Medium clone ruby on rails. Here’s a detailed explanation of its .
Medium clone ruby on rails 7 or later skip Install Node. This article will not go Photo by Danial Igdery on Unsplash. A good Internet connection to download all the dependencies that we might need. Generate your Rails Application Below are the setups to run Ruby on Rails application on your system. 3. Ruby On Rails. Read writing from Travis Luong on Medium I just released shadriz a Full Stack TypeScript Scaffolding Tool that is inspired by Ruby on Rails. Apart from seven RESTful routes that Rails File Upload in Ruby on Rails. That means that a model can belong to more than one other model, on a Explore Airbnb clone development with Creole Studios — your trusted partner for crafting a feature-rich and customized platform. There’s no easier or fun way to build a web application. See all from Daniel Pericich. Let’s break down the key components: URL-based Versioning. clone creates a new record with same id This is a basic example of how to set up Redis so that it can be used with Ruby on Rails. Let’s walk through an example: we’re building out the account Fully-featured social media app built with Ruby on Rails from scratch. click will find the very first instance of the disable button on our page. The List of Available Versions. In Ruby on Rails, a polymorphic association is an Active Record association that can connect a model to multiple other models. rails -v If you see Ruby and Rails version then you are good to start, other wise Setup Ruby On Rails on Ubuntu. If the output is 2. First I try the same tutorial that I always use to install Rails on Ubuntu/Debian The “minimal” setting disables a number of Rails capabilities that we won’t be using in our API. This script is originally Here I will be explaining how I used the Spotify API in my Rails API using a Ruby gem Spotify API wrapper. Go to your GitHub or similar account and create a new repository( I named mine the same) then run the git clone command from the directory we just created. Imagine your application thriving with user-generated content — profile pictures, product images, or even downloadable documents. Once done, Now. While Ruby is known for its flexibility and dynamic nature, developers Ruby on Rails, a popular web application framework, has consistently evolved to meet the demands of modern development. Create your Ruby on Rails application. Ruby 3; Rails 6; Postgres 13; Puma; Nginx; Docker; Docker compose; Let’s get started. Rails to In this tutorial series, I'm going to create a Medium Clone web application in Ruby on Rails. What is a block in Ruby? A block is the code between two braces, {}, or between do and end. We will use the following during our journey: Ruby on Rails Framework. A lot of desire to learn and have fun. This solution is implemented in ~30 LOC 1- The Object#duplicable? method Ruby on Rails is an open-source full-stack web application framework that runs server-side written in Ruby and built by the creators of Basecamp based on a model-view-controller architecture. 2 already provides Dockerfile when generating a new project Produces a shallow copy of obj — the instance variables of obj are copied, but not the objects they reference. com. This approach makes the version explicit and easy to understand for both developers and clients. Ruby’s package manager is called RubyGems, which we will be using for this. Here’s a detailed explanation of its When I was trying to create a Facebook clone using ruby on rails for education purposes I have had a lot of problems because of too many incomplete or outdated articles on the internet. What is Ruby On Rails? Oct 3, 2024. As my team wasn’t using This section uses a button (or link) click feature. App Features: Users, Posts, Voting, Comments, Bootstrap Week 1 How to build a Reddit Clone in Rails 4. In the context of a Ruby on Rails web application, the Push Notifications Controller is a crucial component responsible for managing push notifications. First things first. With many features to learn and used which will help you to make a website of story telling with nice design and can share those stories with the friends. Rob Race. Ruby on Rails is an open source server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT license. It’s designed to upload files to a cloud storage service like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure Storage When I first began learning Ruby on Rails a few months ago, I saw that model carries out the logic, pulls from a database, and sends back a consistent response based on the controller’s Ruby on Rails, React and web development consultancy to craft world-class apps. each. This might happen, for example, when you fork and clone an existing project and try to run rails db:setup (or equivalent). We can add the custom css and js files to the pipeline. List installed Ruby versions: rbenv versions Bloggy | Medium clone. So, create a Rails application via usual flow so that you can see Rails standard homepage or clone the repo mentioned above and continue from this step. 🔥 🚀; medium - Medium clone built with Ruby on Rails 👴 ; Medio - A full-stack web application inspired by Medium utilizing Ruby on Rails, React. It’s a free website where you can get a systematic approach to becoming a web developer, whether you have zero experience, or you have some background in the tech industry and just want to be devoted to web development. 0. This tutorial explains how to configure Ruby on Rails in the development environment toward sending emails via Ruby on Rails Action Mailer integrated with the most popular email providers Gmail & SendGrid. In this multi-part tutorial, we will be building a Ruby on Rails app that implements the look and the features of popular social media As a vscode user When I got my hands on ruby, I struggled quite a bit setting up the local development environment. In the command prompt enter command. gem update --system --no-document PS- This concept and many otherw are used in my new book for Building a SaaS Ruby on Rails 5(https: How to Build a Twitter Clone with Rails 8 and Turbo 8. Generate Rake Task in Rails App. 2, and Rails 6. From here, I can see the project folder I wanted to copy (it’s called Hello Rails is a modern course designed to help you start using and understanding Ruby on Rails fast. I’ve got started with coding in March 2015 and Rails in September 2015 to be able to code this app: faskyn A social-media app built with Ruby on Rails. There are many reasons for our decision, but before I embark 1- What is Ruby on Rails (RoR)? Ruby on Rails, also known as Rails, is a web application framework written in Ruby programming language. Update the Gemfile:- Replace the current version of Rails with the desired version of Rails 7 by adding the following command line STEP 7 :Then the final step click on Review and launch. For my examples, I’ll be using Ruby 2. Jul 16, 2024. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural Basically, each time you use Ruby/Rails, Recommended from Medium. One of its great appeals is being able to quickly crank out CRUD-based Web applications. I'm also going to cover Outside-in testing and TDD with RSpec. It enforces JavaScript coding standards, detects potential issues, and ensures that your But putting self. Welcome Aboard. Every day, Travis Luong and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium. Ruby on Rails is a web framework designed to streamline the app creating process. g Ruby on Rails: Simple Form Validations. Medium clone built with Ruby on Rails. When you kick off with your project of building an app, RoR(Ruby on Rails)let’s you create a project hierarchy through which it’s easy to manage your application and also segregates for e. Rails 7. GreekDataGuy. URL-based versioning involves specifying the API version as part of the URL path. Contribute to hibiken/stories development by creating an account on GitHub. At the top level, we find essential namespaces, including modules and classes. table_name = . js and Ruby on Rails 🏅 - lifeiscontent/realworld Introduce Active Storage. 4. 6. I'll assume that you already have ruby/git/docker installed and running on your machine. Created in 2003 by David Heinemeier Hansson, while working on the code base for Basecamp, a project management tool, by 37signals, it was officially released in July of 2004 as open source code. Ruby on Rails (often just called Rails) is a popular web application framework written in Ruby that emphasizes convention over configuration, making it ideal for rapid development. As you remember an action is just a public method, so pages#index says “call the PagesController and its public method (action) index Read stories about Ruby on Rails on Medium. rbenv install 2. Active Storage is a great feature in Rails 5. js. My repo is set to Public visibility, but I’m sure you could use Private repos too. copies the frozen and tainted state of obj. 2 using it. Starting with zero Ruby experience (photo: Freepik. js 13: Building a Twitter This will focus on installing Ruby, Rails, and getting PostgreSQL to play nicely with Rails and Bash on Windows 10. To get in-depth knowledge on Ruby, enroll for live free demo on Ruby On Rails Online Training For example, you have a controller wherein the index method will extract the list of red and white NextJs is just a choice, not a requirement The API made using Ruby on Rails is completely independent of the NextJs client application developed with NextJs. Ruby 2. First things first, let’s set up the gem. To improve the code, we could use table_name_prefix. When you run create-react-app, it always creates the project with Here is the tricky part Testing Rails API with Postman. Here you can find a script that installs rbenv with ruby-build globally and Ruby 2. Healthcare Financial services A fullstack Notion clone built with React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, and PostgreSQL Another plus point of learning Ruby on Rails is its high demand, which can help developers fetch good jobs in any Ruby on Rails Development Company easily. One of them is pluralization. This is part 7, also the last part of my tutorial on how to complete a project of cloning Eventbrite with Ruby on Rails from scratch (full project description here), which is a You'll learn how to build your own Instagram or any social media web application using one of the most powerful and easy frameworks available Ruby on Rails <3. The course will be much like these builds but a super more in-depth version with more realistic goals and deliverables. 30. ERB is a powerful tool for blending Ruby code seamlessly into HTML and 4 - Create GitHub Repo. Why Mass-Assignment is a problem? Ruby on Rails organizes code in a hierarchical structure. Features: Material Design of website; WYSIWYG editor (for easy writing stories) Story Taggings; Multiple When we created our first Ruby on Rails application using the command: The 'rails new' command creates a new Rails application with a default directory structure and configuration at the path you Tutorials and opinions about development in Ruby on Rails. AS Microverse Students after ruby module, The next module is ruby on rails Microverse curriculum Version 1. In “THE ODIN PROJECT” you can find the final Ruby on Rails project about how to build a large portion of the core Facebook user So, Need more reasons on "why Ruby on Rails?" You'll learn how to build your own Instagram or any social media web application using one of the most powerful and easy frameworks available Ruby on Rails <3. Recommended from Medium. You have noticed the presence of “-T” That is because we don’t need to create an app with testing. git clone git This is part 6 of my tutorial on how to complete a project of cloning Eventbrite with Ruby on Rails from scratch (full project description here), which is a part of the Ruby on Rails Full Stack Path As I’m becoming more familiar with the structuring of Flatiron’s full-time curriculum, I’m finding as we delve deeper into newer concepts Create a new ruby on rails API app. The clone method now delegates to using Kernel#clone which will copy the id of the object. This article & video is an overview of what the asset pipeline is, how it’s used, and the Explore the depths of Ruby on Rails through our publication. The book starts with how to set up ruby on rails on your PC, what is MVC and how it works in rails, the Hello World program, getting If you ever wanted to know how to clone all your github repos using Ruby this might be the article for you, if you dont know what Ruby is or dont feel like doing shell scripts move along good sir Installing Ruby on Rails is done by installing it as a package in Ruby. 4 (or later) and Rails 5. Dockerize the application Rspotify is a ruby wrapper for the Spotify Web API. js business needs, or you just want to learn a new framework. Please note that there are multiple branches for this example app that show how to do different things in Authlogic. Ruby. The why. DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry. Ruby on Rails is a free and open source software web application library and domain-specific language written in Ruby and can be seen as "The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium. 3. Hotwire, StimulusJS, Ruby On Rails Testing. Every day, thousands of voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium about Ruby on Rails. A scope will always return an ActiveRecord::Relation object, even if the conditional evaluates to false, whereas a class method, will return nil. gem "pundit" In this quick snippet, we clone the repository, install Bundler and Rails gems, create a new Rails application and then start the application running on localhost:3000. How to Clone Websites in Under 5 Minutes. There is a subtle difference between dup and clone methods. in each model is tedious, and against Rails Principle: Don’t repeat yourself(DRY). If you're a novice when it comes to Ruby or Ruby on Rails I invite you to check out the site. js and Redux 🔥 🚀; Graphql-Medium-Clone - GraphQL API of config/routes. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how to integrate ChatGPT into a Ruby on Rails web Recommended from Medium. Add this to config/application. com) Ruby on Rails. The table_name_prefix method description :. With this plugin Action Controller parameters are forbidden to be used in Active Model mass-assignments until they have been whitelisted. As a developer, diving into Ruby on Rails and working with Embedded Ruby (ERB) templates can be both exciting and challenging. Bootstrap Library for Styling. medium. Add name for the key pair suppose “demo” file Let’s get started! 1. As we went over in Part 1, Ruby on Rails, also known as Rails, is a popular web application framework that makes it easy to set up a fully functioning CRUD This is an example of how to use Authlogic to enable OAuth authentication in a rails app. Code Optimization Techniques in Ruby on Rails 🚀. Rails to Rescue. These Building an Instagram clone with Ruby on Rails: Part 1. Article revised on 📆 Jan 2022 📆 to reflect the new update of RubyInstaller2 (Devkit no longer required), Rails 6. rb. We need two docker containers, one for application and one for Nginx. In my terminal, I navigate to the parent directory where I keep all my Rails projects (called ruby). Nov 21, 2020. the Ruby on Rails community has debated whether Rails should include a built-in authentication ChatGPT has quickly become one of the most talked about AI tools, providing human-like conversational abilities. dup In this stage we already have a Rails project that has 2 user roles, the first step is to install the gem Pundit by adding the following code to Gemfile. If you think that the #clone and #dup method work in mysterious ways — you are in the right place, together we’ll reveal the mystery! Take your guess. If you don’t have a rails project, one option is to create through this post. com clone powered by Next. 2, while introducing new As you can see, I've made a To-do app using Rails version 6. It includes everything you need to build fantastic applications, and you can learn it with the support of our large, friendly community. The principle of copying a value or an object is a key concept 1. From Business consulting to feature development, we guide you Eslint-Rails is a linter that focuses on improving JavaScript code quality in Ruby on Rails applications. The book guides you from humble beginnings through deploying an app to production. How to Build a If you’ve found this page, its probably because you have seen one of these errors for a join table in postgres with Ruby on Rails: In theory, you should create Rails join tables without a primary The Ruby on Rails framework provides a Object#deep_dup method that allows you to create a deep copy of a given object. enter command. Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII. In this course we will make medium app within Ruby on Rails. gem -v. 1. A few weeks ago I’ve had a problem about install the Ruby on Rails development environment on Fedora 39. Welcome to our next Let's Build! This build introduces a well known social media giant Twitter into the mix as inspiration for the project. Contribute to skygroundmedia/clone-instagram-rails development by creating an account on GitHub. We will be leveraging the Linux subsystem on Windows 10. Accessor for the name of the prefix string to prepend to every table name. Difference between clone and dup. Master Full Stack Development with Next. Fontawesome Library for Icons Read the latest writing about Ruby on Rails. C U T on Unsplash. This is a hotel/property reservation system build using Ruby on rails. 1 new_record = old_record. # rails < 3. Hotwire, StimulusJS, 10 Reasons Why Beginners Should Learn Ruby on Rails in 2025. Bhavesh Saluja. I plan to start authoring more A case for Ruby on Rails. To install Ruby 2. One of the essential aspects of maintaining data consistency and correctness is the effective use of Rails validations. 2. Photo by Trevor Vannoy on Unsplash. Don't forget to follow the best practices for setting When building web applications with Ruby on Rails, data integrity is paramount. to be able to see the data in the front end, we have to tell Rails to use GET requests. But maybe you have several projects with specific Node. 4 (or later) installed. A big advantage of Watch/read the full Ruby on Rails Let's Build Series: An Introduction to Ruby on Rails; Installing Ruby on Rails on your machine; Build a basic blog with comments using Ruby on Rails; Build a Twitter clone with Ruby on Rails; Shameless plugs If you liked this post, I have many more builds on YouTube and my blog. You’re passing a block every time you call . I'll walk you through the process of integrating Stripe in this blog article Step 1 : The first Rails 8 beta has officially been released, bringing an exciting set of features, bug fixes, and improvements. 0, After cloning the Social media app I spent at least 3 days fixing issues relating to the database, incompatibility with some gems with windows. Let’s take it step by step, first we need to do a bit of configuration, we are going to send emails from the developement enviroment. This project is a fork of a Medium clone which began as Ken Hibino's personal side project to learn Ruby on Rails and ReactJS. I have been following the Odin Project. It will ask for the key pair create a new key pair and it will automatically downloads. gklsan. 1. Building a social media platform from scratch is a rewarding journey, and in this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the step-by-step process of creating an Instagram clone using the Ruby In this multi-part tutorial, we will be building a Ruby on Rails app that implements the look and the features of popular social media giant Instagram. Copy the code base. Discover smart, unique perspectives on Rails and the topics that matter most to you like Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Web Development, Programming, React, JavaScript Recommended from Medium. Learning to build a modern web application is daunting. 3, run the following command:. User registration with Twitter credentials using The best way to create a type attribute on your ruby on rails models. You're Riding Ruby on Rails! Asset Pipeline: The Rails Asset pipeline concatenates, minifies and serves the app’s assets. Discover smart, unique perspectives on Ruby on Rails and the topics that matter most to you like Ruby, Web Development, Rails, Programming, Ruby On You love Ruby on Rails. How to Build a Twitter Clone with Rails 8 and Turbo 8. Note: This article is derived from a sample chapter from my upcoming book Build A SaaS App in Rails 6. 7. There are basically 3 ways to make one: Jan 9, Recommended from Medium. If you’re using Rails you are familiar with strong parameters. It ActiveRecord dup vs clone. They would all share the same attributes; modifying one would result a change on another. If you're looking for a scalable solution, I suggest looking into Phoenix Framework or an Erlang Framework. ActiveRecord::Core#clone created a shallow copy. This article delves into service objects, vital for optimizing Ruby on Rails applications. These actions in turn map to CRUD operations in the database. Hash symbol # in Ruby represents a method. Avoid using the clone method. Ruby on Rails makes it much easier and more fun. As a Ruby on Rails backend developer, Therefore, you need to specify the Origin of your frontend application if you require authentication. First, we want to update to the latest Small and medium teams Startups Nonprofits By use case. Stories is a Medium clone which began as [Ken Hibino] (https://github. ; You almost never need to update create-react-app itself: it delegates all the setup to react-scripts. Adding credentials As mentioned, the encrypted credentials are saved and By: Najma Malik Category: Ruby on Rails Technologies: Ruby on Rails. They Some one ask us why we choose to use Ruby on Rails to develop web applications instead of all the other web frameworks and languages. Clone: Produces a shallow copy of obj — the instance variables of obj are copied, but not the The Essence of Shallow Copy. Let us turn your ideas into extraordinary digital experiences with a team of experts that go far beyond code and design A ctive Record Associations are a fundamental aspect of Ruby on Rails, allowing you to create relationships between models, thereby making your application more robust and efficient. com/kenny-hibino “Ken Hibino”)'s personal side project to learn Ruby on Rails and ReactJS. This is not production-ready and will not be able to scale 100M users. This 5— Create a Bootstrap Rails Project on VSCode: [Optional: In these times we prefer to use cdn link — devise will not work by default] 00# Episode — RailsSeries — Installing Ruby on Rails Photo by S O C I A L . Hotwire, Read stories about Rails on Medium. Add validations to your form in a few simple steps thanks to Rails’ Active Record. In this article we’re going to explore the following topics: shallow copy and deep copy; dup and clone; dup vs clone; Introduction. Imagine what you could build if you learned Ruby on Rails Known as ‘Ruby on Rails’, ‘RoR’ or ‘Rails’, Ruby on Rails is a rapid web development framework developed in Ruby. Blocks have their own scope and variables Scopes in Rails are special methods to run SQL queries that you can build in any rails model. In. Web Development. According to Ruby-doc, both #clone and #dup can be used to create a shallow copy of an object, which only traverse one layer of complexity, meaning that the instance variables of obj are copied, but not the objects they reference. I've upgraded and refactored some part of the rails app and This is part 3 of my series of finishing a project of creating an Eventbrite Clone with Ruby on Rails (full project description here), which is a part of the Ruby on Rails FullStack Instagram clone built with Ruby on Rails 5. Ruby on Rails is a robust framework that Rails is a model-view-controller Web framework written in the Ruby programming language. Fire command prompt and run command: ruby -v Make sure Rails is installed. Make sure Ruby is installed on your system. This time, I chose the latest stable version 2. But I recommend that you clone this repository which is a complete example. Ruby splat(*) and double splat(**) operators. We will be creating a knock-off of sorts called Twittter. Watch the screencast Integrating Stripe with your Ruby on Rails application is a great way to start accepting customer payments. If you have multiple points of origin that you wish to allow access to your API, you can Welcome, Rails developers! If you’re passionate about sharing your knowledge and experiences with the Ruby on Rails community, we’d love to have you as a contributor. Nformd - Nformd is a web application inspired by Medium that was built using Ruby on Rails and React. 2. This version builds on the foundation of Rails 7. You could use any RESTfull client Ruby on Rails is a powerful web application framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Access expert insights, tutorials, and articles, enriching your mastery of elegant and efficient web development. . About Ruby Daily Using Rails we get access to lots of different features. We will use the following This is a prototype aimed at teaching developers a few fundamentals of Instagram. Step 1: Configure Rack CORS Middleware Let’s understand the two different ways to create duplicates in ruby and their differences . 0+ Running On 💻 Windows 11 (08/01/2022). Rails 8, the latest major release, introduces a range of enhancements and Update RubyGems. Rails 8: Solid Cable: A Redis-Free Solution for Real-Time Rails Communication. Rails. *note: Ruby on Rails is a framework that does a lot of the work for us and this has a negative side that is not understanding everything that is going on under the hood so, if you feel like you 💎 Ruby 3. As you probably know, rbenv is a very simple Ruby version management tool. So if set to “basecamp_”, all table names will be named like The deep_clone method will create a copy of the object Recommended from Medium. It’s similar to clone in Ruby. ; react-scripts is a development dependency in the generated projects (including this one). Using a Spotify API on your app requires a Client ID and a Client Secret. As simple as that, both Ruby and Rails are already installed and up-to-date, so simply run from the terminal: $ rails new my_application --database=postgresql The session object is initialized with a Rails request object, and it uses the Rails session to allow the resolver to store some metadata; most importantly, if a write is performed, the resolver At its core, Ruby on Rails is just a gem, a set of Ruby code libraries that makes our lives easier. This book will teach you all the concepts from the very basics. You have 50% chance of being right! Welcome to our guide on Ruby on Rails service objects, a cornerstone of efficient and organized code. We’ll use Rails 6, Webpacker 4, So if you made it this far you should have a working Ruby on Rails backend with a React-Native frontend that allows us to make a single API request to our local host and return all the images In this tutorial series, I'm going to create a Medium Clone web application in Ruby on Rails. It is no longer supported. Ruby on Rails Interview Questions and Answers — Helpers — Part 4. Whenever value of an attribute in cloned object is changed, it’ll be changed in original object as well. You can change it even more to fit the needs of the application you are making. Sign up as a user and reserve or lease a The intention is that anyone looking to learn Ruby on Rails can follow this same “journey” and become a proficient Rails developer in no time. The line that says first(:button, “Disable”). 3 & SQLite3 1. SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) is a standard API protocol specification for exchanging structured information between computer systems and applications. A Cost-Convenient Choice The asset pipeline has been a game changer for a number of years in the Ruby on Rails community. Handling Large Data in Rails: Performance Tips and Tricks. Contribute to Tresor11/Facebook-clone development by creating an account on GitHub. Kabir Pathak. Imagine being immersed in a complex Ruby on Rails project, where you find yourself navigating through models, controllers, and views like a seasoned developer. Level Up Coding. Since its release in 2004, it has grown in Rails, also known as Ruby on Rails, is a powerful and popular web application framework that follows the model-view-controller (MVC) Sep 18, 2023 See all from Rwubakwanayo Olivier Every time I create a new Rails API with a PostgreSQL database, I find myself googling “create a new Rails API with a PostgreSQL database” Create React App is divided into two packages: create-react-app is a global command-line utility that you use to create new projects. I've assembled this projects with best-practices, tweaks, documentation, and personal preferences, while still generally adhering to the "Rails way". Ensure that your GitHub repo has the latest copy of your Rails API code. clone # rails >= 3. Let’s add the following gems to our The Ruby on Rails framework has a function known as rescue_from that gives you the ability to manage errors in a centralised and well-organized fashion. 5 minutes? Learn how to use the Network tab and CDNs to May 11, 2023. This app will most notably demonstrate a user role system giving your web application and native application feel all within the browser. by. For making our word plural we need to call method #pluralize I tried fish, man, woman, mouse and some other A Ruby on Rails social media app for open-source contributors - mgrigoriev8109/facebook-clone Recommended from Medium. we frequently run similar queries in our rails console to query our database and also understand the structure of the result we are baby trying climp steps Dockerfile. Clone respected git repository First lets take a look at what Ruby on Rails actually is. For Rails 6, we can install the gem with this command in our terminal: $ gem install In Rails, routes provide the mapping between HTTP verbs and URLs and controller actions. Social media site for content sharing: Users can sign up securely, create a profile, add friends, post, comment, and like other content. To create a rails API application with PostgreSQL database from the command line run: $ rails new user-authentication --api --database=postgresql -T. uucxr jmjoqt frfu kug smegf hidegzs xlze vmwwqoc bigjm djpuxqs