in a link failure condition (enter the NOS transmit Brocade FabricOS (FOS) Issue. Due to a regression in FOS v7. However, I can restart the PoE port it's connected to, which causes the camera to reboot. To see what the switch negotiates for the auto setting, use theCLI show interfaces brief command or the 3. If a Port remains in the LR Receive State for time greater than a timeout period (R_T_TOV), a Link Reset Protocol Timeout shall be detected which results in a Link Failure condition (enter the NOS Transmit State). 连接到Brocade交换机的NetApp 由于缆线故障、导致Brocade CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6510, Link Reset on Port S0,P8(12) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=12 auto trigger. Indicates that one or more credits are lost and How to recover from hung state on Management Ethernet port, with no access using webtools, telnet, or SSH. 2023/03/01-13:10:45, [C3-1014], 2270, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6505, Link Reset on Port S0,P0(0) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=12 auto trigger. ) If the port is not reset, the change takes effect the next time that the adapter is reset, or the canister or enclosure is rebooted. Community for former Brocade Ethernet & SAN Switching devices, especially MLX, MLXe, SLX, ICX, Ruckus, VDX and *iron, also Brocade inspired Extreme Networks SLX products like SLX 9540, SLX9640, SLX9740, SLX9850, SLX9240, SLX9130. number> crd(s)lost=<Credit(s) lost> <Source of link reset > trigger. * Configured trunks: Trunk ID: 18 Hw Trunk ID: 1 Ports_Configured: 2 Primary Port Monitored: Jointly Ports PortName Port_Status Monitor Rx_Mirr Tx_Mirr Monitor_Dir 18 10gbe1* enable off N/A N/A N/A 19 none enable off N/A N/A N/A Trunk ID: 21 Hw Trunk ID: 2 Ports_Configured: 2 Primary Port Monitored: Jointly Ports PortName Port_Status Monitor Rx Brocade® Fabric OS® Command Reference Manual, 9. Version. eth3. Ols_in -> Offline reset in (primitive sequence), does Brocade® Fabric OS® Administration Guide, 9. Switch or fabric discovery Brocade KB ポートS0でフレーム損失のBrocadeリンクリセット 2020/05/21-09:24:09, [C3-1014], 349, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6520, Link Reset on Port S0,P-1(193) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=2 auto trigger. 9e88. Link resets observed on the switch ports with no underlying physical layer errors. Received (Rx). New to NetApp? Learn more about our award-winning Support. MDI: Sets the port to connect with a PC using a crossover cable (manual Brocade® Fabric OS® Command Reference Manual, 9. The ports on which the number of link resets exceed the specified threshold value. When used with the Supporting Fabric OS 8. (SFP) transceiver or the cable on the port and peer port to which this port is connected Link failures (LF1 or LF2 states): The number of times the port achieved Link fail1 and or Link fail 2 states. Reset a Brocade Silkworm switch to factory defaults through the serial console port. C4-1012. C3-1014. Indicates that an F_Port or N_Port has negotiated a link that is capable of quality of service (QoS). . 11. This document provides a comprehensive guide to configuring and managing Brocade's Fabric OS v7. Resolution: Recommend user to update the firmware to version 7. If complete loss of credit on a 8Gb/s-capable backend port causes frame timeouts, a link reset will be performed on that port regardless of the configured setting, even if that setting is --cfg off. For the Brocade 7810 switch (supports only dp0) and the Brocade SX6 extension blade, specify GbE port number along with the DP number, for example, Generates traffic over a pair of IP addresses to test the link for any network issues. eth0 However, you can save backups to an offline location and restore them to switches based on need. Looking for some help here. IBM Support . Configures the capability of operation as full duplex. Brocade switch ports flaps and goes automatically disabled Brocade switch port being faulted switch disables the port to prevent flapping; Under switchshow, port state shows as "No_sync" or "No_Module" Example: errdump -a. command to display configuration parameters and status information for FCIP tunnels and FCIP circuits on the GbE/10GbE ports on the Brocade 7810, 7850, and SX6 platforms. Probable Cause. 4. Indicates that one or more credits QLogic 16 Gb FC Dual-port HBA QLE2662 QLogic 16 Gb FC Single-port HBA QLE2660 C3-5XXX may not be seen in RAS log but continues port link reset (LR2) on affected port(s) in portlogdump. 0. Brocade FC port flapped with multiple Brocade® Fabric OS® Message Reference Manual, 9. Knowledge Base Link reset errors in the switch logs; 2023/11/10-03:06:37 (CST), [XX-XXXX], XXXXXX, CHASSIS | PORT 0/01, WARNING, BrocadeG620, Link Reset on PortS0,P01(0) vc_no=2 crd(s)lost=1104 auto trigger. Brocade® Fabric OS® Message Reference Manual, 9. The following analysis will use the switch SW_EVA64_DW as an example, switch SW_EVA64_UP will be sniped. When plugging the SFP into a different port, it works as normal; When I can't reach it via mobile or desktop apps. For more information on the Fabric OS SDDQ, QoS zoning, (35) vc_no=5 crd(s)lost=3 auto trigger. The Brocade 7810 switch has 2 copper 1Gbe ports and 6 1/10GbE ports. ESXi stopped running, VM failover also might triggered. When i had changed password Router Brocade MLXe 4 using this command line interface : username admin password 8 newpassword. (SFP) transceiver or the cable on the port and peer port to which this port is connected HPE B-series Fabric OS 7. . Product Menu Topics. In errdump rule defALL_PORTSLF_3 and Link Reset on Port is generated for the port in large number; 2022/12/24 15448, WWN x0:00:88:94:71:96:xy:yy | CHASSIS, WARNING, BrocadeG610, Link Reset on Port S0,P0(23) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=12 auto trigger. 2020/04/09-09:03:42, [C3-1014], 2557, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6510, Link Reset on Port S0,P8(12) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=12 auto trigger. Indicates that one or more credits Indicates that the specified port is re-initialized due to link reset failure. slotPowerOn commands. 2b It can happen during warm recovery event such as hafailover and hareboot. English 349, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6520, Link Reset on Port S0,P-1(193) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=2 auto trigger. Issue. Brocade switch port flaps due to faulty end device sfp (IST), [C4-1014], 2442642, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS | PORT 12/6, WARNING, switch, Link Reset on Port S12,P118(63) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=0 auto trigger. I know the ICX don’t have a serial port. Brocade Fabric OS Documentation Updates - Supporting Fabric OS v6. Use the . portlogdump : Brocade DCX Backbone - Version All Versions and later: Brocade FC Switch Can Cause Link Reset for Credit Recovery on F_Ports Bottleneck detection detects latency towards the device attached to the port. 1 Fabric OS Command Reference - Page 188. Use this command to clear the hardware statistics for the specified ports. Determines the health of a network link before Learn how to restart HTTP services on Connectrix Brocade fibre channel switches using the Command Line Interface (CLI). 0 ® Auto-MDIX (default): Senses speed and negotiates with the port at the other end of the link for port operation (MDI-X or MDI). The password will be either (a) a One Time Passcode (OTP) that will be sent to your email address, or (b) your password to your organization. ARL a=Auto r=Reset s=StepDown t=TimedStepDown S=SLA. eth0 With firmware version 4. This option is cleared automatically when the D_Port fabric log is enabled. Connectrix B-Series Brocade: Director switch into down state and disabled, with a lot of components into faulty state CHASSIS, WARNING, switchName, Link Reset on Port S2,P-1(0) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=4 auto trigger. 0, including basic configuration tasks, advanced configuration, managing user accounts, security protocols, and Virtual Fabrics. port credit recovery configuration. Indicates that one or more credits were lost and that the link has been reset. Automatic recovery (before an Error-Down event occurs): If a large number of interfaces need to be recovered, manual recovery is time consuming and some The Brocade 7810 Switch supports a maximum combination of two. x lost=<Credit(s) lost> <Source of link reset > trigger. Chapter 4 Configuring Trunk Groups and Dynamic Link Aggregation This chapter describes how to configure trunk groups and 802. Link resets on one port are reported: 2020/09/01-09:22:48 (CET), [C5-1014], 2001, CHASSIS | PORT 0/13, WARNING, BrocadeG720, Link Reset on Port S0,P13(52) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=5 - When the core blades were powered off the switch automatically went into disable state, because a director switch is not able to function properly without 2 core blades. Link Reset on Port S<slot number>,P<port number> (<blade port number>) vc_no=<vc number> crd (s)lost=<Credit (s) lost> <Source of link reset > trigger. In the following example, backend port credit loss recovery is enabled with the link reset only option. Including ALPA-based CRC monitor, End-to-End monitor, and Filter-based performance monitor statistics. Link errors, such as cyclic redundancy check (CRC) and invalid transmission word (ITW) errors, can affect frame integrity and can cause valid R_RDYs to stop being returned to the sending switch. 2012 • Views . This video shows you the steps to restart HTTP services, as well as how to check if it was successful. Port Status option under 1. If it is a trunk, reset the entire trunk. Sign in to view the entire content of this KB article. Link Reset performed on slot 3 blade port 35 Following is an example of Brocade® Fabric OS® Message Reference Manual, 9. Triggers Support Link troubleshooting operation and diagnoses the common network connectivity problems. 3ad link aggregation is a protocol that dynamically creates and manages trunk groups. This should only be done To clear the stats for a single port: portstatsclear portindex. CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6505, Link Reset on Port S0,P10 2334, FID 128, INFO,switch1, Port (ID: 8) QoS is disabled. 9. ee/remotetechsupport How to recover from hung state on Management Ethernet port, with no access using webtools, telnet, or SSH. eth0. If credit recovery has already been turned on, the link will be reset to recover the credits and no action is required. In case of switch warm recovery, FOS raslog will capture logging of C3-1037 and/or C3-1041 (or C3-1042), or C2-1037 and/or C2-1034 (or C2-1035) warning messages Specifies the port number of the GbE port on the blade. Note that 1000Mb/s speed can be configured only when auto-negotiation is on. switch:admin> creditrecovmode --show Internal port During link reset, the frame and credit loss counters are reset without performance degradation. Knowledge Base. Severity. 2020/05/21-09:24:56, [C3-1023], 350, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6520, Single RDY/Frame Loss detected and recovered on Slot 0,Port -1 Our office have Router Brocade MLXe 4. WARNING Brocade FC port offline with No_Sync state and -inf TX power [C3-1014], 2269, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6505, Link Reset on Port S0,P0(0) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=12 auto trigger. The node may report failed disks at the Brocade Link Reset on Port S0 with frame loss Skip to main content. WARNING. 2018/05/22-18:44:01, [C2-1014], 36576, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade300, Link Reset on Port S0,P4(22) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=1 auto trigger. WARNING, Brocade Fabric 1, Port 4 Faulted because of many Link Failures. SIGN IN. (SFP) transceiver or the cable on the port and peer port to which this port is connected QLogic 16 Gb FC Dual-port HBA QLE2662 QLogic 16 Gb FC Single-port HBA QLE2660 C3-5XXX may not be seen in RAS log but continues port link reset (LR2) on affected port(s) in portlogdump. Switch logs (Brocade): 2020/03/10-10:20:06, [C4-1010], 13033, SLOT X CHASSIS, CRITICAL, Brocade_XX-X, X,X: Above normal hardware errors were ob served: fault1:0x64, fault2:0x64 thresh2:0xb0000064. On ESXi, vobd. The link reset information is indicated by LR_IN and LR_OUT. S<slot number>,P<port number>(<blade port number>): Link Timeout on internal port ftx=<frame transmitted> tov=<real timeout value> (><expected timeout value>) vc_no=<vc number> crd(s)lost Note that a link reset does not cause a port autodisable. MAPS throws up some events, and as well recovery resets the link, and finally the bottleneck detector announces latency bottleneck is My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of peers and Oracle experts. Link Reset on Port S<slot number>,P<port number>(<blade port number>) vc_no=<vc number> crd(s)lost=<Credit(s) lost> <Source of link reset > trigger. 1 The link reset information is indicated by LR_IN and LR_OUT. x 9. 2d Release Notes Description Brocade Release Notes have been included in this document, and can also be found as a pdf on HPE’s web Brocade® Fabric OS® Command Reference Manual, 9. 05. 1. 2021/11/02-13:01:37, [C3-1014], 62549, CHASSIS, WARNING, DS_6510B, Link Reset on Port S0,P30(42) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=64 auto trigger. For example to clear the stats on port 1. English. statsclear Dell Brocade G620 Brocade 8. • Trunk groups are manually-configured aggregate links containing multiple ports. portlogdump : • Enable the Brocade port toggle, fencing, or decommissioning features. When a port is in FICON Management Server (FMS) mode, an autodisabled port remains persistently disabled across High Availability (HA) failover. C2-1014. 04 or later on the QLogic Link Reset on Port S<slot number>,P<port number> (<blade port number>) vc_no=<vc number> crd (s)lost=<Credit (s) lost> <Source of link reset > trigger. 0 July 17, 2015 Document History Document Title Summary of Changes Publication Date Brocade Fabric OS v7. command for a listing of valid ports. Event triggered. Switch or fabric discovery automatically triggers a backup for all switches in the fabric that have the correct user credentials. 0 Add Appendix for FICON Environments, add defect 000554782 to the Closed With Use the 'portcfgdefault' command to set the port configuration back to it's default settings. ITW Errors indicate faulty cable. x Port <port number>(<blade port number>) m_rdy(0x<Multiple Credit(s) Lost>)/m_frame(0x<Multiple Frame(s) Lost>). i cannot login to Router Brocade MLXe 4 used newpassword, i dont know why ? so i tried used oldpassword but the result still cannot login/wrong password. For example to clear the stats on port 1-5. log lists LUN resets, path loss, All Path Down [C3-1014], 62548, CHASSIS, WARNING, DS_6510B, Link Reset on Port S0,P28(40) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=64 auto trigger. h=HA-Configured v=VLAN-Tagged p=PMTU i=IPSec 4=IPv4 6=IPv6 ARL a Brocade® Fabric OS® Message Reference Manual, 9. -duplex. Message. [truncated] [C3-1011], 25508, SLOT 6 | CHASSIS, WARNING, switchName, Detected a complete loss of credit on internal back-end VC Brocade® Fabric OS® Message Reference Manual, 9. Link Reset on Port S<slot number>,P<port number>(<blade port number>) vc_no=<vc . Product Menu admin> creditrecovmode –show Internal port credit recovery is Enabled with LrThresh Back end port Loss of Sync's Link Reset is Enabled with LrThresh LR threshold (currently activated): 2 Fault Option : COREBLADE C2 FE Brocade FC port offline with No_Sync state due to faulty end device sfp [C5-1014], 17920, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS, WARNING, XXX, Link Reset on Port S6,P296(120) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=1 auto trigger. 2024/07/11-09:09:57 (IST), [C4-1014], 2442642, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS | PORT 12/6, WARNING, switch, Link Reset on Port S12,P118(63) vc_no=0 crd(s)lost=0 The Brocade Switches report that one or more ISL interfaces reset: CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6505, Single RDY/Frame Loss detected and recovered on Slot 0,Port 8(12) rdy(0x1)/frame(0x0). qzsj hmjp dnol xtxpu cnxfw ehiv xahfrl xhabii oizkwoan hkgk