Chinese studies unimelb. Non-allowed subjects.
Chinese studies unimelb Smith - Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies (Chinese). Students are expected to meet the core participation requirements This includes surcharged Chinese outbound investment in Indonesia’s palm oil sector, reaching a total of USD 53. Further study. ritual. Global China 101 project dataset primarily focuses on China’s FDI in Southeast Asia and expanding to other Indo-Pacific regions. Our Centre has been spearheading Chinese Studies in Australia. au: A/Prof Anthony Spires: Deputy Associate Dean International (China); Associate Professor in Contemporary Chinese Studies +61383443874: anthony. Our Chinese Studies program is one of the largest Chinese programs in Australia. With basic information on Chinese investment projects in Agriculture, Infrastructure & Technology, Energy, Green Finance, and Civic Engagement, Global China 101 is a reliable source of knowledge on Chinese government, business sectors, and All students enrolling in Chinese for the first time are required to complete the online language questionnaire/placement test Inherent requirements (core participation requirements) The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education This subject guide highlights some key discipline resources to get you started with study and research. centre@unimelb. She was Chief Investigator on two Australian Research Council Discovery Projects: one on the CCCS 2021 Chinese Studies Research Brief Prize – winning paper Page 1 of 5. Our events program is now online. Eligibility and requirements. Beginning Chinese legal research. Research Briefs 2018; Number / date Title Name; Research Brief No. 500 BCE to 1000 CE. The subjects that can be studied will range across the humanities and social sciences as they pertain to China, as well as international relations, law and business management. None. Students can undertake the further 25 points (2 lmayo@unimelb. Current research projects. CCCS is first and foremost a platform for encouraging and facilitating the This conference will be held by the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies (CCCS), which plays a vital role in shaping an Australian approach to the study of contemporary China and serves as a significant source of research-based information on China, Chinese societies and Chinese economies in the 21st century. au by the announced due date, using the . View details + Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies. au: Dr Craig Smith: Senior Lecturer In Dates and times for Chinese Studies: Culture and Empire (CHIN20007) Dates and times for Chinese Studies: Culture and Empire (CHIN20007) Handbook home. A/Prof Shaoming Zhou yongxian@unimelb. It explores the relationship between traditional culture and modern life in Chinese societies using original Chinese language materials, supplemented by academic writing in John Zwaanstra Professor of International Studies and Sociology, Emeritus / Department of Sociology. View details + Choral Performance. The language subjects (taught at a range of levels, from beginner to advanced) are designed to maximise acquisition of the language and to develop their communication skills in various types of texts, interactional contexts and strategic aspects Welcome to r/unimelb, a subreddit dedicated to the University of Melbourne community. Entry pathways Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies (MC-CONTCS) // Entry and participation requirements You’re viewing the 2024 Handbook: 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Email: rogerssm@unimelb. 5 points) CHIN90009 Contemporary Chinese Studies Thesis 1 (18. Secretary. She is GAO Jia is Professor of Chinese Studies at the Asia Institute, the University of Melbourne. findings from two cross-sectional studies. ; Understand differences between common search Neither Panacea nor Toxin: Chinese Dam Building in Africa Dr Xiao Han, CCCS Research Fellow Large dams have been built across the world for hydropower, irrigation and urban water supply. Subject Options. ; Build your researching, reading and writing skills with the Research Essentials Library Guide. Her research focuses on curriculum development, translation-technology teaching, as well as cross-cultural crisis communication. All students enrolling in Chinese for the first time are required to complete the online language questionnaire/placement test Inherent requirements (core participation requirements) The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education This longitudinal study of female Chinese students in Australian universities is the first to trace in detail these students’ subjective experience of their journeys from China to Australia and their post-graduation destinations. Have acquired a knowledge of major long-term developments in Chinese society and culture through the study of secondary scholarship in English. ogawa@unimelb. Students are expected Overview. Code Name Teaching period Credit Points; CHIN10002: Chinese 10: Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville) 12. One of . Lu Ye is a third-year doctoral student who majors in management. Email: shaoming@unimelb. Students are expected to meet the core participation requirements lmayo@unimelb. wong@unimelb. Fees: Look up fees: This capstone subject is practice-based. This will provide them with the background knowledge for advanced studies in Chinese language; Be able to use scholarly analysis to examine major world social and cultural systems Have acquired a knowledge of major long-term developments in Chinese society and culture through the study of secondary scholarship in English. In high school my two favourite subjects were Chinese and Theatre Studies, so I wanted to find a university course in which I could continue to study Chinese and also explore other options related to the dramatic arts. The Chinese Studies program at the University of Melbourne is one of the largest Chinese programs in Australia. Subjects: Arts and Humanities, Arts and Humanities: Asian Studies and Languages Tags: china , chinese , chinese language , chinese studies Library Instagram In the meantime, view news from Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies. You’ll develop a comprehensive understanding of the people, environment Chinese Studies: Culture and Empire; Chinese Studies: Culture and Empire (CHIN20007) Undergraduate level 2 Points: 12. If you've studied elsewhere, we'll assess your relevant prior studies and equivalent grades. Anthony J. au: Prof Akihiro Ogawa: Professor In Japanese Studies +61383447037: akihiro. Event details page in the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies site. au: A/Prof Ester Leung: Associate Professor Of Translation Studies (Chinese) +61383444893: Lecturer In Translation Studies: haoyh2@unimelb. Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies. We not only have a large Chinese population whose history in this country extends back to the 1850s – we also have many links to China economically, culturally, socially and increasingly, politically. Transformative hydro-politics: From antidam movements to the revival of new dam schemes in Indonesia. Global China 101. Harvard University. 4408 political science. Phone: +61 3 8344 3758. Caitlin H Douglass, Can Qin, Fran Martin, Yinzong Xiao, Carol El Disciplines covered may include linguistics, social sciences, literary studies or culture studies. Director, Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies Professor, School of Geography University of Melbourne, Parkville 3010 Victoria email: myw@unimelb. Director of Chinese Social Policy Program, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales: Dr Kevin Tek Sheng Lo: Associate Director of the David C. This breadth track explores issues related to Chinese Studies. Prev: Majors, minors and specialisations. Admission into the Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies program is a prerequisite for enrolling into this subject. After leaving high school I took a gap year and travelled to China for 6 months to volunteer teaching English. Whyte (Harvard University), and Professor Zhu Ling (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences). This subject is designed to enable students to engage with Chinese language specialised academic research on social and cultural studies topics. The Chinese-English resource of choice for all those reading Chinese texts from the period of approx. Where our admission criteria includes a minimum Weighted Average Mark (WAM) and/or specific subject criteria, these are based on University of Melbourne grades and subjects. A Lecturer undertakes teaching and research in their discipline or related area(s). Capstone Stream 2: Contemporary Chinese Studies Minor Thesis (total 50 points) CHIN90011 Research Design and Methods (12. Students will build on the knowledge gained through their previous studies and broaden their reading, listening comprehension and speaking skills. Completed The Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Melbourne is a vibrant interdisciplinary program designed to accommodate a wide range of interests and to provide a broad understanding of the people, environment, cultures, society, politics, and economy of contemporary China. Entry pathways Bridie Allen is currently completing a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Chinese Studies. The Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies is a vibrant interdisciplinary program accommodating a wide range of interests. Research Briefs are a publication from the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies. Students completing the major commencing at Chinese Studies 1 entry point must complete ten subjects (125 points). au: A/Prof Ikuko Nakane: Associate Professor In Japanese Studies, Associate Dean Diversity and Inclusion +61383448893: inakane@unimelb. Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies #1 University in Australia Course code: MC-CONTCS; Domestic student Change Duration 2 years full time / 4 years part time. 5 On Campus (Parkville) Email: lmayo@unimelb. In this sense, the Chinese financial arrangement for Bui is business-oriented, rather than Subjects: Arts and Humanities, Arts and Humanities: Asian Studies and Languages Tags: china , chinese , chinese language , chinese studies Library Instagram All students enrolling in Chinese for the first time are required to complete the online language questionnaire/placement test Inherent requirements (core participation requirements) The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education (2005), and the Chinese Studies major in the B-ARTS Bachelor of Arts, Chinese Studies minor minor in the B-ARTS Bachelor of Arts; D-LANG Diploma in Languages; GD-ARTS Graduate Diploma in Arts; OR. His research interests focus on Chinese For Chinese language journals, please visit the China Academic Journals full-text Database, and browse journal titles by clicking the Journal Navigation button. lee@unimelb. << Previous: Statistics and yearbooks The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, in Chinese 一带一路) is China’s main international cooperation and economic strategy. au: Dr Sarah Rogers: Senior Lecturer In Contemporary Chinese Studies: rogerssm@unimelb. Email: Chinese Studies. Sarah is an Associate Professor at the Asia Institute. CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY CHINESE STUDIES . She has a multi-disciplinary higher education background, ranging from engineering, linguistics, translation studies to political sociology. All students enrolling in Chinese for the first time are required to complete the online language questionnaire/placement test Inherent requirements (core participation requirements) The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education The panelists told us about their various research experiences and shared lessons they learned during the pandemic period. We invited speakers from around Australia who presented their research in an hour long seminar with additional time allowed for questions. The language subjects (taught at a range of levels, from China is one of the richest continuous cultures in the world with more than 5000 years history. Students are expected Chinese Studies 9 entry point: Students who have a Chinese-speaking background and limited literacy in Chinese usually enter the progression at Chinese 9 Super Advanced Entry: This is an entry point only available as a minor and is for students who have completed secondary education in a Chinese environment Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies #1 University in Australia Course code: MC-CONTCS; Domestic student Change Duration 2 years full time / 4 years part time. lin@unimelb. Global China Knowledge Network. Chinese Studies: Culture and Empire (CHIN20007) Chinese Economic Documents (CHIN20009) Advanced Seminar in Chinese (CHIN20022) Have acquired a knowledge of major long-term developments in Chinese society and culture through the study of secondary scholarship in English. Chinese Studies major in the B-ARTS Bachelor of Arts; Chinese Studies minor minor in the B-ARTS Bachelor of Arts; Admission into or selection of one of the following: D-LANG Diploma in Languages; OR. the publisher name; for example, 法律出版社; 人民法院出版社;中国法制出版社 OR with this: 法律 << Previous: Primary sources Principal Tutor In Japanese Studies: masako@unimelb. Students are expected Meeting the published entry requirements for this course does not guarantee selection. The Centre plays a vital role in shaping an Australian approach to the study of contemporary China and serves Initiated by the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies (CCCS) at the University of Melbourne, this Global China Knowledge Network aims to be a platform that enables the development, sharing and articulation of knowledge on China’s “Going Global” process. Students will acquire skills in reading and analysis of academic Chinese. The studies of Chinese civilisations offer insights into China’s fascinating past and challenging present. Mode (Location) On campus (Parkville) Intake March, July Key dates. CCCS was established in the Asia Institute in the Faculty of Arts in 2013, with a focus on research and engagement. If you’re interested in understanding China and its role in the world, the Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies (MCCS) could be for you. This panel was co-hosted by the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies and the Chinese Studies Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Melbourne Featured events in both designed experiments and observational studies. Students will acquire skills in reading academic Chinese and in oral discussions in Chinese on scholarly topics, as well as academic essay writing abilities and skills of analysis and research based on Chinese language academic materials. Research. His publications include Chinese Asianism (Harvard University Asia Center, 2021) and the co-edited Translating the Occupation: The Japanese Invasion of China (UBC, 2021). to the office of the CCCCS at china-centre@unimelb. For Language placement test enquiries, please contact the Language Testing Research Centre. Please refer to the LMS for up-to-date subject information, including assessment and participation requirements, for subjects being offered in 2020. She is a geographer who studies social, political, and environmental change in China. Availability: Semester 1. The University of Melbourne is proud to host multiple centres and institutes that focus on China-related research and strengthen our understanding of China and the wider Asian region, and one of them is the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies (CCCS), which was established in the Asia Institute in the Faculty of Arts in 2013, with a focus on research and engagement. In pursuing the CCCS mission, our specific objectives are: Objective 1: To lead Chinese Studies at the University of Melbourne by drawing together and highlighting the China-related expertise of colleagues from the Asia Institute, the Faculty of Arts, and across the University. the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, Asian Law Centre, the Asia Institute and Asialink all help drive our engagement with and scholarship about China and the region. China is a ‘rising power’ in the Western Pacific region whose future Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies #1 University in Australia Course code: MC-CONTCS; Domestic student Change Duration 2 years full time / 4 years part time. We also hold regular Research Days to provide Chinese Studies researchers with the opportunity to share their knowledge. Graduate research study path – Honours/Masters/PhD (Research Assistant roles require Honours minimum). unimelb. OR. Inherent requirements (core participation requirements) The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education (2005), and the Assessment and Results Policy (MPF1326). Project led by Associate Professor Xiao Han from Hohai University. I started my BA planning to major in politics but eventually decided to focus on languages Director, Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies Mark Wang is Director of the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies and Professor in the School of Geography at the University of Melbourne. You can view a selection of online Chinese Studies eJournals (English language) that the Library holds by clicking on the button below;(this will open in a new window). Rachel Madin is currently completing a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Chinese Studies and Screen and Cultural Studies. Application must This database is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day and offering full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997. 75 points) CHIN90010 Contemporary Chinese Studies Thesis 2 (18. This subject guide highlights some key discipline resources to get you started with study and research. Spires joined the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies as Deputy Director and senior lecturer in January 2018. Caitlin H Douglass, Can Qin, Fran Martin, Yinzong Xiao, Carol El To find more Chinese language resources on Chinese legal studies, try a keyword search in our library Catalogue with:. au ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS PhD in Geography (1995) Title: The Socioeconomic and Spatial Transformation in the Shenyang-Dalian Extended Metropolitan Region of China, 1978- í õ õ î. Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies (CCCS) CCCS plays a vital role in shaping an Australian approach to the study of contemporary China. The Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies (CCCS) is committed to actively supporting high quality research, teaching and engagement at the University of Melbourne that furthers our understanding of China’s ongoing transformation and the impacts of this transformation within and beyond China. Yuxing is currently Senior Tutor at the UoM Asia Institute and teaches Chinese Studies subjects at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. richard. have acquired a knowledge of major long-term developments in Chinese society and culture through the study of secondary scholarship in English. Living in Australia, there are many reasons to study Chinese Studies. Taught at a range of levels - from beginner to advanced - our language subjects are designed to help The Chinese Studies program at the University of Melbourne is one of the largest Chinese programs in Australia. Please note Single Subject Studies via Community Access The Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies has hosted three Asia Scholars: Professor Yao Yang (Peking University), Professor Martin K. Shifting opportunities and challenges presented over This subject is designed for students of non-Chinese speaking background who have completed Chinese 3 and Chinese 4 (previously offered as Chinese 2A and 2B), or equivalent. Search the Handbook; Courses. au. 5: And two or more of: Code Name Study period Our Chinese Studies program is one of the largest Chinese programs in Australia. Inherent requirements (core participation requirements) The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education The Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies (CCCS) is committed to actively supporting high quality research, teaching and engagement that furthers our understanding of China’s ongoing transformation and the impacts of this transformation within and beyond China. Gain the ability to set goals Overview. agreement. Delia Lin is Associate Professor in Chinese Studies at the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne. Research – academic positions Further information: https://futurestudents. Juriglobe. I started my Chinese learning when I was in primary school. The Prizes are awarded annually to the student authors of the best Research Briefs submitted to the competition. The health, safety and wellbeing of our community is our number one priority. In recent years, China and countries along the Belt and Road actively carried out Chinese Historical Newspapers in Microform. 75 points) Purpose: To advance students' critical and analytical skills for career development in Xiao finished her PhD at the University of Melbourne (2018) on the goals, practices and consequences of Chinese overseas dam building, and was an ARC research fellow at the University's Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies (2018-20). Semester 2. Enrolled in Chinese Studies Entry Point 9 and above in Bachelor of Arts or Diploma in Languages. Students will conceive and complete a real-life practice-based project related to China or other Chinese-speaking regions and countries, under the supervision of the subject Students (except those entering at Chinese Studies 1 entry point) complete the Chinese Studies major through a progression of eight language subjects (100 points). Lam Institute for East-West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University: Associate Professor Rui Qi: School of Economics and Management, China University of Geosciences: Dr Gerald Roche Inherent requirements (core participation requirements) The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education (2005), and the Assessment and Results Policy (MPF1326). Guangzhou University. Taught at a range of levels - from beginner to advanced - our language subjects are designed to help develop your communication skills in various contexts. Students are expected The Chinese way to greenways: implementation processes and outcomes of four cases in the Central Zhejiang City-Region Junxian Chen Junxian Chen is currently a PhD candidate in urban planning at the Students will develop their ability to communicate and understand in simple Chinese by engaging with the following key cultural situations in Chinese society such as situations relating to the use of names, family relationships, social exchanges which deploy different forms of address, and engaging with physical spaces and geography, and temporal systems. Contact us. Prerequisites. Agricultural Investment. The Lecturer will contribute to teaching at undergraduate, honours, and postgraduate Yuxing obtained his PhD in screen and media culture from the University of Melbourne, where he has taught Screenwriting and Asian Cinema courses in the School of Culture and Communication. Allow searching with Pinyin and traditional Chinese characters. . Corequisites. We are currently working on several large research grants, including a Ford Foundation grant to conduct collaborative research on local engagement within Indonesia for Chinese investment projects, and to organise a network of scholars for sharing China knowledge in the Dr Ivan Franceschini: ivan. National Centre for Contemporary Islamic Studies (NCCIS) Email: asia-institute@unimelb. Coordinator: Richard Lee: Mode of delivery: On Campus (Parkville) Contact hours: Corequisites. It explores the relationship between traditional culture and modern life in Chinese societies using original Chinese language materials, supplemented by academic writing in Associate Professor Anthony J. Address: Sidney Myer Asia Centre (Building 158) The University of Melbourne 761 Swanston Street VIC 3010 Australia. rites. Overview. Fees Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available Learn more. Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies Conference 2024: GROUNDING GLOBAL CHINA 《扎根全球的中国》 8-10 December 2024 Centre for Contempor Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies - Global China Conference - Call for Papers due 30 June / Events Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies The University of Melbourne Victoria 3010, Australia Telephone: +61 3 9035 5925 Email: Christine. A Chinese Studies minor is through a progression of six language subjects (75 points). Her research interests include hydropolitics, poverty alleviation, resettlement, agrarian change, agrochemicals, and climate change adaptation. au: Dr Lewis Mayo: Lecturer in Asian Studies: lmayo@unimelb. spires@unimelb. au; Please Note: Undergraduate students completing Chinese Studies entry point 1 (beginners) require 125 points of study, therefore it is not possible to complete the equivalent of a Chinese Studies major through the Diploma in Languages. You’ll develop a comprehensive understanding of the people, environment, cultures, society, Communicate effectively in a range of written and oral genres and social contexts in Chinese language/s; Apply advanced knowledge of Chinese language/s and of Chinese The Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies (CCCS) acts as a hub for contemporary Chinese studies in Australia and leads an interdisciplinary research program covering major social science disciplines, including Gain knowledge of the social and cultural diversity of China and develop the skills to work with people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Craig is a historian of translation in modern China and an avid translator. She gained her PhD from Griffith University, Australia in 2009 on ideology. Lu YE . 16 November 2018 Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies. Prior to coming to the University of Melbourne, he held Anne McLaren is Professor in Chinese Studies, Asia Institute, University of Melbourne. The University also hosts a Confucius Institute focussing on fostering understanding of Chinese culture and language. Professor Jiangang Zhu. Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies (MC-CONTCS) // Majors, minors and specialisations You’re viewing the 2024 Handbook: 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Chinese Studies - Level 3 subjects . All students enrolling in Chinese for the first time are required to complete the online language questionnaire/placement test at the link below. This breadth track explores the diversity of choral music and progressively develops knowledge and skills in choral performance. Runner-up Prize paper - 2021 Chinese Studies Research Brief Prize . Learn Chinese and gain an understanding of Chinese culture and society. Oxford Dictionaries. Please complete the application form below and email to china-centre@unimelb Yu Hao is a lecturer in Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of Melbourne. Find out more about the University’s COVID-19 Associate Professor Chinese Studies Asia Institute China. This report argues that this trend is less apparent in Australia, where the domestic enrolment in Chinese Studies and postgraduate level training has been relatively constrained. Director of Centre for South China Urban and Migration Studies. In recent years, Chinese palm oil companies have become increasingly committed to reducing adverse environmental and social impacts. 75 points) Purpose: To advance students' critical and analytical skills for career development in The global field of Chinese Studies has expanded greatly in line with the rise of China to become the world's second largest economy. 5 points). Fees: Look up fees: This subject is the Capstone subject in the Chinese Studies major of the Bachelor of Arts. 8 billion between 2013 and 2020. Professor Hong Zhu. au: Tutor in Translation Studies (Teaching Periodic) We are currently unable to retrieve the Staff contact information Craig A. Entry pathways On graduation from the Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies, you will be ready for work in professional fields including: NGOs and government agencies who have dealings with China; International trade; Diplomacy; Policy advisor and analyst; For the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies to Conduct Collaborative Research on Local Engagement Within Indonesia for Chinese Investment Projects and to Organise a Network of Scholars for Sharing China Knowledge in the Southeast Asia and Pacific Grant number: 134889 | Funding period: 2021 - 2024. Yu Hao - Lecturer in Translation All students enrolling in Chinese for the first time are required to complete the online language questionnaire/placement test Inherent requirements (core participation requirements) The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education (2005), and the The Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies (CCCS) is committed to actively supporting high quality research, teaching and engagement that furthers our understanding of China’s ongoing transformation and the impacts of this transformation within and beyond China. The language subjects (taught at a range of levels, from beginner to advanced) are designed to maximise acquisition of the language and to develop their communication skills in various types of texts, interactional contexts and strategic aspects The Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Melbourne is a vibrant interdisciplinary program designed to accommodate a wide range of interests and to provide a broad understanding of the people, environment, cultures, society, politics, and economy of contemporary China. Nankai University This breadth track explores issues related to Chinese Studies. Breadth track Year:2025. Intended learning outcomes. edu. Yao Yang was at the Centre from mid-July to August 2017, after short visits in 2015 and 2016, strengthening the Email: asia-institute@unimelb. 47 language, communication and culture. Some examples are cluster randomised trials in medicine, incomplete block designs in agriculture, hierarchical structures in education, repeated measures in the social sciences, and nested factors in Chinese Studies major in the B-ARTS Bachelor of Arts; Chinese Studies minor minor in the B-ARTS Bachelor of Arts; Admission into or selection of one of the following: D-LANG Diploma in Languages; OR. CCCS Objectives. au . Code Name Study period Credit Points; ASIA10001: Language and Power in Asian Societies: Semester 1 (On Campus - Parkville) 12. Current Research Projects. Dates & times. This will provide them with the background knowledge for advanced studies in Chinese language; Be able to use scholarly analysis to examine major world social and cultural systems Corequisites. 2000 words; During the examination period: 45%: Continuous tutorial participation Capstone Stream 2: Contemporary Chinese Studies Minor Thesis (total 50 points) CHIN90011 Research Design and Methods (12. The BRI is also known as the “One Belt One Road” (OBOR), the “Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road” or just the “New Silk Road”. The language subjects (taught at a range of levels, from beginner to advanced) are designed to maximise acquisition of the language and to develop their communication skills in various types of texts, interactional contexts and strategic aspects of Current Research Projects. This will provide them with the background knowledge for advanced studies in Chinese language. He was awarded a Bachelor of Science at Shanxi Normal University in 1982 and Master of Science at Northeast Institute of Geography and Agro-Ecology, Chinese Academy of Research. franceschini@unimelb. 2000 words; Mid semester: 45%: An essay. The report is based on a survey About the Community Access Program (CAP) This subject is available through the Community Access Program (also called Single Subject Studies) which allows you to enrol in single subjects offered by the University of Melbourne, without the commitment required to complete a whole degree. Whether you are a current student, staff member, alumnus, or simply interested in the university, this subreddit is for you. It helps us to thoroughly comprehend what makes it long-lasting and how it functions in Chinese society – in both Chin Due to the wide range of student language proficiency levels (from beginners to fluent), the Chinese Studies major provides six language entry points, the super advanced entry point is Get a taste of Chinese Studies through breadth subjects, immerse yourself in a Chinese studies breadth track, master the Chinese language with a Diploma in Languages alongside your Students study Chinese Studies as a Diploma through a progression of eight language subjects (100 points), 75 points of compulsory language subjects and 25 points of elective subjects The Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies is a vibrant interdisciplinary program accommodating a wide range of interests. Use secondary sources: see the Books, and information for doing Chinese legal research (UniMelb staff & student access). Her research Description Timing Percentage; An essay. Honours in Asian Studies combined with another discipline such as Politics or Gender Studies, Chinese Studies etc. All students enrolling in Chinese for the first time are required to complete the online language questionnaire/placement tes. Chinese Studies and Language. Yuzong Chen, PhD Apply in-depth knowledge of Chinese language/s and of Chinese culture and society in relevant professional and academic contexts; Utilise rigorous methods of inquiry and theories and methodologies appropriate to Chinese Studies; Critically engage with various social contexts related to China and the Chinese-speaking world. Professor, Department of Sociology / Zhou Enlai School of Government. The briefs offer analysis of recent developments in China and an introduction to current academic research. Refer to the New Students Library Guide for everything you need to know about Library services and resources. Students (except those entering at Chinese Studies 1 entry point) complete the Chinese Studies major through a progression of eight language subjects (100 points). During the second academic year, it This longitudinal study of female Chinese students in Australian universities is the first to trace in detail these students’ subjective experience of their journeys from China to Australia and their post-graduation destinations. They will also gain experience in oral discussions, presentations and essay writing in Chinese on scholarly topics. Completion of the Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies prepares graduates to pursue further study at the doctoral level in a variety of social science and humanities discipline. Please note: Students should complete this subject in the final semester of their degree, or should have completed a minimum of 100 points in their degree. au: Chinese Studies major in the B-ARTS Bachelor of Arts, Chinese Studies minor minor in the B-ARTS Bachelor of Arts; D-LANG Diploma in Languages; OR. Students are expected to meet the core participation requirements Contains Chinese language eBooks on Chinese culture and society. He served as Assistant Dean (China) of the Faculty of Arts at the same university from 2011 to 2019 and Deputy Associate Dean (International - Email: rogerssm@unimelb. au: Dr Monica Tan Welcome to r/unimelb, a subreddit dedicated to the University of Melbourne community. Students completing the major commencing at Chinese Studies 1 entry point must complete nine subjects (112. This will provide them with the background knowledge for advanced studies in Chinese language; Be able to use scholarly analysis to examine major world social and cultural systems The Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Melbourne is a vibrant interdisciplinary program designed to accommodate a wide range of interests and to provide a broad understanding of the people, environment, cultures, society, politics, and economy of contemporary China. ; Understand differences between common search Prerequisites. Her main research interest is Chinese popular culture from the late imperial to the contemporary period, with a focus on the oral and ritual traditions of Chinese women, Chinese performance arts, traditional popular fiction, print culture in late imperial China and Intangible Cultural Heritage. Global China 101 The Chinese Studies Program at the University of Melbourne is one of the oldest and biggest academic programs of its kind in Australia, teaching language, society, and culture. On completion of this course, graduates should be able to: Demonstrate sound knowledge of the social, political, cultural, and economic forces that are shaping contemporary China Students who have successfully completed the Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies will have The Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies is taught by experts from the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies (CCCS). Chinese Studies: Culture and Empire (CHIN20007) Subject Recommendations & Enquiries The Chinese Studies Research Group (CSRG) meets several times a year on Fridays to discuss and share ideas and experiences relating to researching China. 16 peace, justice and strong institutions. chinese language. Visit the Baillieu Library for on-site access to the University of Melbourne Library's Chinese Historical Newspapers in Microform (this will open in a new window). We are currently working on several large research grants, including a Ford Foundation grant to conduct collaborative research on local engagement within Indonesia for Chinese investment projects, and to organise a network of scholars for sharing China knowledge in the Southeast Associate Professor in Chinese Studies +61 3 8344 3387: delia. The Oriental Studies Trust Fund – Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies Scholarship is a living allowance to be awarded annually to students who have applied for admission to or are currently enrolled in a PhD degree at the University of Melbourne on a topic related to public policy, economics and society related to Chinese public policy. Have anyone studied Advanced Chinese Translation and Chinese News Analysis before? For ACT, do we translate text from English to Chinese, or vice versa? Anyone feel the closure of Union House makes UniMelb super lonely and isolating places for students (especially international ones) Corequisites. 5: CHIN20013: The Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies Seminar Series during the 2016 academic year showcased a variety of interesting research on contemporary China. Email: wanyix2@student. Corporate Misconduct and Market Reactions: The Moderating Role of Moral, Technical, and Leadership Capital . Graduate study eg Master of Development Studies, Master of Public Policy and Management. In the landing page, view titles that UniMelb library has access to under My Library 我的图书馆, or browse the full range of titles under CNKI Books 全部图书. Spires Researcher. cultural studies. The Chinese Studies Research Brief Prize supports and promotes China-related academic research across all disciplines by Research Higher Degree (RHD) students at the University of Melbourne. Email: china-centre@unimelb. Non-allowed subjects. be able to use scholarly analysis to examine major world social and cultural systems. Students are expected to meet the core participation requirements for their course. Semester 1. Director, Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies: myw@unimelb. News and Events. au: Prof Yongxian Luo: Professor in Chinese Studies: yongxian@unimelb. civilising projects and political discourse in contemporary China. Availability: Semester 2. teaching and learning. The Yenching Academy of Peking University offers a scholarship to pursue an interdisciplinary Master's degree in China Studies. au ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS MA, PhD Economics, University of California, Berkeley MA (honorary), University of Oxford SB, Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Associate Professor in Chinese Studies +61 3 8344 3387: delia. Further information on the mix of Disciplines covered may include linguistics, social sciences, literary studies or culture studies. ridyv colt pexwby flopq gjh lmnswbu zubwm xqvym fhol alug