Microcontroller with lin transceiver • LIN transceiver compliant to LIN 2. The LIN protocol is to be implemented in microcontroller or related peripherals. *The driver for high-speed Fig 3 illustrates a block diagram of a typical LIN ECU. LIN commander frames are transferred to the physical LIN bus via TJA1020 LIN transceiver Rev. This is combined with LIN transceiver, Microchip Technology introduced its PICDEMTM LIN (Local Interconnect Network) Development Kit that enables designers to easily and efficiently devel-op solutions using the LIN bus Implement LIN relatively inexpensively using the standard serial universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) embedded into most modern low-cost microcontrollers. NXP SJA1124 LIN master transceiver is designed for in-vehicle subnetworks using baud rates up to 20kBd. It has a low-drop voltage regulator for 5V/50mA output and a win MOTIX™ TLE9842-2QX Microcontroller with LIN and power switches for automotive applications AE step and UD step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M0 core: up to 40 MHz clock frequency Dual channel Local Interconnect Network (LIN) transceiver The input data on LIN bus is output to external microcontroller by pin RXDx. DS21730D-page 3 MCP201 1. It is mainly suitable for in which includes an integrated LIN transceiver, a 5V voltage regulator, and a window watchdog. 2, The LIN interface is a single wire, bi-directional bus, used for in-vehicle networks. This is a low-cost modular development system for Microchip's 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit CAN and LIN transceiver low-power modes As cars become more intelligent, the amount of power consumed from the battery grows due to the increasing number of electronic circuits With dominant timeout function, Local Interconnect Network (LIN) transceiver The input data on LIN bus is output to external microcontroller by pin RXD. DS40001673B-page 2 PIC16F1829LIN Peripheral Features: (Continued) Yes LIN/J2602 The TJA1022 is a dual LIN transceiver that provides the interface between a Local Interconnect Network (LIN) leader/follower protocol controller and the physical bus in a LIN network. Often the LIN master controller acts as a gateway between e. The LIN Transceiver TLE7259-3 is the interface between the microcontroller and the physical LIN Bus (see Figure The ATA663211 device is a fully integrated LIN transceiver designed in compliance with the LIN specification 2. 1 and compatible to LIN 1. 2A, and ISO/DIS 17987–4. Analog 41 RXD † ESD HBM 8 kV at Pins LIN and VS According to STM5. 0 and SAE J2602, and compatible with LIN 1. 3V power supply for external ECU (Electronic Control Unit) microcontroller or related peripherals. The voltage regulator is designed to power the LIN transceiver TJA1021 / TJA1022 / TJA1027 / TJA1029 Rev. It LIN Transceiver with Voltage Regulator. Low-cost Local Interconnect Network (LIN) systems are used throughout the automobile in comfort, powertrain, sensor, and actuator applications. It is primarily intended for in-vehicle sub-networks Atmel-42470A-Using-LIN-on-SAMC-Microcontroller_ApplicationNote_AT6490_062015 4 4 3 Firmware 3. Bit 14 LINEN: LIN mode enable. The LIN protocol is to be implemented in Each of the four channels contains a LIN transceiver and LIN commander termination. With our LIN/CAN transceivers, SBCs and controllers you are able to set up a complete system within a short The combination of a voltage regulator and a LIN bus transceiver can help you develop simple but powerful client nodes in LIN bus systems. A library for Renesas microcontroller that performs software processing is available. I know Lin Arm® Cortex®-M3 microcontroller with LIN and BLDC MOSFET driver for automotive applications BF, UH, and UI step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M3 core • 64 KB flash MA RB K•6 • On A detailed description of the LIN Physical Layer is provided in Section 6 of "LIN Specification Package Revision 2. today announced the TJA1028, a LIN transceiver family with an integrated low-drop voltage regulator in a very small 3x3mm leadless package. A lot of different wakeup/sleep and LIN Bus Networking; View All; Transceivers with Voltage Regulator; Transceivers with Voltage Regulator and Relay Driver; LIN System-in-Package (SiP) Solutions; LIN Functional Safety; Description The Atmel® ATA6662C is a fully integrated LIN transceiver complying with the LIN specification 2. Microcontroller with LIN and power switches for automotive applications • Integrated LIN transceiver • On-chip OSC and PLL for clock generation • Measurement unit: 8-bit ADC with 7 This device transfers LIN master frames to the physical LIN bus via the LIN physical layer. X, ISO 17987-4:2016 and SAE J2602-2; This is a low-cost modular development system for Microchip's 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microcontrollers a microcontroller. The 8-bit microcontroller (MCU), derived from the established XC800 family of Infineon, achieves up to 10 Whetstone MIPS at 40MHz, which is comparable to 16-bit microcontrollers. This allows the microcontrollers to operate at 5V levels, while the bus operates The TLE8457DSJ is a monolithic integrated LIN transceiver with low drop-out voltage regulator in the TSON-8 package. Arm® Cortex®-M3 microcontroller with LIN and BLDC MOSFET driver for automotive applications A step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M3 core • 256 KB flash MA RB K•8 • On-chip OSC I am using the diagram attached in this (tx of microcontroller is connected tx pin of transreceiver and rx pin of microcontroller is connected to rx pin of microcontroller. 2A". MCP201 DS21730D-page 2 2004 Microchip Technology Inc Microchip Technology Inc. The LIN message header is sent by the master task, and used for synchronization. It has a low-drop voltage regulator with a 5V/50mA output and a Elmos offers cost-effective high class solutions for your LIN/CAN networks. This allows the microcontrollers to operate at 5V levels, while the bus operates The microcontroller generates all needed LIN data (protocol ) (partly) by software and is connected to the LIN network via a LIN transceiver (simply speaking, a level shifter with some The TLE984x product family integrates an Arm® Cortex® M0 microcontroller core along with relay drivers, high side switches, LIN transceiver and a power supply system that enables the device to operate at the vehicle battery level. 1, LIN 2. Analog 41 RXD MOTIX™ TLE9844-2QX Microcontroller with LIN and power switches for automotive applications AE step and UD step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M0 core: up to 40 MHz clock frequency The TJA1028 combines the functionality of a LIN transceiver and a voltage regulator in a single chip and offers wake-up by bus activity. TLE6258 or TLE6259) • Speed up to 20 kBits/sec • Guaranteed latency times • Message Frame contains 2,4 or 8 data bytes • • Full duplex serial interface (UART) with LIN support • Synchronous serial channel (SSC) • On-chip debug support via 2-wire Device Access Port (DAP) • LIN Bootstrap loader (LIN BSL) • Arm® Cortex®-M3 microcontroller with LIN and BLDC MOSFET driver for automotive applications BF, UH, and UI step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M3 core • 128 KB flash MA RB K•6 • On A LIN protocol controller is typically a microcontroller implementation. The LIN Transceiver TLE7269G is the interface between the microcontroller and the physical LIN Bus (see Figure The LIN-SBC is a fully integrated LIN transceiver, which complies with the LIN 2. This bit is set and cleared by software. This device is compliant with LIN 2. When the LIN transceiver is in sleep mode, only the low-power receiver, and some digital logic is left enabled. 0: LIN mode disabled. 2 • 2 x Low Side Switches with clamping capability incl. First approaches to a discrete slave-node design include a sensing element, a LIN system basis chip, and a . H A CAN FD channel can be easily added to a microcontroller that is either lacking a CAN FD peripheral or that doesn't have enough CAN FD channels. Fosler Microchip Technology Inc. 3 • Advanced independent watchdog (variants with suffix W) • 250 mA LIN Bus Networking; View All; Transceivers with Voltage Regulator; Transceivers with Voltage Regulator and Relay Driver; LIN System-in-Package (SiP) Solutions; LIN Functional Safety; USB; View All; USB Hubs; USB-C® Power Delivery 29 EN LIN-transceiver enable input 30 PTRIG Watchdog trigger input (positive edge) 31 NTRIG Watchdog trigger input (negative edge) 32 WAKE System-basis-chip external wake-up input LIN transceiver compliant with LIN 2. 3; Advanced independent watchdog; Dedicated voltage regulators for microcontroller and CAN transceiver; • Easy connection with Infineons' single-wire-transceivers (e. The Die to Die Interface This FAQ reviews the basics of LIN networks, details the numerous ISO and SAE standards related to LIN, looks at the LIN data structure, and closes with a brief consideration I don't think so. 1. PWM functionality, e. MCP2518FD Datasheet . microcontroller and a LIN half-duplex bus. 0 and SAEJ2602-2 specifications. Most LIN transceivers support power supply control and wakeup via the bus. This LIN master channel microcontroller and the serial network bus. 1 The LIN transceiver in Normal mode The LIN transceiver is activated when the TJA1028 enters Normal mode. The TLE984x product • LIN transceiver compliant with LIN 2. 2 A and This application note describes how a LIN bus can be implemented with existing microcontrollers from Philips Semiconductors. 02 — 16 September 2005 Application note Document information Info Content Keywords TJA1020, Local Interconnect Network (LIN), Transceiver, Depending FIGURE 2: SIMPLIFIED LIN TRANSCEIVER Author: Ross M. Analog 40 VSS Voltage Regulator Ground Ground pin for the connection of all non-power ground connections (microcontroller and sensors). The LIN physical layer is implemented in hardware with a voltage range from 0V to 18V, with a 40V transient capability. The second chip used in the ATA6602 and ATA6603 is from Atmel 8-bit microcontrollers with LIN transceiver Functional description 3 Functional description The LIN interface is a single wire, bi -directional bus, used for in-vehicle networks. Figure 2-1. The LIN specification The powerful LIN hardware and software kit includes a series of boards and three PICmicro microcontrollers. In STANDBY mode, microcontroller or related peripherals. 0, 2. MOTIX™ TLE9843QX is a part of the TLE984x product family. 1: LIN • 1 LIN 2. 5 V to 28 V • Extended supply voltage range VS = 3 V to 28 V • Low-dropout voltage regulators (LDO) • 5 V voltage supply VDDEXT for NXP's TJA1042 high-speed CAN transceiver with standby mode is designed for all types of HS-CAN networks, in nodes that require a low-power mode CAN/LIN Communications 32K Flash Microcontroller with LIN Transceiver, 5V Regulator and Watchdog DATASHEET. The modular Microchip Are you designing with low-cost system networking in mind? We provide stand-alone Local Interconnect Network (LIN) transceivers along with System Basis Chips (SBCs) that include NXP's single and multi channel LIN transceiver portfolio offers robust, pin and footprint compatible solutions each with a different feature set offering a compact and optimum application fit. The TLE984x product family integrates an Arm® Cortex® M0 microcontroller core along with relay drivers, high side LIN transceiver AN4101 8/21 Doc ID 23127 Rev 1 3 LIN transceiver A LIN transceiver is embedded in the L99PM62 power management integrated circuit, which is present on both MOTIX™ TLE9843-2QX Microcontroller with LIN and power switches for automotive applications AE step and UD step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M0 core: up to 40 MHz clock frequency MOTIX™ TLE9844-2QX Microcontroller with LIN and power switches for automotive applications AE step and UD step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M0 core: up to 40 MHz clock frequency The microcontroller generates all needed LIN data (protocol ) (partly) by software and is connected to the LIN network via a LIN transceiver (simply speaking, a level shifter with some Microcontroller SCI Transceiver Transceiver Transceiver LIN Bus. 1 and SAEJ2602-2-compliant LIN transceiver, low-drop voltage regulator and an adjustable window watchdog enables the development of inexpensive, low-end, but the microcontroller LIN I/O pins voltage levels are adjusted to the LIN bus levels by a transceiver. It interfaces the LIN protocol handler and the physical Microcontroller with LIN and BLDC MOSFET Driver for Automotive Applications A-Step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M3 core • 256 KB flash MA RB K•8 • On-chip OSC and PLL for clock the microcontroller LIN I/O pins voltage levels are adjusted to the LIN bus levels by a transceiver. 0 requires that the transceiver(s) of all device goes into from sleep mode. 290 Pages. 2 transceiver • Single power supply VS = 5. The voltage embedded microcontroller. It ATA664251 16K Flash Microcontroller with LIN Transceiver, 5V Regulator, Watchdog, 8-channel High Voltage Switch / LED Interface with High Voltage Current Sources, 16-bit SPI. g. 1 and SAEJ2602-2. Usart CR2 Page 735. I am using eusart LIN nodes are usually comprised of a microcontroller and a LIN transceiver, but custom hardware or ASICs could also be used. LIN high (recessive state) is reported by a high level at RXD, LIN low (dominant state) is reported by a low level at RXD. 3 V or 5. It can provide stable 5V/3. ATA663254/ATA663231 4th The SAMHA1GxxA contains an ARM ® Cortex ®-M0+ microcontroller (MCU), a LIN transceiver based on Microchip’s fourth-generation LIN IP and a voltage regulator. 2A and SAE J2602, and compatible with LIN 1. All This application note presents the integral parts of LIN technology, focusing on the LIN transceiver itself, information on the protocol, and the physical layer requirements for real applications. 2 — 26 August 2022 Product data sheet 1 General description The SJA1124 is a quad Local Interconnect Network Arm® Cortex®-M3 microcontroller with LIN and BLDC MOSFET driver for automotive applications A step Extended operating temperature range (grade 0) Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M3 Sensor system design using LIN can be viewed as a three-step process. The RXD pin is floating and the LIN bus is LIN Transceiver with integrated voltage regulator 1 Overview Features • Single-wire LIN transceiver for transmission rates up to 20 kBit/s • Compliant to ISO 17987-4, LIN specification The LIN Bus is a single wire, bi-directional bus, used for in-vehicle networks. The system solution The 8-bit microcontroller (MCU), derived from the established XC800 family of Infineon, achieves up to 10 Whetstone MIPS at 40MHz, which is comparable to 16-bit The ATA663211 device is a fully integrated LIN transceiver designed in compliance with the LIN specification 2. 3. Order Now. The LIN transceiver is disabled and the watchdog is either active or in autonomous mode, provided that the watchdog is available and enabled. Introduction 9 RX Out Receive signal from LIN bus to microcontroller 10 DG3 Out Diagnostic output 3 11 DG2 receiver detects the data stream at the LIN bus input pin and transfers it via pin RXD to the microcontroller. 0 5. sensor supply, HS-CAN an integrated LIN transceiver. 3 V supply and up to 70 mA. LIN This allows the microcontrollers to operate at 5V levels, while the bus operates at higher levels. The LIN bus operates between 9 V and 18 The TJA1020 is the interface between the LIN leader/follower protocol controller and the physical bus in a Local Interconnect Network (LIN). This device will translate the CMOS/TTL logic levels to LIN-level logic, and vice versa. This device will translate the CMOS/TTL logic levels to LIN level logic, and vice versa. 6 V 3 DC The board is our homemade board with LIN transceiver on it. 1 and SAEJ2602-2 specifications. LIN Single Wire Bus Higher Level Transceiver USART LIN Protocol Driver Applications Slave support LIN transceivers that do contain those features allowing the LIN transceiver to also control the LDO's enable pin in conjunction with or instead of the TCAN4550-Q1. 0, H-bridge Gate Driver with LIN Transceiver, Watchdog, and 5V Regulator 1. 0 DEVICE OVERVIEW The The LIN-SBC is a fully integrated LIN transceiver, which complies with the LIN 2. H-BRIDGE ECU LIN BUS LINE SCI/ UART VOLTAGE REGULATOR 3. It is mainly suitable for in Microcontroller › Microcontroller ›AURIX™, Traveo™ Linear Voltage Regulators › OPTIREG™ ›all LDOs pending on 5V or 3. 3 V logic level, so it must be paired with a transceiver (you need only a single-channel one, e. 2. 2A, ISO 17987-4:2016(12V) and SAE J2602 standards. The second chip is an automotive microcontroller from Atmel ®’s series of AVR 8-bit My task is to implement LIN network on SPC560P microcontroller. The signal that goes to the NI tool is also important. Sensors, actuators or other control devices are 20-Pin, 8-Bit Flash LIN/J2602 Microcontroller 2012-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. 0 V) Separate voltage regulator for the a LIN2. The fail-safe SBC contains the following integrated devices: • LIN transceiver compliant with LIN 2. 3 The UJA1069 is designed to be used in combination with a microcontroller and a LIN controller. 0 and SAE • 2 full duplex serial interfaces (UART) with LIN support (for UART1 only) • 2 synchronous serial channels (SSC) • On-chip debug support via 2-wire SWD • 1 LIN 2. If you look at the HDK's LIN Transceiver MCP201 Microcontrollers PIC12F675 PIC18F6680 Stand-alone CAN Controller MCP2515 CAN Transceiver MCP2551 CAN I/O Expander MCP250xx Design ideas in this 6. If you probe the TX and RX lines at the transceiver these are what go to the microcontroller. The Mas-ter is terminated through a 1KΩ Microcontroller with LIN Transceiver & Half-Bridge Drivers User’s Manual: Hardware Rev. 00 Sep 2012 8 RENESAS MCU μPD78F807x Microcontroller μPD78F8071(A) μPD78F8072(A) MOTIX™ TLE9843-2QX Microcontroller with LIN and power switches for automotive applications AE step and UD step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M0 core: up to 40 MHz clock frequency Each of the four channels contains a LIN commander controller and LIN transceiver with commander termination. The LIN transceiver is compliant with LIN 2. Our modular LIN family ranges from Low-Cost Local Interconnect Network (LIN) systems are used throughout automobiles in comfort, powertrain, sensor, and actuator applications. 2 transceiver • 1 high Page 1 (LIN-SBC) consists of a LIN transceiver, which complies with the LIN specification; a voltage regulator; and a window watchdog. This Our multi-chip LIN System-in-Package (SiP) is designed for LIN-bus node applications which demand high levels of integration with lower costs, all within a complete system solution. 2; Conforms to SAEJ2602 recommended practice for LIN; Supports 12V applications; LIN The SIT1028Q is a Local Interconnect Network (LIN) physical layer transceiver with internal integrated high voltage LDO. 1, 2. 2, 2. The TLE7257 LIN transceiver is the interface between the microcontroller and the physical LIN Bus (see MOTIX™ TLE9842QX Microcontroller with LIN and power switches for automotive applications AE step and UD step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M0 core: up to 25 MHz clock frequency MOTIX™ TLE9844-2QX Microcontroller with LIN and power switches for automotive applications AE step and UD step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M0 core: up to 40 MHz clock frequency MOTIX™ TLE9844QX is a part of the TLE984x product family. If the TMS is too MOTIX™ TLE9842-2QX Microcontroller with LIN and power switches for automotive applications AE step and UD step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M0 core: up to 40 MHz clock frequency MOTIX™ TLE9843-2QX Microcontroller with LIN and power switches for automotive applications AE step and UD step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M0 core: up to 40 MHz clock frequency The LIN Bus is a single wire, bi-directional bus, used for in-vehicle networks. 1 LIN SERCOM Configuration In order to connect the SAM C21 controller TX and The LIN transceiver is required for LIN module (in MCU) to interface the external LIN bus. 2A and SAEJ2602-2. 1 and SAEJ2602-2-compliant LIN transceiver, low-drop voltage regulator and an adjustable window watchdog enables the development of inexpensive, low-end, but also looking in the reference manual for LIN registers. It interfaces the LIN protocol The microcontroller expects the LIN transceivers to be in Sleep mode and therefore ready for a wake-up, but the wake-up will never work because the transceivers are already in Fail-safe a PIC16F886 MCU, a MCP2021 LIN Transceiver with voltage regulator, four LEDs, 2 push buttons and a potentiometer. 0, LIN 2. 0 V Fig 3. 0 — 14 November 2012 Application Hints Document information MICROCONTROLLER LIN TRANSCEIVER e. low-dropout voltage regulator (LDO) for microcontroller supply, a 5V low-dropout voltage regulator with short circuit protection against supply voltage V S for e. The demo board has several test points to access PIC16F886-I/P LIN transceiver designed according to LIN 2. , TLIN1029-Q1). 3V µC: TLS850x, TLS820x, TLS810x, TLS805x, TLE4678-2LD, a LIN2. High-Level LIN Transceiver in Network The idea of LIN is to be a simple, yet cost-effective communication † ESD HBM 8 kV at Pins LIN and VS According to STM5. 3, LIN 2. 2, LIN The MM912G634 (48 kB) and MM912H634 (64 kB) are integrated single package solutions that integrate an HCS12 MCU with a SMARTMOS ® analog control IC. In Normal mode, the transceiver can transmit and receive data via the LIN Transceiver with Voltage Regulator. Transceiver. Fig 3 illustrates a block diagram of a typical LIN ECU. 1, Contains a Full Set of CAN and LIN ECU Functions: CAN transceiver and LIN transceiver; Voltage regulator for the microcontroller (3. ATA6614Q [DATASHEET] 9240I–AUTO–03/16 2 1. The TJA1124 is primarily intended for in-vehicle sub-networks using baud rates up to 20 kBd and is compliant with LIN 2. control various power and sensor peripherals by using LIN as a local sub-bus. MICROCONTROLLER LIN TRANSCEIVER e. It is intended for automotive and LIN Transceiver with integrated voltage regulator 1 Overview Features • Single-wire LIN transceiver for transmission rates up to 20 kBit/s • Compliant to ISO 17987-4, LIN specification grated LIN bus Transceiver. as relay driver • 2 x High MOTIX™ TLE9843QX combines a microcontroller with power supply, HS and LS switches and a LIN Trx. It is All PIC ® microcontroller devices offering an Enhanced Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (EUSART) These modules are offered in a very embedded microcontroller. The LIN specification 2. With loopback setup, we can see the data from the scope at the TX, Rx and LIN pin from the transceiver but the NI'labview LIN NXP Semiconductors N. It interfaces the LIN protocol handler and the Arm® Cortex®-M3 microcontroller with LIN and H-bridge MOSFET driver for automotive applications A step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M3 core • 256 KB flash MA RB K•8 • On The TLIN1029-Q1 is a local interconnect network (LIN) physical layer transceiver with integrated wake-up and protection features, compatible with LIN 2. 3 3. The small footprint PIC16C432 and PIC16C433 are used as slaves in the LIN The TJA1028 combines the functionality of a LIN transceiver and a voltage regulator in a single chip and offers wake-up by bus activity. The LIN protocol is to be implemented in This pin reports the state of the LIN bus to the microcontroller. DS21730C-page 2 Preliminary 2003 Microchip Technology Inc. NOTE: If the communications interface between a microcontroller and the serial network bus. NXP SJA1124 LIN master transceiver is designed for in-vehicle subnetworks using baud The TJA1022 is a dual LIN transceiver that provides the interface between a Local Interconnect Network (LIN) leader/follower protocol controller and the physical bus in a LIN network. In normal transceiver operation the TJA1020 can be switched in the normal Compliant with LIN 2. 1 3. 2. The bus is terminated to VBAT at each node. The Microcontrollers with Enhanced CAN / LIN / IEBus and Memory Lineup for Automotive Applications. The integrated high side driver controlled by a 16 bit 2 Microcontroller power supply and I/O voltage continuous VDDuC,DC-0. The voltage regulator is designed to power the LIN Microcontrollers All automotive Atmel ATmega products feature a general-purpose USART to support LIN master and slave systems. 2, LIN 2. V. 2 Description The LIN-SBC is a fully integrated LIN transceiver, which complies with the LIN 2. Description The Atmel® ATA6630 is a Quad LIN commander transceiver with LIN commander controller Rev. 3V power supply for external ECU LIN Transceiver with integrated voltage regulator 1 Overview Features • Single-wire LIN transceiver for transmission rates up to 20 kBit/s • Compliant to ISO 17987-4, LIN specification The voltage regulator is designed to power an automotive Electronic Control Unit (ECU), integrating the major peripheral functions around the microcontroller of a typical LIN This device transfers LIN master frames to the physical LIN bus via the LIN physical layer. The device is designed to supply a microcontroller and peripherals with a stable 3. (SBC)—including LIN transceiver, voltage regulator, grated LIN bus Transceiver. It It can provide stable 5V/3. The TLE7258 LIN transceiver is the interface The TMS320F2803x has a LIN interface, but it works at the 3. This microcontroller does not have builtin LIN-transceiver, so it provides TX and RX pins. 0 and LIN 2. LIN Protocol supports bi-directional communication on a single wire, while using inexpensive microcontrollers driven by RC oscillators, to avoid the cost of crystals or ceramic resonators. It is • LIN transceivers compliant with LIN 2. the • High-speed CAN transceiver, inter-operable and downward compatible with CAN transceiver TJA1042, and compatible with the ISO 11898-2:2003 and ISO 11898-5:2006 standards • LIN ATA6616C/ATA6617C 8K/16K Flash Microcontroller with LIN Transceiver, 5V Regulator and Watchdog DATASHEET General Features Single-package high performance, low power Microcontroller with LIN and BLDC MOSFET Driver for Automotive Applications A-Step Features • 32-bit Arm®* Cortex®-M3 core • 256 KB flash MA RB K•8 • On-chip OSC and PLL for clock with 3,3V and 5V microcontroller ATA6564-GBQW0 x x Silent mode, VIO - pin for compatibility with 3,3V and 5V microcontroller ATA6564-GAQW1 x x Silent mode, VIO - pin for LIN transceiver providing optional auto addressing.