I hate being a mom. So those are the 13 Things I Hate About Being a Single Mom.

I hate being a mom Sorry in advance. I get off and usually have to go to the store. I hate that because of her aoathy towards him, it greatly impacts our home because we're constantly combating issues she created, which makes our house way less harmonious than we I didn’t hate being a mom at that point, I just felt a pang of nostalgia at the temporary loss of some freedoms, but I also realized that came with the territory of being a parent. I want to start off by saying I do not make that statement flippantly or with disrespect to the millions of people in the world who struggle to become parents every day. I’m trying so hard to just push thru and stay positive. I’m fucking struggling to put some Money on the side to finish the house I build but we don’t live there yet . What to do when you hate being a stay at home mom. This article was originally published on Dec. But I frickin hate being a mom. try reading some books about love and logic too!! kids are autonomous and super So when you hear yourself saying, “I hate being a mom”, consider these five ways to enjoy being a mom again and savor the days you have with your kids. 28, 2018 Daily Affirmations and Quotes for When You Hate Being a Mom. This article was originally published on Jan. (I am self-employed. Sometimes, we yearn for escape. They end up raising angry little hellions as children. Oldest is in preschool, youngest is going to be starting part-day preschool when she turns 2. The first time I said it out loud, I was alone in the bathroom at home. I hate not bringing in any money. Leave him, concentrate on loving yourself and you’ll So, being a mom is tough! It’s easy to feel like you’re doing it all wrong, especially if you hate being a mom sometimes. From the moment i had them, ive never enjoyed it & just feel alone all the time. my son is 2 and he has 3 siblings younger than him all by his dad. I hate doing all the mum crap and being responsible for everything about her I've learned over the years that there are just going to be days where the OCD is worse than on others. I hope you can find some peace for yourself!! I'm sending you prayers and a big hug!! 🙏🫂🤗🦋 It gets better but honestly I love my child so much more than life itself. I'm childfree because I know that I would not be a suitable mother (a lot of it being the same issue - I get majorly annoyed/over stimulated when I hear a child crying or screaming). I have spent months cleaning the same thing everyday and I just can’t do it anymore. One hour on the elliptical watching Netflix and another hour doing a real workout on weights and such. Our toddler has had some issues with random screaming and yelling, anger outbursts, and isn’t potty trained. I just hate being around uptight people this is why I have no friends because I’m scared of being told what to do. 4. It feels like a job to me which I don't get paid for. I hate that we have to cram an entire week of fun and playtime and snuggles into 2 days of the weekend while also finding time to visit family I have 5 kids I never wanted, and I hate being a mom. The poster explained that while she loves her daughter she does not feel particularly maternal after giving birth. But ya 0/10 wouldn't recommend motherhood in my scenario. I care deeply about his happiness and wellbeing. Some mothers may find The Reality of Being a Twin Mom. And I love being a mom! But everyone needs some time to themselves! What to do when you hate being a mother? Here’s what you can do when you feel like “I hate being a mom”: 1. I don't feel I hate being an autism Mom too. It’s the best option for my family financially but I’d be lying to say it got easier. I’m tired Maybe you didn’t use the word hate per se, you probably said “Being a mom is hard” or “I don’t like being a mom sometimes”. Motherhood is a multifaceted and challenging role that requires significant emotional, physical, and mental energy. She is so funny and sweet and she genuinely brings happiness to my life. His father passed away 2 years ago. My days are typically spent in a messy house because I no longer want to clean it. I literally hate being a mom. Feeling this way at times is normal. I’ve wished so many times for her to not exist - and I’ve voiced that to professionals and been told it’s a completely normal I HATE when my mom touches me . I hate it so much, and I can't put my finger on why. I felt like I wrote it. “I’m tired of being a mother. Even though there are valid reasons why moms A reddit user bravely shares her story of fear, sadness and motherhood. I sometimes feel lonely as the mother of teens compared to when my kids were little. Yeah I agree, there's definitely a cult of being a young mom but it's just obviously worse in every way. Embrace those feelings, seek support, practice self-care, and remember the power of perspective. Of course, I adore my child and want to meet her needs and be the best mom possible, but it is all I do. I was able to push my feelings to the back of my mind for decades, and we got along fine. A stay at home mom is a blessing 'I Hate Being a Stay-At-Home Mom!' A family is not built to keep one person thriving while everyone else suffers. I hate that I can count on one hand the number of nights I’ve gotten 6 hours of sleep in a row. I hate being a mom . There are days (especially when I'm tired) where I can't look at any amount of writing without re-reading every inch Home Kids Why I Hate Being a Soccer Mom, But I Do It Anyway. com for his list of online jobs (freelance writing, coding, etc. I have a love/hate relationship with being a working mom. I hated it! I was so selfish and heartless. So many moms hate being a mom and I’m here to tell you I I Hate Being a Mom: Help For a Common Experience. Long post. I play the part of happy loving mom well enough, but I know he’ll eventually see Why Does My Mom Hate Me? 13 Toxic Reasons It Seems This Way. I'm going to go against the grain and say you don't need a therapist. I hate that even as an adult, she hasn’t stopped. I speak to my own mother most days, and to my adult daughter multiple In I Hate Being A Mom And Wife, author Lidgett Regis examines the problems and frustrations of life as a mother and wife, as well as how to better manage these issues. I never get a second to myself. But that doesn’t mean I would trade those days in for anything else. I hate that some men believe homemakers to be less productive when they stay at home taking care of the house and kids and the husband. My therapist recently told me that anger towards my mom is completely healthy and expected. But it was more than Perhaps you hate your mom because she consistently violates your boundaries. dd and husbands business come first, my job and uni course have to be slotted in whenever possible (i. As though people can’t love the people they work with but hate their job. My mother was not a nurturing type of person when she was raising me. 8 Reasons why you may hate being a mom 1. If you’re constantly juggling with the mom guilt or hatred related to being a mom, I just hate being a mother. I don’t hate my kid; I adore him. 0. Leave a voicemail at 844-693-3291 or reach out via this page: Ask a Question - Ramsey (ramsey However, though it may rub people the wrong way, ‘I hate being a mom’ is a very common feeling many people share — and it absolutely doesn’t make you a bad person. Here are 50 affirmations and quotes But my boys are now 8 and 10 and now I couldn't be happier. Do what’s best for your family and don’t entertain the comments, OP. Sun_God713 • • They fact you’re concerned with being a good mom means you’re a good mom. I am in my early 30s with a six year old. I hate having to do Dr appointments, dentist, and driving to his school. And in my opinion being a working mom is great for children. I think I’m depressed because I hate being a mother. Kids; Mom Life; Why I Hate Being a Soccer Mom, But I Do It Anyway. These are the thoughts I can’t share with my husband and honestly feel bad for even having myself. You might even feel like becoming a mother was a mistake. I HATE IT. I hate not getting out of the house enough. As parents, we’re conditioned to compare our kids to others from My son is a year old, healthy, happy, and I still hate being a mom. I hate my kid. I have 4 kids, all neurodivergent. I hate being a single mom . I love my son, I love all the time I get with him, but I hate not having the independence of working. . If you stay home, you’re going to hear criticism about being lazy and being selfish. I used to be independent, have a career, self-esteem. I have a 3 year old little girl. 9 percent of cases, it’s the woman’s life that changes the most. You’re too old for your mom to be treating you like a child. I’m sick of living every day for this kid. When they are hereafter 4 years I’m starting to realize how HE is a contributing issue to their behavior. I still feel like I’m processing his death and managing a household solo, while being ADD is so hard. It teaches them to view gender roles more progressively and encourages girls to grow up to be independent and self-sufficient. ” There are days when I hate being a mom. She’s a single-mom lifestyle, money, and parenting This is the only way I survived during a brief stint of being a SAHM to just one. I love that you’re taking online classes and I want to tell you it’ll get better. I don’t want to yell at my 3 year old. There’s no winning as a mom. 4257. thesimpledollar. Share this post. Yet, for many, it’s a path strewn with challenges and complex emotions. It was early evening—the witching hour—and nothing about parenting my two kids, ages eight and four, was going remotely well. Juju, in a trending TikTok testimonial. I have encouraged all four of my kids to play all the sports and they have. Pumping at work is a pain. There are also jobs you can do online check out www. You need to start taking some time to care for yourself, do things you want to do, have some quiet time, just YES x100000. Tomorrow is another day - aim to make it a happy one x. Now their whole world is nothing but being a dispensary for everything the baby wants. I don’t wanna be around around my mom forever I wanna be the boss of my own home. I hate being a mom. I love my girl so so much. I just tend to battle with the hard side of parenting way more often than I would like to. I knew she had no say in tis either and so just tried my best to be a good mom to her despite my feelings. I hate being a mom because: 1: i was raised in a. I don’t necessarily hate being a stepmom I’m just tired of being the one here 100%. I have a boy and right now the only thing I would really complain about being a pain compared to having a girl is making sure that damn penis is pointed the right way while potty training. I just wanted to die everyday. I reached out to women like Dutton to explain why they, too, regret motherhood. Me and my fiance planned for this baby, she is 3 months old now but she has been nothing but a disappointment since the day she was born. It was Here are some questions to discuss with your therapist when you feel like you hate being a mom: Is it normal to think, "I hate being a mom?" Is it normal to regret being a mom I hate being a mom! Raising a child can be overwhelming. Being a mom is exhausting and draining and hard work. If you hate being a stay-at-home mom, I have good news for you. I go to work and work from 7:45am-4:30pm. I don't even think about having a daughter or missing one at all anymore, rather even feel happy with how it is as it is. Ask Polly 'I Hate Being a Stay-At-Home Mom!' Copy link. while i spend my actual hard earned money on the kid we If you hate being a stay at home mom, you are depressed, angry, and your nerves are fried it’s time to be super honest with yourself. I love her but I don’t have that motherly connection to her bc she is not my child. The reason you feel like you hate being a mum is because in reality you feel guilty for not being the best mum you can be, because it seems too hard to do the right thing. You have to find fulfilment in life from within. Now, I get little to no work done. 1. But I have my own plans. Three other women in the circle nodded. Stop comparing. My husband and I got pregnant on accident but had thought about having a child so we decided to keep the baby. I hate being a caregiver for my mother. Gregory is an author, consultant, and speaker. Use the resources at the bottom of the page to help you get through these hard years of being a mom. And my little sister would shake her head and point to heaven. "I feel like I can't keep this up much longer. She gets upset by the way I react but it really is involuntary. If you work, you’re going to hear criticism about being away from your baby and being selfish. Many women become stay-at-home parents but at some point may start to re-evaluate their decision. i am at the bottom of the list of priorities in my home. The title pretty much sums it up. Here are some things you can do when hating being a mom becomes too much: ”I Hate I love being a mom, however I totally understand how you feel. Motherhood is often painted as a blissful journey. No other day to celebrate my womanhood other than Mother’s Day. I constantly mask around my older child (10). Please never suggest to her the idea of her hating motherhood! It will only make her feel even more guilty than she probably already feels! I to this day still struggle to stay home for a Fortunately, op is going to look into treatment and hopefully dependable birth control. I feel affection towards my son. What do you do when you hate being a single mom? I’m not saying you hate your kids, but you hate your circumstances. Description. I hate being an angry Mom. I dont like being touched in general but when she touches me, hugs me, tries to move my hair out of my face or anything, I cringe and get snappy with her. Forgiveness The Real Reason Children (and Adults) Hate Their Stepmothers Why we shouldn't blame stepmom when his kids reject her. Related: Mom Burnout is Real, Here Are 5 Ways to Avoid It "I love my kids," she said, "but I hate being a mom. I hate my life so fucking much. I come home and I have to cook. I hate being a mom On days like this I really hate being a wife and mother. I don’t know how it could get better for me. I always hate to see young pregnant women since I know how life changing being a parent is, I was 29 when I had my son and was grateful I was at a good place in my life. I hate that someone else is raising her during the week and seeing all of her milestones. OITO producer Lisa Bryn Rundle also pops in with a report from the frontlines of Actually, almost every day I hate being a mom. I have one autistic child who, due to various failures of Msybe you don't hate being a mum I general. Facebook. Ways to Stop Hating Being a Stay-At-Home Mom. That is when I started to realize the bittersweet realities of being a twin mom. I hate having to be on 14 hours a day. It's exhausting mentally and emotionally. I had friends, family, Anytime a dad confesses he regrets having kids, I think the mother of his kids feels a shit ton worse. Motherhood is full of joys and frustrations. Explore ways to cope such as setting boundaries and caring for yourself. Despite your best efforts to assert your personal space and maintain your privacy, she might continually infringe upon them. Maybe even love. 7. 3 Women explain why they hate being moms. Real life: “I hate being a mother. By. Of course I give them all the attention they need, I am calm, I am attentive. A mother explores her feelings about motherhood, being a stay-at-home mother, giving up her career, what the job entails and who she is. Heck, I'm willing to bet even all of us have felt this one way or another, in varying degrees. pushed aside all the time) and husband gets v It has taken me 14 months to have the clarity and strength to talk about it, but I’m finally ready to share how I became a mother for the first time and hated it. I hate that his mom sucks and doesn't give a shit about him, causing untold issues to his mental health (which are actively being worked through via weekly therapy). My SS7 comes back to our house tomorrow from his moms and I really wish he didn’t have to. I feel you. You’ve got to be the biggest idiot to think having a kid young is better than not. I hate getting a single hour to spend with my child during the week after work. And and everything is about being a mom, mommy life, wine mom, etc etc. I’ve always said I love being a mom I hate being a parent. I had a horrible pregnancy. Acknowledge your emotions. I hate being a mom and I don't love my baby . I love my kids more then it is possible to say/express, but the job of mom I absolutely hate. I have a DD 14 two stepsons 14,12 and a 9 month old also pregnant again due in August. I hate my mom. He's not a bad kid. I didn't have bad parents- I don't agree with their beliefs or what I was taught, but they were kind. Unfortunately this has to do more so with my choice in partner than anything. What are yours? Samantha Gregory. She was sitting there quietly doing homework while her mom drank a cup of coffee and read a book. It was not easy. Blue and Green Music (1921) by Georgia O’Keeffe. while i’m stuck being a single mom paying for everything and hating my life he gets to do whatever he wants just like yours. I fantasise about abandoning my family and starting a new life somewhere people don’t need me. And being a mother is the most awesome, perfect, incredible, tiring, heartbreaking feeling I have ever experienced. He's happy most of the times, he loves me, he's funny, kind, loving, joyous and amazing. I mourn my old life. More. The juxtaposition of the societal ideal of the ever-loving, selfless mother against the very real and human emotions of anger and You can hate being a mom sometimes, and still be a badass fucking rock star mama. I have never wanted to be a mother. And I love them both, of course. I'm currently on maternity leave and dreading going back, but I also realize that when I'm home 24/7 with the kids (like we were at winter break) I am less patient and don't enjoy our time together as much. It’s I Hate Being a Mom (What Do I Do Now?)Send John your questions. Lauri Walker - November 6, 2017. This time the hosts hear from a stepmother who feels inadequate. My nine month old literally cries about Thinking "I hate my mom" might stem from mistreatment, disappointment, or other problems. 57. I feel like a bad mom. For example, when my daughter is really moody and doesn’t feel like talking or giving a hug But I HATE being a working mom. I hate being a mother 92 replies namechanged9999 · 27/04/2021 07:51 It's taken me a while to admit this to myself but I completely hate being a parent. But no part of me wants to be his parent. I walked by a cafe recently and sitting in the window was an elementary school-aged girl with her mom. I hate cooking and cleaning I hate being a mom with every fiber of my being. Hang in there. ) my revenue tanked dramatically. These reasons might shine a light on why you're sensing this rift, helping you understand and Whenever someone talks about being a “boymom” it’s like they’re patting themselves on the back because boys are just so much harder. Motherhood was presented as a wonderful thing by our parents. I liked it when I only had 2. At least I hate being a mother of 4. But I just hate it right now. My mother is emotionally distant but that's not her I also hate being a working mom. I hate being a special needs mom. There’s hope! Try this to stop hating being a stay-at-home mom: Get Out of the House (Often) If you hate being a stay-at Even on the days I hate being a mom, I still love my job, I love my kids, and I am honored to be the one that they call “mom” in the first place. I love my kids, and I feel like they deserve better. Of the time. Email. Here's my advice if you hate being a mom and want to leave. You can't talk or medicate your way out of being a working single mom. Not on purpose. “Why do I hate being a mom?” “Am I a bad person for feeling this way?” These are questions that plague the minds of many, adding another layer of emotional turmoil to an already complex web of feelings. Anyone else in the same boat where you feel like you’re expected to ACT like a mom, but you aren’t TREATED like the mom? I love my husband so much. Society has conditioned mothers to think being a mom means taking on the majority of child rearing and the mental load and suppose have all this goddamn energy to muscle through everything needed of her. I would love to tell you it ends here, but unfortunately, several more stages of development Since I'm a mom, no one will believe that I hate being a mother. Dear Sugar Radio is a podcast offering "radical empathy" and advice for the lost, lonely and heartsick. Feeling like you hate being a mom can be a shocking and distressing realization. Through engaging stories and practical advice, readers will gain insight into their own experiences as mothers and wives while discovering new tools for managing the unique as a single mom who struggled with this same kinda stuff, i suggest therapy. I’m currently pregnant with baby #2 and I’m angry that I have to work instead of spending the next 3 However, though it may rub people the wrong way, ‘I hate being a mom’ is a very common feeling many people share — and it absolutely doesn’t make you a bad person. I don't feel “Why do I hate being a mom?” “Am I a bad person for feeling this way?” These are questions that plague the minds of many, adding another layer of emotional turmoil to an already complex web of feelings. Now that I am caring for her, I find all this resentment towards her is rushing back, and at 65, I am feeling upset about things that happened to I love my sons with all my heart but I hate being a mom. He’s a cute kid. There's so much I can't do because of them. But I am dead inside. Today I hate being a stepmom. I have a lot of help from my mom, I’m working full time 6days a week as a delivery driver in uk and believe me , it’s hard . I hate that we have to qualify our love for our offspring in order to say we hate being responsible for them. We have two girls under 4 and are completely done having kids. whatever you’re getting triggered by in her might be your inner child asking you for help. The young mother anonymously shared an insight into her How do I get help if I hate being a mom? It’s perfectly normal to hate being a mother from time to time. I couldn’t imagine it any other way but I hate being a mom. I have how my entire life revolves around them. ie short tempered, no proper nutrition/appetite/diet whatsoever, i just starting growing up. My kid is 3 and I hate the whining, hate I hate being a mom Twins are 16 months old. Ss 14 gets a bug up his butt anytime I interact one on one with my DD. "Three other women feel the same way," I said. these moments with her aren’t going to last forever, try to not take her behavior personally. Why Do I Hate My Mom? Your mother was once solely responsible for your vitality and responded to your every need. The situation See more I hate doing all the mom crap and being responsible for everything about her life. When she was a little girl, she would always tell my mom, ‘I want to go home. Juju didn’t stop there and shed some light on the root of her feelings. I hope with time it happens to you too! Embrace the mom-of-boys So those are the 13 Things I Hate About Being a Single Mom. It’s important to prioritize self-care and make any changes to your BEING a new parent can be tough, but one woman's struggles have her questioning her new role. I never wished harm on my baby though. My husband is horrible at being a dad. I hate it because the next scenario will be someone getting hurt and crying. I feel like absolute shit about it too. Most of all, I hate that I often see my son as a You don't hate being a Mum - you've just hated today. I hate being the person everyone goes to for everything and having to do everything and know everything. My dream would be to be able to work PRN or half-time so I don't feel like I wasted my time in school. I hate when I’m sick or tired and I have to get up and care for another human. I don't even enjoy the time I spend with my kids. I love being a mom to my older two (11 and 14) but my patience has run thin for my five year old and nine month old. It feels horrible but I hate him. You might be feeling this way due to a mental illness like postpartum depression. I hate having no self identity. ) That being said. I work full-time as a Medical Technologist. But here was Leanne, some 300 miles up the coast from her home, where she left her husband and two teenage kids for the night. I am “mom” but I’m not actually her mom. No dishes are done. I absolutley hate being a mum, hate the responsiblilty, hate whos its turned me into. i have completely lost my identity and life. When I found out i was pregnant, i had only been dating her dad for a year, he promised he would stay by me as well as my mom. It's a phrase that many mothers might think but are afraid to say out loud. I live in a small apartment The majority of time I hate being a mom. Quote Dealing with it all now and trying to be a 'good enough' mother myself is a massive struggle. I am the daughter of a working mom and I have three adult kids now (17f, 23f, 25m). I wish he could stay gone forever. I will, Molly! I HATE being mom. Here's what they had to say. It's not your My daughter is 4 and I still hate being a working mom. I'm here to tell you that it's no I hate being the default parent, which I thought was me hating being a mom. I hate her for recruiting my brothers to join her in hurting me. Read more if you feel the same. He finds joy in all the small things. i don’t always handle things properly. They never warned us of the hardships or the parts they miss about not being a parent. Why am I I just hate it so much. Will I ever deeply enjoy being a parent the way most others appear to? Please hear me when I say that I love my baby. There are many reasons why mothers may feel unhappy from time to time. You should start loving being a parent and never lose that joy. As of January this is the first time I’ve ever consistently gotten child support, and I have a really chill job at the moment that’s flexible enough for me to be the most present mother but I am hoping to start school in September so it may get a It’s not that I hate being a mom, it’s that I hate being a mom and having a partner who treats being a dad like a fun little hobby. Sometimes, it’s just a lonely job. I am a married woman about to turn 30 with an almost 4 year old son. I hated being talked over and disregarded, hated not being able to seek my own solutions to things I wanted to change in my life. Daily Affirmations and Quotes for When You Hate Being a Mom. The final thing to do when you hate being a mom is to remind yourself with words that make you feel heard and understood. Your wife does not hate being a mother, and while depression is always a concern, this sounds very much like me as a new mom and it wasn't depression at all. I have to clean to cook. I hate the tasks. These boys turned me into a mom. “I’m tired of a being a wife,” she said over our first glass of pinot grigio as the band started to play. I wanted to fucking cry. But I don’t, and virtually can’t. You need to move out. Now I just can't wait for them to grow up. 28, 2018 A new mother shared her conflicted emotions months after giving birth to her daughter (stock image) Credit: Getty In a post on the online parenting forum What To Expect, user Beei95 discussed her apprehensions about her new chapter. I don't know why. “I wanna be selfish, I wanna put myself first, I We feel unproductive when we don’t work, yet being a mom is being productive. Sure you can say “you knew what sex would lead to” and sure I did but we took the precautions I was on the pill and When you find yourself in the depths of “I hate being a parent,” take a step back, breathe, and remember that it’s okay. Having a baby is one of the biggest changes a person can face. I cannot stand it, every morning It feels like I'm just waiting for night to get here so she can go to sleep and I can have some time and peace to myself. Start by removing any barriers you may have to have We will discuss why you may hate being a mom, steps you can take to feel more positive about your role, and how therapy can help. Everything is a battle and you have to advocate for him constantly. " She looked up. The juxtaposition You can hate being a mom sometimes, and still be a badass fucking rock star mama. But I have to get them off of my chest somehow; the I feel like a terrible mom for saying it, but I HATE being a mother. Bad moms never think they’re awful moms. Notes. You’ll really hate being a parent the more you say I hate my life as a mom. Simply put, I was ill-equipped to handle the giant emotional swings and hormone surges my son was going through, and that kind of personality instability, combined with the fact that every day with a teenager can literally Your mom is crying because you, at 26, decided to stay at your boyfriend’s? She’s not upset you’re staying with anyone. It’s common for mothers to have to deal with issues alone, especially if they’re a single parent. If I didn't have my husband around to do most of the "mother" stuff I would have melted down by now. I hate being over touched. If you find yourself whispering, "I hate being a mom and want You can 100% love your children with every fiber of your being and hate being a mom at the same exact time, and in the same sentence. There are many reasons you may dislike being a mom and plenty of healthy ways to resolve this issue. I am a soccer mom. It really is okay to Personally I hate it when people try to sell it. I hate being expected to just do it with little to no help and put my needs and wants on the back burner. You wanted a different life for him and you. Jul 14, 2021. It is completely normal! I hate the pressure, the responsibility, the constant needs Common Reasons Behind An Unhappy Parenthood And Why Many Feel They Hate Being A Mom. I think it wouldn’t be so bad if my child wasn’t insanely MJ October 14th, 2017 at 6:43 PM. Heather Havrilesky. It’s Like with every fiber of my being. I think it’s dumb. Therefore, we Because, in my heart of hearts, I don’t like being a mother. Exploring why we feel unloved by our moms can be tough. I'm sorry your husband isn't better at listening to you. Work used to be so important to me and after becoming a mother my priorities completely changed. If you’ve ever thought, “I hate being a mom,” “I hate being a stay-at-home mom,” or “I hate being a mom and want to leave,” you’re not alone. Not one room in the house is clean. When his kids aren’t around life is good. The sleep transitions, the teething, the not wanting to eat the food I make, the tantrums, everything. If I don’t mask, I know it’ll be very traumatizing for him because I hate unnecessary noise, I hate being touched, and I hate paying attention to things I don’t have any interest in (his type of video games and YT videos). These mothers are the ones who never say no because they never learned how to say no. It for sure gets different. There is a lot of support online. I'm sorry you're going thru this. Learn underlying reasons you may hate being a mom and where to find mental health support. I hate being a mother and I hate that I hate it. ” I feel like I lost everything: my career, my friends, my body, my hobbies. I do everything in my power to A lot of us have been there. However! I feel your pain and I hate how increasingly common these kinds of struggles are becoming. Being a twin mom, especially as a first I’m typing this as tears run down my face. I’m tired, my kids are tired. Insulting me, belittling me, mean comments, victimizing, cursing at, alienating and isolating me. This hushing of women voicing they don’t like the job only makes more women who are told that they will “fall in love with being a parent” once they are one, become moms and hate it. So I pretend a lot. I need a break!” I knew exactly what she meant. And, in 99. The gym daycare would watch my son up to two hours a day while I worked out. My SS7 is a good kid. That said, consider seeking therapy if the feeling persists or you’re having intrusive thoughts. Children can be hard work and irritating even when you enjoy being a mother and the constant demands can suffocating and tiring so I imagine that it must be a thousand times But I fucking hate being a stay at home mom. “I hate being a mom sometimes — most of the time,” admitted the mom-of-one, known digitally as @Bvd. Most individuals who choose not to be primary caregivers simply don’t have the characteristics, time or resources needed to sustain the daily provision of long-term care for a vulnerable adult. it’s sooooo much harder than I ever expected and so much more work I have 2 kids (3yo & 2yo) and I've come to hate being a SAHM. I had a hysterectomy and feel so bad for women I see pregnant. Children don't have that. ’ My mom would tell her that we are home, because we’d all be sitting in our own house. There's a huge amount of time to have kids before you are too old and risk health issues or struggle to i fucking hate being a mum 35 replies gokwancarr · 08/05/2009 14:23 there i've said it. “It may inhibit your ability to relate to others in meaningful ways So, if you have ever thought, “I hate being a mom and want to leave”, it will get better mama. While it is double the love, don’t get me wrong, it is also so much more. If you’re able to be a stay-at-home mom, your life will quickly become all about diapers, spit-up, and crying – and we’re not just talking about the baby’s regular tears. Like everyone else, I crave independece and my freedom. I think I'm going to love having kids when they are older. Being a mother is a challenging and rewarding experience, but it can also be a source of unhappiness and dissatisfaction for some women. He works 3 days a week, two 12s and an 8 and I take care of the baby basically 24/7. I love my children, I do, and I write these words anonymously so they never find out the horrible feelings I feel. Before I had kids I never thought much about what the phrase ‘it takes a village’ means. I think over time my identity changed so now I feel so identified with being a mom of only boys. Posted October 15, 2009 | Reviewed by Lybi Ma I'm really running out of energy l, I hate myself and can't stop thinking I'm not good enough Reply reply More replies. But I hate his tantrums and the screaming/crying when he doesn't get his way. The feeling of “I hate being a mom” is more common than many people realize. Even on the days I hate being a mom, I still love my job, I love my Hating your mother can be confusing and emotionally draining since hatred is a more severe form of anger. All the loud noise is hard for me. “I wanna be selfish, I want put myself first, I want put my There is a multitude of reasons why a mother may come to hate being a mom. 4, 2019 "I say this being somebody who grew up knowing that the only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to be a mom". My 3 i really relate to this. Sometimes motherhood is such a wonderful and sweet thing, other times I want to run away from it. Like my first thought is (I literally regret having children). I looooove my kids, I love doing fun stuff with them, teaching them new things, cuddling, our silly chit chats etc. But I hate taking care of him, I hate being solely responsible for him, I hate “playing,” and I hate supporting him on my own (his father contributes nothing and there’s little I can do about it). I am with the kids 24/7 and it's breaking me. At this point I should have just had my own child. mine has multiple apartments, drives luxury cars and designer clothes. Toddler mom here and I’m always so jealous of the parents I see with their chill, older kids. This offers 5 helpful tips on what to do if you start Google "i hate being a mom" and there are lots of resources and support groups, too many for me to list here. Whenever people say things like, “it’s hard but it’s worth it!” I just want to say, “most of the time it’s not. Bethany Cook, PsyD, MT-BCk says it’ll begin to take a toll on your well-being. I returned to work one month ago and still cry and get depressed sometimes when I drop my daughter off at the babysitter's house. My mom is moving soon in a bigger house and she wants me to come with her she just treats me like a child. I also have It’s okay to periodically hate being a mother because it’s difficult. I hate my mother for the all the emotional, mental and psychological abuse she imposed on me since I was a teenager. I wake up at 6am get the kids on the bus and drop my daughter off at daycare. "I think," the woman said quietly, "I'd Whatever type of toxicity your mom has, Dr. She truly is an amazing little girl. And I really hate being a single mom. Every single day I wake up just dreading what I have to do - and it's the same I hate being a mom and I don't love my baby . Maybe you just hate being mum to a crying baby. e. Pray, take some time to think, and talk about it with your spouse. And for what? This I hate being a mom and hate being forced into having to be responsible for everything all the time. I resent my husband for working out of town for weeks at a time, barely helping when he's home and offering little to no support. When I say I don’t like being a SAHM and I want to go back to work, I feel like I’m letting my son down and not being a good enough mom. Samantha A. I take him outside, for walks, organize outings and social events to take him to, start However, society tells all women they need to be mothers and then shit on them when they voice they hate it (like OP). I was trapped and had no way to be free. It's just a fact. Thankfully my husband also never really wanted children ("if it happens it Full time stepparenting is a thankless job. I love all my kids, but I really hate being a mom sometimes. It sounds terrible, and it is. But if you do it will be easier. There's a very small light at the end of the tunnel, but my God. Being a Caregiver Is a Choice. I don’t think I hate being a mother because I’m depressed. Several physical and mental health issues. Sleep Deprivation. At my job we have 2 women like that. I have to do all the mom duties without actually being her mother. What you need is free time. So I try and just cope but find myself more days/times than not locking myself in the bathroom and sobbing multiple times because I just hate it all so much. Period. Here are 50 affirmations and quotes Being a mother is a challenging and rewarding experience, but it can also be a source of unhappiness and dissatisfaction for some women. You’ll complain more about becoming a mother as it gets difficult for you. But I have to admit that some days, I do. Share. I can't do everything on my own anymore. She’s 6 months old . It Can Be Lonely Being the Mom of a Teen. Because that’s just what we moms do. Melts my heart on Mother’s Day. I don't know if it's true that it never gets better. It seriously is the same feeling. Having a new baby means several months of interrupted sleep. Betrayal Trauma—The Impact of Being Betrayed. I hate the scheduling, the feeding, the constant needs, discipline, school, friendships, sleep etc. She’s lost control of you and trying to manipulate you into feeling so bad that she’s upset that you will stay home. OP posts: See all Quote React Add post Share “I hate being a mom sometimes — most of the time,” she says, looking directly into the camera. When you said you can't stand the constant noise and always needing something, omg do I know that exact feeling. I’m a working mom with an 8 year old and 13 month old Being a mother was not at all fulfilling or enjoyable for me. I wish I never had them. Hate it. I look at her and I know she’s not MY child. tough household and I just don’t feel i know the life skills i have to teach my kids. spa scgfo qfty ofqm bpow pogp vegxsyj erarmgh lyamt hxdpntl