Winged c 6550 Much more even-handed in their frequency response, rather than Svetlana 6550- Winged "C" Tube- Bias point -33One of the last from the original Russian factory. winged c 6550c is not good for ref 5se?? Best 6550 regardless of price; Has anyone used the Electro Harmonix I've been getting familiar with my new tube amp, which is spec'd for Winged C 6550'sit sounds superb, but I want to experiment a bit with 6550s and KT88s. I much preferred the clarity and evenness of the sound from winged -C- 6550s, though they don't quite capture the warmth of the NOS Tung-Sol 6550s. New production GL KT88’s and KT-77’s. With a gold-plated molybdenum alloy grid and carbon-coated screen grid, the Winged C 6550C is the finest power tube of its type being manufactured today. Nutsfortubes AK Subscriber. All of my Winged C 6550 tubes are NOS and as perfect as perfect can be! All test brand new (as they are NOS), and have been stored in a temperature and humidity controlled storage room. Other than where they were made, they are no different than the original 1990's SED or Winged =C= 6550 tubes. You can find them but they’re very expensive. The Svetlana 6550 power tubes in this NOS matched quad were made in St. Reverb has your back if your item is lost, damaged, or doesn't match its description. com. The Winged Cs were a big improvement over the KT88s which the previous owner had used. Categories: Tubes; Made In: Russia. 80 * Brand new Ruby matched pair of SED Winged C 6550C power tubes. These are pretty much the same as circa-1985 GE 6550A's. Audiogon The world's largest high-end audio community. Jun 20, 2018 #5 I have the Penta Labs KT88s in my Yaqin MC-100B and they are a vast improvement over the original Shuguang KT88s. 90 Fender Groove Tubes 6550R (Matched) - £103. Also new production Psvane, JJ , Tung Sol . Winged C EL34 power tubes. Reviews of 6550/KT88 vacuum tubes and equivalents. Location: Woodland Hills, CA. 3 matched quads,$400. 6550C-SVT TAD Premium Matched ( SED 6550C winged -C-) From €120. Sponsored. Selling my spare tubes. Best site for exactly matched Svet 6550's is Amplified Parts, pay a bit more, but receive exact match,, which for this highly sens Defy 7, <<only 1 bias UNDER CHASSIS/= Need Tech to bias>>> perfect matched 4 sets Last I heard, the SED Winged C 6550's were no longer in production, although some online dealers still have stock. Available as long as stock lasts only! we highly recommend the TAD 6550A The Winged C 6550 is considered by many to be the best 6550 tube that money can buy. I've never owned or heard KT120 tubes. And the two brands for recommended are SED and Genalex Gold Lion reissue. A lot like the JJ EL34 II, but just generally better in every single way. Search titles only By: Search Advanced search Search titles only if you just want a good price on 6550C then I suppose it doesn't matter. I bought several lots of guitar amp tubes years ago and have finally gone through them and am listing some. If you are looking for the original Svetlana tone, this is the tube for you. Petersburg AUTHENTIC NOS. But tube rolling becomes an expensive proposition when you have to have a matched sextet for each channel! Anyway, as to your question, I am currently breaking-in a set of SED Winged C EL-34s. Here you'll find tubes by TungSol, Sovtek, Electro Harmonix, Winged "C"/SED, JJ Electronic, and Svetlana. As far 6550, I highly recommend trying SVETLANA Winged "C" 6550C is an amazing rectifier. Use it to replace all other 6550 power tubes and KT88 tubes. Worldwide Shipping!Original vintage matched pair Svetlana =C= 6550 power valves, correct for your vintage marshall, ampeg, Sunn, etc. Unit is in very good condition and fully operational. Many of the 6550 vacuum tubes listed below have tube reviews submitted by our customers. Made in Russia - St. Svetlana winged -C- Logo. 7 Tube 4: 42. Still one of the best 6550's ever beside the GE's. Tested no short, no gas leak. This piece of gear has sold. The gold print on the glass has the "Winged C" logo and reads "6550 C Made in Russia" with the 2011 date codes and the OTK factory code etched in Winged “c” quads of 6550’s from Saint Petersburg factory. Member. I have found no grain in either my cj nor Macintosh amps. Count Zero. The etched print on the glass has the =C= logo with 2008 date codes and Less than 10 hours of extremely gentle use/testing. I bought 6550 WE tubes from ARC for my Ref 5 SE, Ref CD-8 and Phono PH-8 and they 'ain't' cheep. I tested each of these tubes on a Hickok 600A tester and in my Ampeg SVT to check idle current and microphonics. The 6550 and KT88 Tube; The 6L6 5881 KT66 7027 and EL37 Tube; The 6V6 Tube; The EL34 6CA7 and KT77 Tube; The EL84 6BQ5 and 7189 Tube; New Rectifier Tubes; Would like imput from any CAT amp owners on what they use for power tubes, I just retubed with SED Winged C 6550's the amp came stock with Svetlana "S" logo 6550's different Mfg. Authorized Grado and Ortofon dealer. These are the real deal and hard to find. Not at all bad tubes, but I would choose others, expecially since the Gold Lion reissue is not much different in price. Vacuum Tube - 6550C, Winged C - Made in St. 00 Buy Now; 6550-JJ TESLA JJ Tesla Special Offer 15% Discount KT88-SVETLANA WINGED C CRYO Svetlana Winged C Cryo Matched Quads Only I have 2 quads of genuine SED Winged C 6550 tubes for sale. I have NOS GEC KT-88’s and KT-77’s (smoked glass ). All of these tubes were tested on my maximatcher and 1 quad was tested on an Amplitrex tester. These are the real deal and hard to find! They have dual, slanted getters and rectangular plate holes. 7%. Meddle_Guy Forum Resident Thread Starter. What do you guys like? This is for a Citation II. Box flaps are a bit rough, but tubes are outstanding. The gold print on the glass has the "Winged C" Svetlana Electron Devices (SED) logo (partial) and reads "6550 C Made in Russia" with 2006 date codes and OTK factory codes etched in the glass. I've been told by reliable sources that KT88's will give more extension on the highs, but not quite as nice in midrange. This set is lightly used but in excellent condition. Edit - longevity and wallet friendly would be nice attributes. Classified: FOR SALE - SED Svetlana Winged -C- 6550C quad plus EI Yugoslavia KT90 quad asking for $380. 14-Day Return Policy. These are original Winged C SV6550C tubes. T 2P Svetlana Winged C 6550C - JSC Svetlana is a Russian company that owns and operates the Svetlana factory in St. I’m selling off a lot of tubes as I don’t have the Amps anymore. So a NOS Svet <wing C/SED > = New Prod/New Sensor Svet 6550 Both with have idential performance, as it is the very same exact tube. 00 for each quad . The Winged "C" (SED) 6550C is an ideal replacement for amplifiers with GE 6550A tubes. Unfortunately, they are not that much cheaper, IIRC. This differences where, however, a little less apparent in the ampeg S. HI-fi & Jukebox Valves Menu Toggle. E soundstage was huge making the amps sound powerful. CD SACDs 0. I preferred the KT88 myself and found the SED 6550 a little too laid back TAD 6550C-SVT : a very powerful and dependable choice with TAD Premium Matching. Reverb Buyer Protection. 2008-04-18 5:07 pm #6 2008-04-18 5:07 pm The Winged C 6550 is considered by many to be the best 6550 tube that money can buy. I've formed some initial impressions, but would appreciate other forum members to weigh in with their experiences (as opposed to opinions)curious if there are some general qualities 6550C-SVT TAD Premium Matched ( SED 6550C winged -C-) From €120. We have a large selection of 6550 vacuum tubes in stock. 2) Gold Lion (not most reasonable but there you go) for KT88, second Winged "C" 6550. would like to retube before these go. PayPal ff preferred. Browse all Hardware Ads; Browse categories; Software . $400 plus shipping for this almost Re: Authentic Winged C 6550 vs New Production Tung Sol 6550 Post by Joe Appierto » Sat Dec 21, 2024 5:44 pm My opinion was formed using the Reissue 6550 and the SED 6550C in an 11a, a stock Premier 140 and the same amp with the C1 Teflon upgrade. Suggestions? Brice AK Subscriber. gruvytune. For sale are 4 quads of Svetlana 6550 tubes. Petersburg, Russia. The newer Svet's are a different beast. It has very controlled sound - nothing offensive can be found in any part of The difference between the Winged "C" and the Tung-Sol, is the Winged "C" seem to have a later break-up seems to be smoother, fuller, tighter bass why I changed out my tubes, is because I wanted to see for myself, what all the hype was on the Winged "C" 6550 tubes the Fender Branded, GT, Sovtek 6550 WE tubes are a good tube, and sound Sovtek 6550WE, Sylvania 6550, GE 6550A, Genalex Gold Lion KT88, Ei KT90, Tung-Sol KT120 tubes in stock now. DISCONTINUED: out of production since 2012. Sound great, built like a tank. Buy all 3 quads for $1000. SED 6550WC was an excellent tube, but alas, the factory ceased tube production in 2012. In my system I found that the TS had a more robust bass response and the Winged C has a more extended top end. G. I've always found it a very willing, musical amplifier running it with the JJ KT88s it came with, but compared to my Audio Research Ref 110 (which runs 6550 winged C valves), a little bit skewed towards the lower mid-range, or upper bass. Next I got a quad of the GL KT88 re-issues. Original vintage matched quartet “audiomat” branded Yugo Winged =C= 6550 valves in mint condition, NOS. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA SED/Winged-C 6550C Matched Pair. Try to find a store that will guarantee them out of the box. Read 2434 times. JJ KT88's are also awesome. Virtual Systems ARC used the Russian SED "winged c" 6550 tubes. The plant did get destroyed but there are some of us with a supply of Wing C tubes from years ago. They're a bit "rounder" sounding with a softer attack than the Winged C's. Info: Svetlana (SED St Petersburg) Winged =C= 6550C (KT88) matched quad Asking Price: USD $ 388. The KT88's seem to be a little more extended, but to my ears have a tendancy to be a bit bright in the upper frequencies. Skip to primary content. Winged C 6550 C Matched Free shipping ContinentalUS. Petersburg, Russia, which has been making vacuum tubes for almost a century. Joined: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:38 am Posts: 1345 Location: woodbridge, ON, CA im thinking about buying svetlana winged c 6550 tubes have not heard them yet tell me what there sound qualities are thanks New Plate Current Matched Quad of Svetlana 6550C Vacuum Tubes These are technically reissues though they are built in Russia using the same equipment as the originals. The 6550 is an ultra linear high power tetrode, the American version of the KT88. I had the most sucess by far with the SED Winged C 6550. On Sale. This item is sold As-Described. 95', 'brand': 'Tube Amp Doctor GmbH Hi, when it comes to 6550 tubes, there is always spoken of Svetlanas. Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:36 am . 80 * Sovtek 6550WE From €62. Made in St. Edited July 29, 2022 by muon* 1 I have used both the Winged C and TS in my VTL ST-150. I suppose it depends on the design of your amplifier. Product safety information may be available here. Joined 2002. Have heard good things about the SED Winged C 6550s, and the svetlana 6550 Cs. One quad has excellent logos with matching 01 02 date codes and they come in their original blue boxes. They are far more detailed than the originals and hold their bias well. I'd planned to get a THD Univalve to use this in, but that never materialized and it's just been sitting in my studio. Their EL34 are pretty close sounding to the "Winged C" (although a little brighter), and their 6550 are actually somewhat richer in the low mids with somewhat smoother highs (which makes me quite happy). derosnopS. These are simply sublime in every way. New Matched Pair Electro-Harmonix Looking at the unit while on, I noticed no glow from the 6550 tube. &nbsp; This is a high end tester/matcher which uses high voltage (400v) similar to Current production Winged C 6550's are VERY close in sound to GEs, have very high reliability and are a fraction of the cost. Both the quality and quantity started to dwindle much The Winged C 6550 is pretty good, BUT IME they seem to have about a 10% fallout rate right out of the box. and focused sound. 2) S. Items must be returned in original, as-shipped condition with all The Six Pacs can be run with 6L6, KT-66, KT-88, 6550C, KT-90, KT-99 or El-34 tubes. 00 * Tung-Sol 6550 / Russia From €67. Full Member; Posts: 908 » Gallery; Svetlana SED "Winged C" 6550 Tubes NOS[Quad] Cryo / About EL34, I'm currently running a set of Winged C´s, but since they are not made anymore, they are considered Old Stock, so, if you want to take this out of the equation even if they are not that expensive yet, other two that I liked are Mullard and JJ´s, but like I said, JJ´s are considered dangerous (PrimaLuna amps are very safe anyway NOS, 4 never used matched svetlana winged C 6550 tubes. 00. Of these two I think I prefer the SED. 3rd (last The winged c 6550’s sounded very good too (I liked the Svetlana Pre-Winged C 6550’s a little more), but the GE just stood out most with the most complex, rich tone. The etched print on the glass has the pre "winged C" Svetlana logo ( Mine has a full complement of Svetlana "Winged C" 6550's, they replaced a quad of GE 6550A's. I'm using my amps to power the top end of Maggie 20. 1912 TM SED ST. Im currently using a set of original svetlana 6550 from BEFORE they were sed or winged c or whatever. I recently purchased them as NOS (as they’re no longer in PAIR SVETLANA 6550C NOS Tubes Pre - Winged C Tubes 42nd Week Of 2000 Dated 0042. Opens in a new window or tab. My 1st tube amp was a Sonic Frontiers SFS 80 And i ran Gen 2 EI KT90's,JJ KT88's and SED winged C 6550's. Later I scored a quad of Tung Sol 6550 solid black plates. When I was primarily using my push pull amplifier (6550/KT88) failing tubes were a problem with various brands. Add to Cart. DVD-Audio Blu-Ray Matched pair. I am using four Svetlana winged C 6550 tubes any recommendations on what other tube types (compatible) can be used or recommendations on which variations would provide a significantly different experience, without spending too Surfed around a bit and it appears the supply of NOS Winged =C= is pretty much gone. SED winged C KT88 are more dynamic and have a little more bass than their softer sounding SED 6550. 80 * Tung-Sol 6550 / Russia From €67. Used – Very Good. Last one. I just I recently found a really good deal on a quad of Svetlana 6550c tubes. I use them in my ARC amp and they sound great. Browse all Hardware Ads; Browse categories; Dealer eShops; Software . $8. IME, these are the very best 6550's ever made. 6550 Tubes; 300B Tubes; 2A3 Tubes; 6146 Tubes; 6AS7 | 6H13C | 6N13 Tubes; 6BM8 | ECL82 Tubes; 7027 Tubes; 7591 Tubes; 7868 Tubes; 211 | VT4-C Tubes; 807 Tubes; 845 Tubes; Big Powers Tubes | SED Winged "C" audio tubes are made by SED SPb, a division of J. 6 Tube 3: 42. I have 2 quads of genuine SED Winged C 6550 tubes for sale. 09 Svetlana 6550C "Winged C" (Matched) - £261. Petersburg Production—- NOT New Sensor round IMHO, these are the three best substitutes for NOS GE 6550A's: 1) Groove Tubes 6550A's: GT bought out the remaining stock of materiel and production equipment from GE's Owensboro line. 0 bids. About the Seller. New & Popular; Deals & Steals; Price Guide; News; Join Reverb. The etched print on the glass has the pre "winged C" Svetlana Even Marshall got into the act, using 6550 output tubes in some of their JCM800 and JMP tube amps. Payment method: Cash, Cheque, Money Order, Money Wire, ACH/Direct Deposit: Condition: 6550 SED "Winged C" matched set 16 tubes. Voltage (AC or DC) 5. Massive sounding amp that has low hours on it. This is my back up amp, I use a Diezel VH4 and haven’t really needed this back up amp Svetlana 6L6GC SED Winged-C Produced in St. SVETLANA KT88 MATCHED QUAD NEW, RARE SED WINGED =C= St. These have some burn time on them but lots of life left. " The Winged C 6550 is considered by many to be the best 6550 tube that money can buy. ' TAD Matched Quad Winged C SED 6550 C Tubes-24 Hour Burn In -Premium Selected NOS $590 Dec 15, 2021 Matched pair of vintage SED (Winged C) made in St Petersburg (not the current New Sensor garbage!) Matched for both current and transconductance on my MaxiMatcher II. 6 A Cathode: Oxide-coated, unipotential C,BP H H P External shield around base SED SV6550C High Performance Audio Beam Power Pentode Est. 80 * EH KT88 Electro Harmonix From €61. They sound better than KT88s in my amps. The Winged C 6550C's are really nice tubes. This is the original Svetlana. It seemed that I got more hours out of the TS before a tube failed. Wonderful sounding tubes and unfortunately haven't been made in many years. I bought this brand new and just never used it. Buy It Now. They were SED 6550 ("Winged C"): from The Tube Store; USED, test new - $180/quad [4 pieces available, all tested an Amplitrex AT-1000 tester by TC Tubes, with values shown. These may no longer be available. undertow. I have heard that the KT120's output slightly more power than 6550's. The oiginal Svetlana design. This had been the best sounding new production 6550 until the release of the JJ 6550. D. V. Although they have reasonably good sound quality overall, I just found them to be a little more mushy and muddled in the Just blown a Winged C 6550 in my McIntosh MC275 Mk IV. TC Tubes and Audio Repair Repair services include tube gear, turn table set-up, and tube-testing in Twin Cities Metro Area. I switched out the EH 6550 it came installed with for SED winged C 6550, and the bass tightened up some and highs got a bit smoother. Petersburg factory, and getting quite scarce these days. We are currently out of stock. 00 * If you can still find winged C 6550's don't use them. 00 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. all of the three tubes are tested on my B&amp;K tubes tester. Petersburg Russia Very RAREMatched Quad NEW in original factory boxes Same 01 02 Date code on all tubes BIAS: Tube 1: 42. From the date stamp on the tubes these are from the last year of production. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller tubemazestore (11,925) 100%. Next year I will go with TAD's and report back how I have the same amp and am using SED (Winged C) 6550's. In mint as new condition. The finest newer production tube anywhere. Charles, My CAT mono blocks were designed to use 6550 tubes. Used – Excellent. I use the winged C 6550s too. Three WINGED 'C' SED 6550C tubes new , unused. Vinyl 0. 13 I mainly use the Svetlana winged C 6550 tubes that cj use in their tube amps. $1950 plus shipping. Over the last 2 years , I’ve had 1 SED 6550 go bang ( bottle split ) with no amp damage . 3 of the quads are the awesome winged C tubes. One set remaining Selling my matched quad of SED Winged C 6550's. or Best Offer. On guitar and bass amps, SED6550C provides rich, clean, rull power with plenty of headroom. ga('set', '&cu', 'EUR'); ga('ec:addImpression', { 'name': '5U4G / 5C3S / 5Ц3C NOS blackplate', 'id': 'S5U4G', 'price': '39', 'brand': 'SED Tubes', 'category': 'SED Last night a friend stopped by as we have been discussing tube options (no surprise now) and he had picked up a set of 16 Svetlana winged C 6550 tubes for his ARC Classic 120s. When Vacuum Tube Valley reviewed this tube they suggested it to be the best budget 6550 tube available. SED quit making tubes in 2012. 3 6. bandmix. 90 * Mullard KT88 / The SED "winged C" (Old Svetlana's) are IMHO far more neutral in tone and very rugged. New Price $100. 100-% dead stock, guaranteed. In contrast, my SET amplifier uses the 300b tubes which are 100% reliable(so far after 4 1/2 years) and are true work horses in comparison( and sound much better). Click and register to be notified when it's back in stock again. There are also the Tung Sol KT120s, which might be interesting. Vinyl 360. Bob, i wonder if it would be worth while trying to source original GE 6550's ( pricey though). Brand New Svetlana 6550 / 6550C (KT88) Reissue Vacuum Tube 90 Day Warranty SH Fifth is the Winged C 6550 tubes. He's out of real Svetlana KT88s also. Apparently the plant burned down and are no longer available. I've tried the new production Tung Sol 6550, and didn't like them as much as the Winged C's. C $506. But even if Kevin Deal found a good batch of original "Winged C" tubes they 'ain't' cheap 'neither. I also will soon be doing some 12AT7 tube rolling - which I hear is highly recommended. The fourth quad is a factory matched quad of 6550C tubes that have about 4 hours on them. The G. Subscriber. owned Xpo-Pul factory (also known as Reflektor) in Saratov, Russia. Enjoy! Vintage gear in our Best of Used event Save on vintage gems now Shop the sales Since 6550 winged C is out of production hence NOS it was hard for me to gather 4x8 matched pair and total 38 tubes for my 610Ts. Sovtek and EH 6550: These are the same tube and both are boxy. Petersburg is my favorite tube, but I was unable to find a quad that worked. The Holy Grail of tone. The SED 6550 is a very linear sounding tube where the KT88 is a little warmer. I purchased a quad from a US vendor and they each red-plated to one degree or another. TAD 6550C-SVT má velmi lineární a soustředěný zvuk. 79 * EH 6550 Electro Harmonix From €59. I have NOS Tung Sol 6550 ( 3 hole ) and SED Winged C 6550’s . Pre-Owned. What are the tonal differences between Winged C EL 34's and 6550 power tubes? How would my amp change? I have a modded Marshall with 6550's in it now. I haven't confirmed this. C $278. The result was a decrease in that crispy, crunchy, etched top end bite. mutual conductance reading is in good qualities 94. Petersburg. Now there are the Svetlana Style S-Logo, which supposed not to be like the originals, and the SED winged C, which seems to be like the originals (has something to Re: Authentic Winged C 6550 vs New Production Tung Sol 6550 Post by Joe Appierto » Sat Dec 21, 2024 5:44 pm My opinion was formed using the Reissue 6550 and the SED 6550C in an 11a, a stock Premier 140 and the same amp with the C1 Teflon upgrade. 8 - From my personal collectionPurchased NEW from Upscale Audio - Extremely close precision matched Quad Set (see first photo for complete tube specs The TAD Original Svetlana Winged 'C' 6550C-SVT has a very linear and focused sound. Also, are there any over arching tonal differences between 6550 types and 6550C-SVT TAD Premium Matched ( SED 6550C winged -C-) From €120. Also very consistent in detail and separation, with clean highs and exceptional balance throughout. The GL's fall somewhere between the SED 6550 and KT88's. Bought them for a amp I recently sold. jastacey. Svetlana in St. $250. The ‘80’s JAN GE’s I didn’t like as much as the ‘60’s non-JAN GE’s, but they were a bit tighter sounding . I have tried and liked SED winged c kt88, and New Gold Lion kt88. For instance they're just about the only tube that'll work I can be a little more "frequency specific" in as much as I also use CJ amps, (Premier 12's) but I bi-amp my Apogee Duetta Signatures with them on the woofer panelsthese handle low bass up to lower midrange and when I swapped out the SED Winged C 6550's with EH KT-88's the KT-88's did just what I had hoped: punchier, more extended and articulate bass Wow! Very open sounding, a lot of air without being bright. Nom. 5 Tube 2: 42. How do they compare to the Winged C Search. /"Winged-C" 6550C's. I find the treble sweeter and more releaxed with the 6550's. I could still see there I'm thinking of switching to 6550s just to try something out. 00 * EH 6550 Electro Harmonix From €59. Note: these run high in iP and Gm, and will work fine an a manually biased amp with enough range; do not try them in a autobias amp - - they could tax the power transformer. CZ4A Active Member. The EI KT90 was by far my favorite with the winged C 6550 also being a very nice tube,The JJ KT88 in my amp sounded sluggish and unfocused and i had one fail in a spectacular fashion that could be best described as lightning in a bottle Matched Pair NOS Svetlana SED Winged C 6550/KT88 tubes - 2001 - Test NEW. Perfect for Guitar Amps, Leslies, and Hi-Fi applications. Price 1 off (excluding vat+p&p) Price per pair (excluding vat+p&p) Bugera 6550B (Matched) - £52. Lampa mnoha výrobců hi-fi a legendárního basového zesilovače Ampeg SVT. Tung Sol 6550's are great too. Stock tube of many hi-fi manufacturers and in the legendary Ampeg SVT bass amp. From our 6550 tube type listening test: "The Winged "C" 6550C has very controlled sound - nothing offensive can be found in any part of the frequency response. Thanks matched pair of svetlana winged =C= 6550 C tested with a TV-7 tube tester with a min good value of 44 (65%) tested 72 for both tubes 4 TUBE AMP DAMPERS TO FIT WINGED-C 6550 TUBES | Consumer Electronics, Vintage Electronics, Vintage Audio & Video | eBay! Informace o produktu "6550C-SVT TAD Premium Matched (SED 6550C winged -C-)" TAD 6550C-SVT: velmi výkonná a spolehlivá volba s možností TAD Premium Matching. The =C= has a nice balanced tone without getting brittle in the highs, a good offering. Gold GridsRectangular notched platesDual 45 degree angled gettersBrown baseDimple topsOTK markings-First QualitySt. Worldwide Shipping!Original vintage “audiomat” branded Yugo Winged =C= 6550 valves in mint condition, NOS. Are they better than the stock McIntosh tube? Or should I save money and upgrade my other component such as my DAC or adding a preamp first? thanks. Carefully selected out of the Classified: FOR SALE - WingedC 6550 asking for $230. The ‘80’s JAN GE’s I didn’t like as much as the ‘60’s non-JAN GE’s, but they were a bit tighter sounding I sourced my tubes from Tube Amp Doctor when I owned Ref 6. Skip to secondary content. 00 * KT88 JJ Electronic From €57. I have a Dennis Had SEP amp that has Russian winged C 6550 tubes and I am looking for a little deeper bass ,has anyone used Gold lion KT-88's and if so could you give me your thoughts on the sound Audio Research D76-A, serial number 576060-2, with 6550 Winged "C" output tubes and upgraded power supply filter caps for sale. Four matching pair of winged =C= 6550 tube Tested on a TV-7 tube tester with a min good value of 44 (65%) Tested 1st quad: 68 66 66 66 Tested 2nd quad: 64 64 64 62 The post is for one quad of tubes I do combined shipping Please contact me if there’s any question Matched Quad Svetlana Winged =c= 6550 C Tube Tested Strong #31. Tullman, Dec 25, 2008 #2. The midrange in both was about equal. Brand New. 1; 2; Just starting out on this so appreciate some experienced advice. Getting harder to find – Stock up now before they are HISTORY. The old Svetlana then became 'SED'. Svetlana SED "Winged C" 6550 Tubes NOS[Quad] Cryo / Platinum Price drop $239. Solid construction and build quality. I’m glad I decided to purchase the If they still made new production Winged-C 6550's that would be my #1 recommended new production KT88/6550 type (to date). Petersburg factory. 29. Feb 8, 2009 2,347 2,186 5,046 Houston,Tx www. $99. West Paris, ME The SED Winged C 6550 (c I believe) made in St. I am with Myles re the grain. Tung Sol 6550 2010’s Matched Pair. With a gold - 250 degrees C Plate voltage, DC (at idle) 685 v Plate voltage, DC, in triode connection 425 v Screen voltage, DC, at idle 425 v Control grid voltage, DC, at idle -350 v For sale is one NOS Svetlana SED Winged C 6550 tube, stamped OTK60. The only caveat on the SED's is to be sure you get those with rectangular holes in the plates, not the really old ones with round holes, AND, since there have been a few 'hot' ones you take less of a chance of tube run away if you have an amp which uses 6550C BEAM POWER TETRODE T he Svetlana™ SV6550C is a beam power tetrode having a large standard octal base and glass envelope. Shipped as OEM original output tubes on many high-end amplifiers, SED6550C is the top choice for audiophile application with crisp top end and deep full bottom end response. The Svetlana / SED "Winged C" 6550C tubes in this precisely matched octet (8) were made in St. Condition is New. Mine came with SED KT88's and I also ordered a quad of SED winged C 6550. 90 * €249. Joined 2004. I have listened to the following 6550's: SED winged C, Penta Lab's 6550, GE 6550A, and Tung-Sol reissue 6550. Excellent imaging, and very holographic, with excellent bass. SED Winged "C" Product The winged c 6550’s sounded very good too (I liked the Svetlana Pre-Winged C 6550’s a little more), but the GE just stood out most with the most complex, rich tone. The P bass mid honk was crystal clear with a clean top end. Ruby matched and tested so you know these Winged C tubes are great. I really liked their sound and build quality when I used to run them in my Jolida 502A. These were made in 2005 and no longer made, consider them NOS. 15 watchers. The amp used was a 70s Traynor yba-1. Sonically, the SEDs are nearly as good as the GE's but don't seem to have the same durability. These aren't bad tubes The 4 matched SED "Winged C" 6550C tubes in this lot all have dual dish getters. That said, I can attest that each lab 's 6550's/kt88 (same tube) will vary ever so slightly in sonics, The ever popular Gold Lion 6550's did not meet the sonics that i found in the SVET 6550's. 3) YES Narrows the gap between 6550 and KT88s 4) They are decent tubes not as good as the winged "C"s though. With the Winged C my B+ fuses would blow every now and then. C. Just go with new production. The Tungsol 6550 power tube has been closely constructed to the original specifications of the triple getter, 3-hole plate version. and is designed to be a direct replacement for any 6550. The last of the production was not reliable. SACD DVD-Audio 2. &nbsp; This is a high end tester/matcher which uses high voltage (400v) similar to SED/Winged-C 6550C Matched Quad. Music titles on vinyl CDs 2. E was the Svetlana 6550C/winged C In bass guitar applications the sound just cuts, with a stingray the sound was full of life with no hardness. Sound very mellow and balanced top to bottom, but maybe a little too much so in that there just doesnt seem to be the dynamics of some of the other tubes. These are the good ones, made in the original St. This item is sold As-Described and cannot be returned unless it arrives in a condition different from how it was described or photographed. SED tubes are well known for their quality and Purchased a matched quad of vintage Svetlana 6550’s to replace the stock R8 Power tubes. Petersburg, Russia before the New Sensor buyout. The Winged C 6550 is considered by many to be the best 6550 tube that money can buy. I have had a MacIntosh MC275 Mk IV to drive my home pair of stacked Quads for some years now. I therefore bought a Tung sol 6550 from the tube store and installed it. Matched quartet (quad). Unfortunately he has no real Svetlana (Winged C) 6550. 00 * 6550A GE NOS (USA) From €189. Shoog. These are some of the finest new production 6550s available It seems people prefer KT88 over 6550. The SED "Winged C" 6550 power output tube produced in St. Information: Manufacturer: SED/Winged-C: Configuration: Matched Quad Package Includes: 4 x SED/Winged-C 6550C; Post subject: svetlana winged c 6550 tubes like to hear opinions on them. All ratings of the Winged C 6550C meet or exceed those of the original version; top-quality Svetlana 6550 Winged C - Cuarteto pareado nuevo Como Ficho €425 Jun 30, 2023 Finn EL34 Black Sable/Svetlana winged C NOS Finn NOK 750 50% Apr 30, 2024 US Audio Mart SED Winged "C" EL 34- Brent Jesse Matched US Audio Mart $189 Jan 22, 2023 Canuck Audio Mart price lower - Single Svetlana Just looking for peoples opinions and preferences for current issue kt88 & 6550 power tubes. These are the famous Winged C EL34. 7 6. Very consistent in detail and separation, with clean highs and exceptional balance throughout. Tubes test at 102% of new specification on my Sencore tester. tried the tungsol reissue 6550 did not like. ga('set', '&cu', 'EUR'); ga('ec:addImpression', { 'name': 'KT88-STR REDBASE TAD Premium Matched', 'id': 'RT891', 'price': '73. Explore. 1's. NOT factory seconds, these are original Top Grade 6550s from original factory. The Svetlana Winged C 6550C's are really excellent tubes, IMO. Re: Authentic Winged C 6550 vs New Production Tung Sol 6550 Post by Joe Appierto » Sat Dec 21, 2024 5:44 pm My opinion was formed using the Reissue 6550 and the SED 6550C in an 11a, a stock Premier 140 and the same amp with the C1 Teflon upgrade. . 9 V Current 1. Sep 15, 2009 #3 Sep 15, 2009 #3 Pair Svetlana Winged C 6550B Power Tubes,Russia, Dual Round Getter, Test Strong/Balanced, Ex Sound, BUILT. Enjoy! Close. These are the good ones. Simply report any issues within 7 days and we'll help you get a full refund. The Svetlana SED 6550C power tubes in this NOS matched quad were made in St. Enjoy! New Listing Svetlana 6550 Winged C Vintage Electronic Output Tubes (quad) Tested Good. These were purchased from Upscale Audio and only used to test in my amp, around 6-8 hours. 10 hours use- if that!Has been upgraded with NOS Svetlana 6550 tubes, pre Winged C. Svetlana SED "Winged C" 6550C - matched octet. plant and much different sound. Like the GEC KT88, the Winged =C= 6550 is the ne plus ultra of its genre. If you require matched pairs or quads, simply order 2 or 4. from United States. Please view the pictures. S. No longe It was a bit tubby, and low notes on piano were given an obvious fatening. I've tried to The Winged C 6550C is a beam power tetrode having a large standard octal base and glass envelope. I bought about 200 of them several years ago and still have 55 or 57 of them matched They went from Svetlana Winged C or just Svetlana, to SED Winged C after New Sensor won the court case. Reactions: SQUAREHEAD and BrianA51. Free Shipping. The vendor replaced them, but the second quad did the same thing and I received a full refund. Register; Login; Place an Ad Free for hobbyists! Hardware . Vacuum Tube - 6550C, Winged C | Antique Electronic Supply 6550-ELECTRO HARMONIX Electro Harmonix ONE MATCHED PAIR ONLY 6550 Electro Harmonix has seen a number of design of improvements which has resulted in a In stock £75. Getting harder to find every day. Shipped with USPS First Class Package. No returns,plus shipping. Has anyone here have any experience with these? How do they compare to the Winged C version? The Winged C 6550C's are really nice tubes. Somewhat unobtanium right now, but may be an There are a lot of modern 6550 tube in the market such as Reissue Tung-Sol 6550, GE-6550A (Green letter), Svetlana 6550, Russia Gold Lion 6550/KT88. Show More. Amplifiers this old need the power supply caps replaced due to AC leakage or poor ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) In older amps that have Just so you know: although Svetlana (the new "company" owned by Newsensor) isn't the "real Svetlana" of the past, they do make good tubes. It had about 1500 hours on it, so could have reasonably been at the end of its life. Lower noise floor and just such a perfect natural tone to vocals. Found a few used sets of 6550 and KT88, but that's about it. Max. NOS Triple Disc Getter Dyna Company Tungsol USA 6550 Power Tube ~ Grail Vintage. Matched trio of vintage SED (Winged C) made in St Petersburg (not the current New Sensor garbage!) Matched for both current and transconductance on my MaxiMatcher II. So I have not yet heard all there is to offer so my opinion is biased. We dropped 8 into my M180s after level setting 3 album sides and were really impressed. Svetlana and Winged C Valves blog explaining our understanding of just what is or is not available in the European market Toggle. They add a bit of compression, cut some highs and boost some lows. have valve arts they are just ok. The Svetlana's are especially nice in guitar amps, because of their breakup characteristics, but the GE 6550A's are widely recognized to be the tube of choice for bass amps (including SVT's). Item #650138982. Price is for a matched quad. I purchased a matched quad set of the SED Winged C, a marked improvement from the Electro-Harmonics 5550EH I purchased originally for my R8. NOS, 4 never used matched svetlana winged C 6550 tubes. Matched QUAD Svetlana Winged =c= 6550 Tube Tested. 6973, 7591, and 7868 Output Tubes and Valves; 300B 2A3 6L6 KT77 EL34 Matched; KT88 6550; ECC82 (12AU7) and ECC83 (12AX7) for Hi-fi; 6N1P, 6SC7, 6SL7, 6SN7, and E88CC Valves The Svetlana 6550C vacuum tube is a tube manufactured at the New Sensor Corp. 79 * 6550A GE NOS (USA) From €189. Tube Maze Svetlana SED Winged C 6550C Russia. Worldwide Shipping!Original vintage matched sextet “audiomat” branded Yugo Winged =C= 6550 valves in mint condition, NOS. And one almost new current production GL KT-77 FOR SALE: Svetlana (SED St Petersburg) Winged =C= 6550C (KT88) matched quad Watch Report This Ad. Electrical Heater: Min. Get Restock Notification. Wow what a difference. Product information "SED 6550C Svetlana -C- / Russia" the good old "winged C" made in St. Winged C, NOS, New Prod, are all =. New Sensor aquired the label name "Svetlana" in 2003 and now manufacturers tubes with that name. Enjoy! Ich geh' mal zum Doc: Hier gibt's alle Produkte der Marke TAD: die exklusiven TAD Redbase Röhren, premium-selektierte Grayplate Röhren, Equipment wie unsere Class A Converter, Bias Master oder Silencer, sowie Hallspiralen, Kondensatoren oder As stated above, the original winged 'c' 6550's are excellent tubes. I used this in a Sunn 300T which has been sold and only used at home and never taken out for gigs. Winged C 6550: We actually like this tube better than the chinese and russian KT88's. All were selected for me by the dealers for matching and top performance. E. Thread starter gruvytune; Start date 2022-12-09 10:55 pm; Jump to Latest G. Feb 7, 2019 #2 Genalex Gold Lion . Price is for a matched pair. SED 6550WC (Winged-C) was made by Svetlana JSC factory in St. After 3 consequtive tube failures with new tubes which also cost couple of resistors and some parts of signal path as well as bias issues, I gave up and contacted to ARC, they have sent Sovtek 6550WE as they Veerapaneni I'm a coward. I purchased a couple of quads last year for less than half the price of NOS GE 6550s. If you can swing it, try the ultra rare Reflector 6H30n-DP (made before end of 1992) tubes that includes gold grids. 6550 SED "Winged C" matched set 16 tubes. Ending Aug 28 at 2:24PM PDT 6d 10h. 2022-12-09 10:55 pm #1 2022-12-09 10:55 pm #1 SOLD Selling quads. 60 shipping. For sale are 8 SED Svetlana Winged =C= 6550 power tubes. These tubes are hard to kill and not available anymore. 6550 C. Bought these for my Engl Savage that I recently sold. Price: $929. I also put in a set of interconnects that usually have a lighter bass than most- and the sound got more better. 70. 80 * Psvane KT88-T-MII/2 Matched Pair €229. iutl4172 (148) 96. If you can afford them that's one option I would seriously consider. SED/"Winged C"/=C= EL34 (NOS, no longer manufactured - usually about $60 per tube): The best EL34s I've used. $195. The Winged C 6550 is pretty good, BUT IME they seem to have about a 10% fallout rate right out of the box. The TAD 6550C-SVT has a very linear. wsobdkgl riq eyhluk unfalwsr lniy mgwvt aoieu lcz hfors lxztuy