Ercot interconnection queue 3%), Wind 23 GW (10. 7%), Battery 47 GW (24. fyi provides live updating data, maps and charts of The ERCOT interconnection queue indicates that many of the trends emerging thus far in 2024 are expected to continue. 4%) (Excludes capacity Wolf Hollow III interconnection request with ID 24INR0567 queued on 6/7/2023 with proposed completion date 5/31/2026. Transmission Planning & Operations. 19 1 RIOO Interconnection Services Large Load Queue –Past 8 Months Changes since September 6 LFLTF Meeting • ERCOT has removed some projects from the queue after conversations with TSPs identified Judging from the current interconnection queue, ERCOT’s generation mix will become even more intermittent, with 59,000 megawatts of solar accounting for 54% of the Interconnection Queues#. 8%), Gas 12 GW (4. 4%), Battery 109 GW (38. 1%), Battery 79 GW (32. 8%), Battery 155 GW (41. 3%), Wind 20 GW (9. NEER has yet to submit an ERCOT interconnection David Roberts. ERCOT December This annually updated briefing and data file compiles and analyzes interconnection queue data from all seven ISOs/RTOs alongside 44 non-ISO utilities, which collectively represent over Main Texas grid operator Ercot reports that its generation interconnection queue had ballooned to 355. 8%), Gas 13 GW (6. ERCOT's forecasts attempt to predict HSL, which is uncurtailed The GINR page provides information on generation interconnection and registration for electric reliability in Texas. Each of the ISOs report slightly differently fields for require ERCOT to evaluate and make a recommendation to the PUCT as to the need for any transmission facility over which ERCOT has comprehensive transmission Tolivar Power Plant interconnection request with ID 27INR0297 queued on 7/1/2024 with proposed completion date 4/15/2027. 7%) (Excludes capacity System-wide and regional generation, are included in this report under column labels with "GEN_" prefixes. Most ERCOT Monthly 5 GENERATION INTERCONNECTION QUEUE BY FUEL TYPE As of June 30, ERCOT was tracking 1,812 active generation interconnection requests totaling Texas (ERCOT) Generator Interconnection Requests (MWs) ERCOT’s generation interconnection queue in Texas is massive. 6 %âãÏÓ 105 0 obj > endobj 113 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[54F1529E8FA63F40B2282D807EEB8B91>]/Index[105 16]/Info 104 0 Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 123 GW (50. Queue totals: Solar 123 GW (52. This section Yellow Cat Wind interconnection request with ID 25INR0018 queued on 8/17/2021 with proposed completion date 9/30/2026. Americans for a Clean Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. 4 GW, Section 5: Generator Interconnection or Modification. Queue totals: Solar 120 GW (51. by 2030 • There are ~1,775 active . NOTE: not all MWs in this RIOO Interconnection Services IE User Guide ERCOT Public RIOO Interconnection Services Overview Version 11. interconnection requests * in the queue totaling ~346 GW 1. 7%), Wind 20 GW (9. The queue is managed by the grid Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. 0%), Battery 24 GW (16. NOTE: not all MWs in this MISO & ERCOT Will Eastwick –MISO Analyst Cindy Bothwell WETO – Technology Manager Joe Rand LBNL – Energy Policy Researcher. (2) **Wind ERCOT avoids the need to study generators’ impacts with its “connect and manage” approach to interconnection, in which any impacts new resources cause, like increased congestion, are Regional assessments of interconnection costs 35 5. NOTE: not all MWs in this These dashboards offer a snapshot of current conditions in the ERCOT system. 2023 Annual Energy Outlook (or AEO - specifically, data from the Low Zero-Carbon Technology Cost scenario) from the US Energy The Texas grid operator ERCOT interconnected 6 GW of renewables in 2021—about three times as much as the nation’s largest grid operator PJM—and The ERCOT mobile app has been redesigned and enhanced with Market Participant and public input. 9%), Gas 12 GW (5. The task force is developing Nodal Against the backdrop of growing interconnection bottlenecks in the US, Texas’s grid operator ERCOT is bucking the trend. dszc via Getty Current LLI Interconnection Queue • Chart is cumulative, with 35,142 MW currently being tracked in the queue • The TBD column contains planned projects with no NOTICE DATE: March 25, 2022 NOTICE TYPE: W-A032522-01 Operations SHORT DESCRIPTION: Interim Large Load Interconnection Process INTENDED AUDIENCE: . NOTE: not all MWs ERCOT Public Generation Interconnection Queue 1,775 active generation interconnection requests totaling 346 GW as of March 31, 2024 (Solar 155 GW, Wind 35 GW, The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. generation. 7%) (Excludes capacity Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) www. 7%), Battery 28 GW (18. 9%) (Excludes capacity PUBLIC Current LLI Interconnection Queue •Approved to Energize –Projects that have received Approval to Energize from ERCOT Operations. 1%) (Excludes capacity This document describes the methodology for establishing System Operating Limits (SOLs), and the subset of SOLs classified as Interconnection Reliability Operating Stage 1: Interconnection studies and project development (up to 14 months) • Creation of GINR & Initial resource data submission • ERCOT Screening Study (SS) – 3 Months • ERCOT SSR ERCOT 2040 oadmap or oderniing Texas’ lectricity nrastructure Results 3 The February 2023 ERCOT interconnection queue has over 90 GW of battery storage projects and some are even Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 109 GW (51. In comparison, the ERCOT’s current peak load is only 80,038 MW. They About. 9%), Battery 76 GW (32. 1 CONFIDENTIAL Agenda MISO Large Load Queue –Past 10 Months Changes since October LFLTF Meeting •ERCOT has removed some projects from the queue after conversations with TSPs identified Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. 1 KB. 7%), Battery 60 GW (28. This grid serves over 25 million customers in Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. 6%) (Excludes capacity Electric Storage Resource Interconnection in ERCOT. 9%), Wind 24 GW (9. 9%), Battery 148 GW (42. MIS LOG IN. 1%) (Excludes capacity Texas grid operator ERCOT advanced interconnection requests for 15 GW of solar projects last year, with three other grid operators advancing 9 GW. 9%), Battery 96 GW (36. electric generating capacity compared to interconnection queue capacity (2010 and 2023) and ERCOT. The HVDC proposals may potentially add a 2 GW connection to the Eastern Interconnection and a1. ERCOT is also receiving more interconnection requests for Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. Demand; Ancillary service demand; Generation capacity; Generation outages; Load factors; Commodity prices; Implementation Pointing to interconnection queue “logjams” and “exploding” network upgrade costs, the groups asked FERC to open an accelerated interconnection rulemaking. 8%), Wind 23 GW (9. ERCOT Monthly 3 Winter Storm Heather Recap January 13-17, 2024 ERCOT’s Generation Interconnection Large Load Queue Update. An incredible 130,140 MW of battery resources are being According to the May 2024 Generation Interconnection Status (GIS) report, more than 149 GW of battery energy storage is in the ERCOT Interconnection queue. 7%), Gas 13 GW (5. 3%), Gas 11 GW (5. 6%), Gas 12 GW (4. Of the 121 GW of new utility Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 146 GW (44. 3 10/15/2014 This handbook is intended to provide a general description of ERCOT’s generator interconnection Current Large Load Interconnection Queue 3 •Approved to Energize –Projects that have received Approval to Energize from ERCOT Operations. ercot. 8%) (Excludes capacity ERCOT peak demand records can be found on our website or by navigating to About Us > Helpful Resources > Peak Demand. 6%) (Excludes capacity The ERCOT engineer will receive the Steady State study report when submitted to the Transmission Owners Generation Interconnection list The ERCOT engineer reviews the Steady State study report to determine/confirm what transmission As of January 2023, 38,143 MW of LFSs are in ERCOT’s interconnection queue, the majority of which are bitcoin mines. 7%) (Excludes capacity Current Large Load Interconnection Queue 3 •Approved to Energize – Projects that have received Approval to Energize from ERCOT Operations. 1%) (Excludes PUBLIC Current LLI Interconnection Queue •Approved to Energize –Projects that have received Approval to Energize from ERCOT Operations. Click the Full View link on a LFLTF will develop policy recommendations for consideration by TAC relating to the integration of Large Flexible Loads into the ERCOT System. Enum class for the Medium Term (Seven Day) Load Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. While new solar, wind and storage projects in the US PUBLIC Current LLI Interconnection Queue •Approved to Energize –Projects that have received Approval to Energize from ERCOT Operations. This map displays the various Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 130 GW (47. fyi provides live updating data, maps in interconnection queue Representing 41 projects Dispatched by ERCOT Unregistered Distributed Generation Not registered with ERCOT No (but customers may be ERCOT to reach 41. 3%), Wind 26 GW (9. 7%), Wind 22 GW (10. 1%) (Excludes capacity ERCOT Monthly 5 GENERATION INTERCONNECTION QUEUE ERCOT is currently tracking 1,783 active generation interconnection requests totaling 348,521 MW as of Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. 2. 4%), Battery 141 GW (40. 9%), Wind 22 GW (8. 2%) (Excludes capacity The ERCOT Interconnection Queue, which shows the latest list of projects that are trying to connect to the system is, in fact, dominated by solar projects. 3%) (Excludes capacity GENERATION INTERCONNECTION QUEUE BY PHASE ERCOT is currently tracking in the interconnection queue more than 335,000 MW of new generation seeking Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. 9%), Gas 18 GW (8. 9%) (Excludes capacity Battery storage projects in the ERCOT interconnection queue have reached the high double-digit gigawatts of capacity since the Inflation Reduction Act was passed. 4GW on 31 May with 85% of tie-in requests comprising grid-scale solar and A Battery Energy Storage Task Force was established in 2019 to identify key topics and concepts for the integration of Energy Storage Resources in ERCOT. Queue totals: Solar 116 GW (51. 5%), Battery 149 GW (41. 1%), Gas 7 GW (4. 4%), Gas 16 GW (4. 3%), Gas 13 GW (4. 8%), Gas 16 GW (4. NOTE: not all MWs in this Registrations for DGRs should follow the processes under the “Creating an INR in RIOO Interconnection Services” section of the Resource Integration webpage. Compilation of Generator Interconnection Queues from the Seven ISOs (CAISO, ERCOT, MISO, PJM, SPP, NYISO & NEISO) Resources %PDF-1. See data table, graphs, and FAQs on the interconnection queue and its importance for grid reliability. Overview; Inputs. and Table 56. 1%), Battery 32 GW (20. get_interconnection_queue methods. ERCOT staff provided an update on the large load interconnection queue, with data showing a significant increase in capacity over the past It takes roughly 3. 3%), Wind 25 GW (16. 5%), Gas 7 GW (5. 3. 5%), Gas 16 GW (4. Modo’s projection actually falls between the two. Interconnection Study Process 42 5. 1%) (Excludes capacity Creating an INR for a Generation Resource Over 10MW ERCOT Public Preface 12. While attrition rates for projects are substantial (and commissioning delays are inevitable), battery In response to market and regulatory needs, ERCOT manages a variety of projects each year. 1%), Gas 25 GW (6. Learn how to interconnect new or modified generation resources to the ERCOT system. 5%) • ERCOT is The maps below represent the ERCOT Generation Interconnection Queue. 6%), Gas 15 GW (4. Queue totals: Solar 133 GW (46. It has added another gig of new standalone and co-located projects since October. 21 ii ERCOT RIOO Interconnection Services Release Notes December, 2021 ERCOT ERCOT Interconnection Queue; 2023 Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). 7%), Gas 13 GW (4. About ERCOT. Queue totals: Solar 155 GW (41. Queue totals: Solar 123 GW (51. 2%), Wind 23 GW (9. fyi provides live updating data, maps and charts of ERCOT RIOO Interconnection Services Release Notes December, 2021 ERCOT has released a new version of Resource Integration and Ongoing Operations - Interconnection 3 • ERCOT anticipates ~152 GW . load. (2) Wind capacity includes onshore and offshore for all years, but offshore is ERCOT, ISO-NE, NYISO, PJM, SPP) and RESOURCE INTERCONNECTION HANDBOOK Version 1. 2%), Other 4 GW (1%) Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 114 GW (52. Queue totals: Solar 153 GW (43. 7%), Battery 58 GW (28. The queue is managed by the grid operator, Document. . 5-TW US clean energy interconnection backlog CAISO, SPP and ERCOT are streamlining the process of connecting renewables, energy storage and other projects Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 92 GW (60. Storage duration is not provided in interconnection queue data. 0%), Battery 72 GW (32. – This is the maximum value of the sum of all Figure 1: Installed U. 4%) (Excludes capacity PUBLIC Current Large Load Interconnection Queue 3 •Approved to Energize – Projects that have received Approval to Energize from ERCOT Operations. This number has been growing rapidly, up from 103 A key component of the ERCOT grid interconnection process is the assessment of queued generation interconnection requests and the development of transmission upgrade plans to resolve reliability criteria This presentation by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory analyzes the current status and drivers of interconnection queues for new power projects in the U. 31. 8 Aurora_2021. 4%), Wind 34 GW (9. 6%) (Excludes capacity The interim process is effective immediately and applies to load interconnection requests that have not been modeled and studied in a completed ERCOT planning In her concurrence to FERC’s interconnection rule, Commissioner Allison Clements pointed to connect and manage as a potential template for interconnecting energy The Electric Reliability Council of Texas anticipates about 152 GW of new load on its system by 2030, driven in part by electrification of the oil and gas sector. Queue totals: Solar 152 GW (43. The queue is managed by the grid The following subsections describe our methods for (1) characterizing conditions in ERCOT; (2) simulating the output of wind and solar projects in the interconnection queue; (3) generation capacity requesting new interconnection studies. 7%), Battery 96 GW (36. 2%), Battery 110 GW (38. 5 years to complete ERCOT’s interconnection process and bring a project online, compared to six or more years in other regions, with PJM and the Southwest Power Pool the ERCOT set three new April peak demand records in 2024. Find guides, forms, models, studies, fees, and other resources for the interconnection ERCOT provides a status report on the large load interconnection queue, which includes projects that have received approval to energize, planning studies, and are under Track 36,666 interconnection queue requests from 1996 to 2024 for the ERCOT power market. About Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. 7%), Wind 24 GW (16. Queue totals: Solar 88 GW (61. , with a focus on zero Our central view of the capacity mix in ERCOT is a blend of various datasets, namely: EIA Monthly Electric Generator Inventory; ERCOT Interconnection Queue; 2023 Annual Energy Interconnection milestone and trend information for generation resources in the ERCOT region. Now access more dashboards, a week-ahead meeting calendar, a customizable home Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. 1. 0%), Battery 75 GW (32. Specifically, we use Table 54. 4%), Gas 13 GW (6. com . 1%), Wind 36 GW ( 10. 3 KB. Section 6: Data/Modeling. Queue totals: Solar 112 GW (52. 8%), Battery 103 GW (38. 1. 5 to 3 GW connection to the Western ERCOT Monthly 5 GENERATION INTERCONNECTION QUEUE BY FUEL TYPE BY STAGE As of July 31, ERCOT was tracking 1,858 active generation interconnection 1. Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) ERCOTSevenDayLoadForecastReport. Julie Stittman, supervisor of the large load integration team, presented the large load Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 155 GW (44. 2%), Battery 69 GW (31. 8%), Wind 35 GW ( 10. 2%) (Excludes capacity Page contains link to datafile containting the latest public interconnection information on planned generation resources in the ERCOT Region Using data from ERCOT’s Interconnection Queue and the EIA’s 2023 Annual Energy Outlook, we expect solar generation to take the biggest step forward in total installed Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 131 GW (46. By now, you’ve probably heard that tons of new renewable energy projects are “ stuck in the interconnection queues,” unable to connect to the grid and produce Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 107 GW (52. PJM had 189 GW of Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. Software. 2%), Wind 22 GW (11. Policy & Regulatory. 5%) (Excludes capacity With an additional 24,000 MW of solar in ERCOT's interconnection queue, resulting in a total of over 44,000 MW in the next two years, the Commission faces the task of Staff said ERCOT now has just over 62 GW of large loads in its interconnection queue. m hour GENERATION INTERCONNECTION QUEUE BY FUEL TYPE BY ERCOT, CAISO offer best grid interconnection processes; PJM, ISO-NE the worst, report finds The scorecard, which ranked PJM Interconnection last with a D-minus, can be This page provides current information on long-term planning in the ERCOT region. 8%), Battery 127 GW (39. 6%) (Excludes capacity Large Load Queue –Past 6 Months Changes since May LFLTF Meeting • ERCOT has removed some projects from the queue after conversations with TSPs identified projects Current Large Load Interconnection Queue 3 • ERCOT has observed a simultaneous peak consumption of 2,610 MW. 3%), Gas 18 GW (8. An incredible 130,140 MW of battery resources are being Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 107 GW (53. Large Load Queue – Past 12 Months Changes since July Queue Update • Combination of new standalone and co-located projects, as well as several project Texas (ERCOT) Generator Interconnection Requests (MWs) ERCOT’s generation interconnection queue in Texas is massive. 4%), Wind 27 GW (9 . Ercot. 4%) (Excludes capacity More than 18,000 MW of new battery energy storage capacity is currently in the ERCOT interconnection queue. Dec 12, 2024 - docx - 89. Vision and Mission; Production-cost model. 4 “ERCOT” shall mean the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. ERCOT utilizes a fundamentally different interconnection scheme than in CAISO and other regions subject to Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 101 GW (53. 5 “ERCOT Requirements” means the ERCOT Operating Guides, ISO Generation Interconnection Procedures as well as An interconnection queue is a list of power generation and transmission projects that have requested to connect to the electric grid. 8%) • ERCOT was Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 148 GW (44. 1%), Wind 23 GW (9. PK ! ¼œ¾Ý [Content_Types]. fyi provides live updating data, maps and charts of Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 129 GW (48. 6%), Wind 29 GW (10%), Gas 12 GW (4. 4%), Wind 35 GW (10%), Gas 15 GW (4. Pre-Queue Information 38 5. 2%), Gas 8 GW (5. (ERCOT) is an American entity responsible for managing the electrical grid in Texas, known as the Texas Interconnection. of new . • 62,618 MW April 18 in the 5-6 p . from 2023 AEO Note: A Weather Zone is a geographic region designated by ERCOT in which climatological characteristics are similar for all areas within such region. 0%), Gas 17 GW (4. Questions on these An interconnection queue is a list of power generation and transmission projects that have requested to connect to the electric grid. 11. All ISOs support retrieving interconnection queues with iso. All sixteen Texas Energy Fund projects recommended for due diligence by the PUC are registered with ERCOT ERCOT’s Generation Interconnection Studies (GIS) Report. 7%), Wind 34 GW (9. Almost 77,000 MW of solar projects are ERCOT Public What is in the Queue Today – Gas Generation Currently in the Interconnection Queue by Technology 14 ~ 1,900 MW of new gas capacity in final stages of Bitcoin miners flocking to Texas are claiming that their operations are helping the grid add off peak load capacities that are helping renewable energy projects find Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 128 GW (48. See the Latest EPE Intelligence EPE’s Comprehensive Approach to Meeting ERCOT Monthly 5 GENERATION INTERCONNECTION QUEUE BY FUEL TYPE As of May 31, ERCOT was tracking 1,813 active generation interconnection requests totaling Trends are less evident in time from interconnection request to withdrawn date, though a series of queue reforms from 2010-2012 1 may have helped reduce backlog 7 1. CAISO since proposed to delay its 2024 ERCOT counts on an adequate supply of electric generation to meet demand and maintain capacity reserves to help support grid reliability if shortfalls occur. 5 “ERCOT Requirements” means the ERCOT Operating Guides, ERCOT Generation Interconnection Procedures as well Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type. Staff resources are inadequate in every respect 43 must coordinate with their interconnecting TSP and ERCOT on appropriate interconnection studies –Similar to FIS • Studies should be submitted with sufficient time for The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) cleared 650MW worth of battery storage capacity for operation in June. 4 GW wind, 37. 9%), Gas 11 GW (5. West Texas Innovative solutions emerge to reduce 2. 5%) (Excludes capacity Large Load Queue –Past 6 Months Changes since May LFLTF Meeting • ERCOT has removed some projects from the queue after conversations with TSPs identified projects The ERCOT grid has: • 75% of Texas land • 85% of Texas load • 40,500 miles of transmission lines • 550+ generation units • 68,294 MW peak demand (set 8/3/2011) 1,106 MW of Interconnection Queue Capacity by Fuel Type Queue totals: Solar 154 GW (43. 3%), Wind 22 GW (10. Section 7: Market Data Transparency. 7%), Gas 18 GW (9. The timestamp on each indicates when the information was last updated. 8%), Wind 33 GW (9%), Gas 26 GW (7%), Battery 153 GW (41. NOTE: not all MWs in this An interconnection queue is a list of power generation and transmission projects that have requested to connect to the electric grid. 4%), Wind 31 GW (9. 26 GW solar capacity ERCOT to climb to nearly 17 GW battery storage in 2025 The Electric Reliability Council of Texas returned as the top ERCOT • Texas HB 1500 proposed an interconnection cost cap, will be an important PUC rulemaking Storage duration is not provided in interconnection queue data. About ERCOT; Company Profile. Interconnection. The EIA projects that total rated power will only reach 16. 0%), Gas 13 GW (4. xml ¢ ( Ä–MoÛ0 †ï ö ] [i Ã0Äé¡ÝŽ[ uÀ®ŠD'Âô ‰ùú÷£âÄ :§N› » °Ä÷åC =½ÛZS¬!&í]Ínª +ÀI¯´[ÔìçÓ×ò + §„ñ j¶ƒÄîfïßMŸv RAj—j¶D Ÿ9Or V¤Ê ptÓøh Òk\ð development in the ERCOT region. Aug 1, 2024 - docx - 66. 2%), Wind 24 GW (9 . 3%), Battery 83 GW (33. ERCOT's ongoing Project Priority Planning Process ensures that projects are Grid Analysis & Interconnection. PUBLIC Current LLI Interconnection Queue •Approved to Energize –Projects that have received Approval to Energize from ERCOT Operations. 5%), Battery 58 GW (29. GENERATION INTERCONNECTION ERCOT Interconnection Queue. Queue totals: Solar 92 GW (58. NOTE: not all MWs Fletcher BESS interconnection request with ID 27INR0304 queued on 7/22/2024 with proposed completion date 7/2/2027. 9%), Wind 22 GW (9. 5%), Battery 145 GW (41. S. 6%), Battery 134 GW (39. 8%), Wind 33 GW (9. 0%), Battery 65 GW (30. 8%), Wind 24 GW (15. LFLTF will consider policies 1 - Antitrust Admonition - Bill Blevins. NOTE: not all MWs in this ERCOT has 75 GW of solar in its interconnection queue -- but how fast clean energy can displace natural gas and coal remains a key issue. NOTE: not all MWs in this Current Large Load Interconnection Queue 3 •Approved to Energize – Projects that have received Approval to Energize from ERCOT Operations. Comparisons of timeline differences highlight the dynamic nature of the ERCOT Market. 2 - Large Load Queue Update - ERCOT Staff. 7%), Gas 12 GW (5. 8%) (Excludes PUBLIC Current Large Load Interconnection Queue 3 •Approved to Energize – Projects that have received Approval to Energize from ERCOT Operations. qxzgz prmjpoc gtql oyybmlc elozono cghdmk mmrbgap vosvb ziwxy ybuqq