14 dpo symptoms mumsnet. I 'knew' I was pregnant as I had a few symptoms.
14 dpo symptoms mumsnet 17 dpo (?), symptoms but bfn 20 replies Tinks123 I think I may try and hold off until 12-14 dpo then test. It ended in a chemical. Is this a @Megan993 I had cramping at around 5/6 dpo and then sore boobs started at about 7dpo, got a bfp at 9dpo, good luck ☺️xx Quote Thanks So I swore that I wouldn't symptom spot this month but here I am! I'm cycle 3 and 4/5 dpo. I was 13dpo and only got a very faint line, tested again at 16dpo and got a much stronger line. I think 9dpo is a little early to test and it’s hard to know if it’s just normal cycle symptoms or anything more. Right nipple twinges. At 14 DPO, you’re at the very end of your luteal phase. I wasn't symptom spotting at all, but had reasons for all of these symptoms like it was so warm so I was more thirsty, fatigue because I haven't been sleeping well, backache because Ive been watching netflix on 8 days before period - (8dpo) symptoms 29 replies Superstar41 kim160790 · 11/05/2020 14:04 10DPO!!! I caved 😁 . Just wondered anyone else's symptoms in the lead up to either getting a BFP. I remember the trepidation and excitement, but try not to do anymore tests until at least the 24th, even better if you can wait for a little longer than that. I'm 6 DPO today, also due Sunday. i also have pcos and irregular cycles which is why i was wondering what dpo, as I keep seeing people with such clear lines so early one. I've got a cold too! I've had it since last Monday, so all through DTD and ovulating and it hasn't gone away yet! I know being pregnant can lower you're immune system so I'm thinking is this is a sign, is this why I still have it over a week and a half Hmm symptoms looking back - sore boobs (which I get every single month anyway), cramping, a heavy feeling like af was due to start, a few spots when usually my skin is pretty clear and looking back I was really really thirsty but put that down to working as a nurse and the hospital being hot lol. I don't think it's the "dpo" as implantation varies so much. Taking charge of your fertility - is a great book if you haven't read it already 😊 Symptoms 9/10 dpo 24 replies Ajords1 Ajords1 · 14/05/2014 09:12 To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Join Mumsnet Log In 8 dpo twinges and 2 very quick but intense stabbing pain and then more twinges on and off all day. Creamy CM. 14 DPO - 2 - 3 weeks on digital 17 DPO - back to 1 - 2 weeks on digital Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, Yesterday was my peak so maybe 0 dpo today. Ive had a heavy bloated feeling in my belly all day, had 6 wees this morning before even having my 1st drink, cramping, low backache and extreme hunger. @CooperLooper yea I had a teeny bit of cramping first few days after but I don't feel like it meant anything that early on. Obviously what has worked for one won’t necessarily work for another but maybe something in here could help someone. If you know you definitely ovulated 11 days ago and are using a first response you should probably get a faint line. I'm currently 7/8DPO and have managed to hold of testing so far Have you had any symptoms yet I've had on and off cramps pretty much since ovulation . Yes got a 9dpo BFP on FRER myself on IVF 4 and IVF 5, confirmed with a blood HCG of 21 so likely implanted 8dpo. I’ve told myself I’m going to hold off from testing until I’m around 12/13 DPO to avoid disappointment at every BFN results. You are only 9DPO now? Lots of people don't get a BFP until 12-14 DPO, I honestly reckon you're just testing so early that the line probably is progressing but we just can't differentiate the change yet. with DD I had no symptoms and Just wondering if anyone had any symptoms 5dpo?? I was ovulating the same day I had intercourse and since yesterday I have had what feels like period pains but I’m not due on for another 10 days. Had some random symptoms but ignoring them as I don’t want to assign them as being indicative of anything. Hard as it may seem, the best thing you can do is wait till af is due if you have the will power and really want to save the cash (or shop on ebay). Dosnt mean you out this month at all, you should just only count symptoms from tomorrow onwards. I woke up Friday morning feeling like I'd been hit by a bus after feeling completely fine Thursday so it was quite sudden not the usual creeping of the flu coming on. Sending baby dust your way Congratulations ladies! I'm 10 DPO and got a BFP. Last cycle my boobs were so sore I was like oooomg I think I'm pregnant, and then AF showed her face on CD34 and I was like wow, our bodies are mental. I had sex 12 days ago on the day I typically ovulate (10 days prior to spotting and CD18 if that helps) but also had sex 14, 15, and 20 days prior to this as well (I stopped tracking this cycle ofc lol) Good luck. How are you today? I’ve had very mild cramps for a brief couple of mins low down right side and that’s about it. Next cycle (if this one is unlucky) I'll start to test for ovulation, so I wont wonder as much as its making me crazy🤣🤣 I'm a few days ahead of you but also got my positive test on 9dpo which was a total shock. Bfn. However I did stop using opks a day after my peak. i’m winding myself up with all this symptom spotting, and I know it’s probably for nothing. But might if I need to next month. In my experience fertility clinics won't confirm or deny a pregnancy until 14dpo if using a urine test and many clinics don't test until 16dpo using urine or 12dpo at the earliest (often 14dpo) if doing a blood test. Apart from that, no real symptoms apart from cramping and noticeable boobs, but that's not out of the ordinary. It was my first clue last time I was pregnant. I had mild cramping (just like AF on her way) at 14-15 DPO. SR28 · 07/08/2020 14:49 To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. The next day (yesterday) had another light pink wipe. This is only my 3rd cycle. Posted the comparison in pics below. If you implant 6dpo which is very rare and very early it takes a while for your levels to rise slowly so it's not likely symptoms would show until HCG was higher. I’m 14 dpo today and af due tomorrow. not due after til Saturday. Fingers @Barbs3116 me too, I don’t have the ‘obvious’ symptoms either. Thank you everyone for joining us! I'm ill so can't tell if the uncontrollable gagging is from that or if implantation has happened. 2 degrees ( bit not below coverline. Tested 2 days after AF was due. My periods are between 27-30 days usually 27 - so this month we tried the clear blue digital kit - showed my ovulation as Saturday so we shall see! I'm wondering if anyone can help me as my mind is going crazy. I am very in tune with my body and knew that these were all different for me. 1 (still super low for me at this stage in cycle - usually very high). @lifesforloving1 I've just had a bfp at 12 dpo. Super tired - yawning through work etc. I’m really trying to wait till 12 DPO because I always end up testing early and being disappointed. Hi Ladies, I’d love to be a 2ww buddy too! I’m currently 6dpo and it’s my 2nd cycle TTC baby #1. I was getting negatives until 12dpo and had the symptoms a good few days before this. 2 DPO: Lower stomach was Wondering what symptoms to expect at 14dpo? Want to know if it's too early to take a pregnancy test? Here's everything you need to know about what to expect at fourteen days post ovulation. Hi everyone! Would just No symptoms until a small amount of pink discharge a few days later on 28th, and then brown watery discharge (no clots) for the last 2 days. Have one good test left and am tempted to just bloody use it when I get home from work 😅 To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. First baby nothing much till bang on 7 weeks! Vomiting and non stop. Nausea for 2 days, burping, nasty taste in my mouth, sore boobs. only 4w3d so just taking one day at a time. I guess I feel really worried as no progression over the past couple of days and no real symptoms either. It's more from implantation as that's when the hormone starts being produced. Ttc can be a long journey, try not to stress too much and accept Was due last sunday. The biologist in me understands that it is impossible for them to be early signs as implantation wouldn't have occurred yet! MsMiaWallace · 27/08/2019 14:12 Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale Didn't really get any symptoms with my son but a late period! I've also had sore breasts since 2dpo and they're now REALLY tender. Normally, i only pee 2 or 3 times a day and i don't get pms symptoms except being grumpy which i havent had. I read that can be progesterone though. BFN yesterday so expecting AF later. Had a frozen embryo transfer 10 days ago with a 5 day @H2023 good to aim for at least 14dpo and see where you get to! @Ohhmyy111 I had crazy cramps a few days ago and I feelt a bit nauseous today but I had a sickness bug so putting it down to that. Tested the day AF was due. Really wanted to do it the day after the static Yep, every time I've actually been pregnant. 11 DPO: BFN It was a scary time and was super sensitive to symptoms but had none until the tube ruptured at 8-9weeks. sorry to jump on the thread I’m currently 9dpo 100mg clomid this is my 9 cycle in total the first two rounds 50mg I conceived first time rounds one got ds whos now 3 even though cd21 progesterone was level 8!!!!! & then caught again first time round but sadly Mc at 7 weeks in 2021 this is now my 7th cycle I upped the dose myself as I felt like 50 just wasn’t Hey ladies, I am literally sitting here in shock. All symptoms except sore boobs and nausea aren't as dominant apart from the fact I still don't want coffee Get twinges similar to afford cramps and feeling spaced out and not myself No sign of spotting. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, My question is has anyone had these symptoms and gotten a BFN at 13 DPO and still got a BFP later in the cycle? Many thanks! OP posts: See next See 13DPO I got a negative test, day before period was due. I was so pleased to get a positive pregnancy test yesterday. I’ve been having dull aches in my ovary but like you, I don’t want to get my hopes up. I don't normally feel ovulation pain but I assume this is what it must feel like. So I’m 12DPO today and I try so hard not to symptom spot! I’ve convinced myself I’m out this month but also I do have some symptoms. Though I did buy a huge bag of salt & vinegar crisps the day before I tested with ds2 so I think that was an early craving as I craved salt & olives. the main one bei All PMS symptoms could also be pregnancy symptoms, so try not to give up yet. This generally happens around six to Usually you test positive by 8-14 DPO. Emmalou0607 · 24/01/2023 14:14 6dpo so only a day ahead of you Quote Thanks Add post Has anyone had loads of early pregnancy symptoms for them to then disappear at 9dpo and still go on to get a BFP? So I've had bloating, been very gass 1,2,3 DPO no symptoms normally have painful boobs after ovulation never come in March 4 DPO Sat 16th March, From the afternoon I had a scratchy sore throat and felt fatigued 5 DPO Sun 17th March, I Woke up with a sore throat and felt drained and fatigue Vidi dreams in my sleep sat into Sunday Hi! Looking for a bit of advice on here. I am going crazy, the lines aren't getting darker esp DPO 13 and 14, within 3 min they're still pretty light, even dry I know t Intercourse on 14/08/2024 and 16/08/2024. My temp then rocketed up cycle day 28 when AF was due. Can't remember how many days po that was but bfn. I wanted to make a post asking about symptoms everyone got before they got their BFP and id i should lose hope after getting a negative test at 12dpo when AF is due in 3 days. Fingers crossed for I'm either 2-3 dpo, stopped bbt tracking etc this month after ttc for 18+ months! Trying not to symptom track but I've felt exactly the same as you! Cramping mostly on the left and sharp boob pains. 10dpo and had odd feelings in my stomach of like pulling near my belly button and a weird stitch like feeling in my top left side and I feel full and bloated No symptoms here apart from the usual which I seem to get every month! Slight twinges (always left ovary) very hungry and thirsty but I get these every month so put it down to the normal increase in progesterone in the luteal phase. I’ve only had a few twinges on my right side around ovulation time and had a few waves of heartburn but that’s probably due to what I’ve eaten haha. I've had other signs of early pregnancy over the past week and have been shocked to get BFN the past 4/5 days! Got this this morning is it just my Hi girls. That was my worst symptom throughout my whole pregnancy with my #1. some diff symptoms and I don’t feel like AF is coming, BUT I’ve been taking supplements and drinking less and trying to reduce stress so wonder if more PMS symptoms is down to higher progesterone this cycle (usually have low progesterone) Inplantation can be as late as 12 dpo in which case you wouldn't expect a BFP until 14 dpo. According to the National Institutes of Health, as hCG hormone levels grow, you may experience these early pregnancy symptoms: Unusual fatigue (feeling sleepy), dizziness, or lightheadedness (feeling I've been lurking in the background for a while and found these forums a great source of support, even just reading the threads and knowing there are people experiencing similar things to me! OP, I'm currently 10/11 dpo and the same - feel like I have a couple of symptoms (slight nausea/craps etc) but caved and did a test with BFN. Clear blue has these predictions for ovulation dates. They’re not as strong as my usual pre period pains( which I usually get about 3 days before I’m due on) but they include, lower back ache, thigh aches and the odd little twinge. I have zero symptoms to be honest so it really doesn’t feel real! My due date is around 31st July if all goes well. A few Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive. Positive test (1st ever) on apr 24th Hi thanks for replying, was feeling a bit lonely! I did the 10mlU test yesterday and day before and I can see something and I know outside of the specified time but the top one (yesterday’s) looks ever so slightly darker 🤔 unfortunately today the test I did wasn’t as sensitive so nothing on that one, I have so many symptoms, really sore boobs, tired, mood swings, I distinctly remember my boobs being bigger than normal and more sensitive than normal (slightly more tender than pre-menstrual boobs) at around 10-12 days DPO. This month no symptoms whatsoever, no idea if that's a good or a bad thing. Wanted some advice on my test Sounds a pretty accurate ovulation date but by your DPO you can't have the symptoms linked the pregnancy as the egg hasn't implanted yet. I think I am 4dpo. Don’t want to tell Felt almost no symptoms apart from twingey cramps when I went to bed. I had some cramps a couple days ago which is unusual for me (don't usually get cramps until 1-2 days before AF. 12DPO strange symptoms 9 replies Sungirl11 · 16/02/2020 14:42 Hi people! My husband and I are TTC and this month I ovulated on the 4th and since a week after i have had a little bit of brown discharge every day. I’m currently 9 DPO, I’m positive about my ovulation date as I get the really sharp pain on my left side each time! Have definitely had a multitude of symptoms. Last month I think we missed ovulation due to work patterns. But other than that feel bloated, gross and tired which is normal for AF 😂 This is our 2nd month trying. The same hormones that cause PMS cause pregnancy symptoms too so it’s impossible to say. Most people will tell you that implantation probably hasn't happened yet at 6dpo so it's impossible to have symptoms. @BethJade - I remember at 8 DPO I noticed breast pain, backache, ovulation pain, feeling bloated, fatigue but most importantly, I was extremely thirsty. I should be 15dpo today. Bloated, small headaches, breast pain coming back but less than before. Cramping, implantation spotting 8dpo & 9dpo - really sore boobs the last 2 days a 5 dpo is too early for pregnancy symptoms. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale I'm about 13 DPO and got my BFP on Saturday, with a slightly stronger BFP today. I’ve spent a fortune on pregnancy tests testing multiple times a day and keep getting a BFN. It worked and I ovulated day 15 or 16! I've never got past 9dpo before AF arriving so if I get to 10 or 11 dpo I'll test! Anyone around same stage as me? 12-14 DPO symptoms. I jotted down my symptoms in my notes each day. While you’re still in the early stages of ttc, it’s most likely your body adjusting. Hope I am not looking into symptoms too much 😩. 3 out of 4 months I've had so many symptoms and been convinced i was pregnant, but still got my period. Join Mumsnet Log In Hi and congratulations everyone 😊 hope you don't mind me jumping on! Like @1992EM I'm still feeling tentative so this is a nice space to be cautiously excited. 5 days late a bfp! 36 week now. Every month without fail my only pms symptoms are sore boobs that start exactly 5 days before my period comes so all these other symptoms had me convinced im pregnant. I've been having tons of symptoms these past 2 weeks. But i noticed that Flo set my ovulation to dec 30, but i had the usual symptoms on the 2nd of january. I have it stuck in my head that I’m pregnant, but I have 30 + day cycles. Quote To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I didn't get a clear positive pregnancy test until I was 16 DPO, but I was using cheapies. 14 DPO, day period was due I got the faintest of faint lines, that faint line is now 4 weeks old! Mumsnet carries some affiliate I’m 10 DPO , just tested and no line but I haven’t had any of my usual Pre period symptoms so may still have a chance!! Quote React You can't implant until the earliest of 5/6dpo so your body wouldn't even know if the egg was or wasn't fertilised at 1dpo so I suspect you've got a case of symptom spotting that we all go through when ttc which is where you literally notice every single twinge/symptom and generally drive yourself mad. Is this line too faint for 15dpo. I didn't test until cycle day 31 because I thought I had had a Do you mind if I join? I'm anywhere between 2-5 dpo (not tracking ovulation) and put this down to ewcm about 5 days ago. Tiredness hits @Giles1008 deff could be implantation🤞🏽 Meaning it’d be 13/14 by time ud get ur bfp🤞🏽. Same as you, very little symptoms so far (some cramping, slightly dodgy tummy, v mild nausea occasionally) but with DS1 I also had a relatively easy time of it. Only DTD twice so unlikely! Once on the evening of the static smiley (morning was flashing) and 3 days before that. Stark negative tests and I’m just losing hope for this cycle. Increased CM it is @overthinkersanonnymus i feel your pain, I thought I really had it in the bag this month. Great news 🥳 13dpo here. Last cycle my boobs were sore, I was exhaustive and had nasal congestion well before AF was due. Last month I analysed every twinge. I have been doing some cervical tracking, since ive been trying to get pregnant for around 8 months at this point. I’ve been ttc for 14 months and still no bfp. Do you class ovulation as the day you had a positive test? If so then I'm 4dpo. I am almost 100% sure that I have symptoms, including some that are hard to wish into existence, like nosebleeds (several days ago) and implantation bleeding (some small brown spots today). i took some cheap easyathome ones which are so so light and the first response ones were better at showing a line. 1,2,3 DPO no symptoms normally have painful boobs after ovulation not happened at all so far this month 4 DPO Sat 16th March, From the afternoon I had a scratchy sore throat and felt fatigued Compared to 4 DPO Feb - Woke up with Sore scratchy throat that keep coming on and off, Blocked ears aswell thought I was getting a cold but never did. Did everything right, ovulation test right dtd right around ovulation before and after. I 'knew' I was pregnant as I had a few symptoms. According to OPKs I should be approx 14 days post ovulation. Lots of saliva. Definitley doesn't mean you are out. Sticky CM. Bad Hg then with second, i must have only been 8/9 dpo wasnt due on for another 5/6 days. on cycle day 25, not until 11 dpo. In my last pregnancy, I got dark lines and symptoms right away, so I can't help but worry. My AF is due today which is also 13 DPO and I got a Same here regarding ovulation. couple headaches and a warm feeling in my lower stomach along with the regular bloating and gassy feeling almost bubbly/fluttery. I am 1 or 2 DPO . @abbmebtdab sorry that i don’t have an answer for you but I’m in the same situation! AF is now 5 days late for me, BFN 2 days ago though (on Thursday). I can’t help but worry, and 4DPO - Mild cramps in my lower left abdomen starting to radiate, sore lower back, stuffy nose, sore throat and feel like I am coming down with a cold (would be my 3rd cold this year), low energy that I am putting down to the Not sure how early some symptoms arise but the drips of blood and the two days of pain sounds like implantation bleed/cramps. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of Hi, I had bfp 11 dpo with ds1 I think, and I think I tested about 14 dpo after ds2. The implantation range is 6-12dpo, so if you implant early, symptoms are possible! Fingers x for you! Plus you may have ovulated earlier than you think. No real symptoms for me just cramping and sore boobs and irritable. Got my BFP today after 6 months of agony (Had a miscarriage in April) I tested on Monday at 1 I’m now ttc and 9 DPO. Only strange thing is that we were doing DTD last night and Hello i have every symptom that I had with first 2 pregnancies. 4-7 dpo is too early for implantation plus pregnancy cramps don’t happen until you are around 4-5 weeks. . Never been more than 1 day late so this is very unusual. I've noticed a bitter taste in my mouth, Just wondering Did anyone have symtoms ? Is there anyone who never had any symptoms? I'm 13dpo now but have zero symptoms and wondering if I'm still Hiya there, i'm getting loads of symptoms that i cant explain. OP posts: To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Testing tomorrow. Cold. So yeah once we've confirmed ovulation we can see how the two week wait goes and see if we get more symptoms again. Hope this is implantation for you, and symptoms sound positive! I would try holding off with testing for a few days ( I know easier said than done) I'm now on 8dpo and desperately trying not to test as have been having cramps and I had spotting at 2dpo which has never happened before think this was ovulation spotting. Really hungry and had eaten a lot. The main clues for me were craving meat late at night and having 3 low LP temps 5/6/7DPO. AF due 25th and always spot on with timings. Unfortunately at this point, all symptoms are caused by progesterone rising. Tested yesterday with a BFN and this morning with I think a BFN, I think im just convincing myself i can see a vvvvfl line but I dont wanna get my hopes up! Hi. All of these symptoms are new for me as in I don't experience these during my normal pms. Pulling pain in lower abdomen, below belly button - feels like tight skin but there is no skin stretching Gassy - had a sharp bloating pain. I took soya isoflavones this month to bring O forward from day 21 of 29 day cycle. That's why the crazy symptom spotting on here makes me smile. Twoinapod · 14/01/2023 22:27 Yes, what were your 7dpo symptoms? (slash any of the dpo symptoms in general haha) 7DPO symptoms were period type cramps, feeling much sicker than I did with my previous 2 pregnancies and Has anyone had a BFN 10 DPO (AF due on 5 days) and then had a BFP later on? Been having mild cramps from 5/6 DPO until now and I normally only get cramping the day before and day AF is due! Took a test (too I am 9dpo today, I started testing yesterday eve at 8dpo, because I was getting strange shooting pains up my left thigh. I had literally no idea with my DD, was just sitting at work idly looking at my desk calendar and realised I was 2 or 3 days late, didn't really think much of it as I did occasionally have 30 day cycles, but bought a cheap test at lunchtime on a whim. I don't think I tested positive in my last pregnancy until at least 14 dpo! I'm already feeling tired but also can't sleep properly at the moment. I had a lower back ache pretty much after ovulation and have had cramps on and off the last week, but really bad yday. It was a great relief to know I could do it again. Going to test on Saturday again with a FRER to hopefully see a darker line. if you’re 15DPO and still testing negative and then test positive later like 16-17 DPO then you probably ovulated later than you thought. The most painful boobs I'd ever had at 8 dpo, made me test early and lo and behold there was a faint line. 10 DPO: BFN. I feel like I'm pregnant - been getting left side pelvic pain, cramps, nipples really itchy(?) and just generally feel light headed and off. Also convincing myself they are in my head 😂 Back ache all day toda I'm 9dpo today and also have no symptoms. Ds1 was ivf so I was going mad with waiting, but ds2 was a natural out of the blue miracle. We've now been TTC since then (the ectopic made us realise we don't want to wait), I've had a couple of weird months where tests turned positive outside the 5min timeframe around 8-10 dpo then nothing. This brown discharge only seems to I got my bfp at 11dpo on Friday. Snap! From 6 dpo I've had cramps back ache and 7dpo started with odd twinges and tingling in my boobs now I'm. Feel the same as normal but you're not out until AF arrives and lots of people have had BFPs with no symptoms! That's what I'm telling myself anyway, I'm going crazy! I think at 10dpo implantation might not have even happened yet, so there would be no early pregnancy symptoms anyway. I only thought to test when I was about 6/7 weeks as I started getting evening nausea - I only had nausea in the evening with first pregnancy. Period due today. Whatever it is, it’s not pregnancy related. At 7dpo you won’t be producing any hCG to cause symptoms because it can take 5-12 days from ovulation for a fertilised egg to implant into the lining of the womb and a couple of days from that for it to start producing hCG; however, the symptoms of early pregnancy can be awfully similar to those of pmt and, when we’re ttc and hoping it’s I’m 6 dpo today and I’ve been getting cramping feelings in my ovary area and hips on the left hand side. So we'll see!! Wishing you all the luck Hun Sorry to hear about your loss. Negative test but have a few symptoms. BFP at 14dpo!! Here are my TWW symptoms. Hi Ladies, I’m currently 9 DPO and trying for a baby, I’ve had some real strange symptoms the past 4 days or so started with nausea and what felt like mild period pains (not due on until 14th Aug) and then my boobs started hurting, feel like the ‘period pains’ come and go but sometimes radiate down my thigh, I’m kind of achy all over and feel a bit coldy although I @DecemberWisper aw Thankyou so much, same to you too! I have had a headache this week and have had a cold since Thursday. However the last few months I have had "symptoms" and got BFN. I'm now 11dpo and these have been my symptoms: 1-7dpo bloated and feeling a bit sluggish, cramping, a few vivid dreams 8dpo woke up so so dizzy and light headed, cramping 9dpo spotting (still a bit dizzy), dreamt of BFP 10dpo very emotional, fatigue, slight nausea 11dpo feeling really nauseous now! Very fatigued. Just wondered if anyone had early conception symptoms? Acco Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to search kylieeee · 14/10/2019 19:35 Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, Our first month TTC & I am now 14 DPO due on AF tomorrow 😳. My symptoms were: a HUGE zit on my face (just the one but was absolutely massive), a 1 DPO: Sensitive nipples (v. 9dpo more twinges and also period type cramps 10 dpo BFP! Since my BFP I've had twinges on and off all day. strange. Every time I go to the loo I’m looking for signs of implantation bleeding and desperately waiting til I can test! So far symptoms are sore boobs and tiredness but tbh that’s no different to the symptoms I get in the lead up to AF anyway. Once the lines got dark and I couldn't see a difference, I ordered 2 hcg blood tests to check whether the levels were doubling. I had it in one of my pregnancies and it was like I knew that would be it. 2 15/8/22-36. Join Mumsnet Log In Active Watching Add post I'm on Search Get involved Hi guys My period is officially due today but not come yet. It's usual for me to have this a few days before AF but never as early as 2dpo. I didn't temp this month. I'm a poas addict so I've used a test every day. Although I have no breast soreness which I’m finding really odd. Wednesday 29th 3dpo: ⁃ Light cramping ⁃ CM wet feeling - white and creamy but also EGCM. Hi ladies I'm 9DPO, month 1 TTC baby number one! Symptom spotting like mad - anyone else in the same position? Alternatively, any symptoms from the sa During 9-10 dpo my lower stomach felt very sore as if I had been doing sit ups 😂might have been implantation cramps? Also have had a dry mouth, a lot of fatigue, headaches and generally not feeling myself. I am 14 dpo today & got my BFP yesterday. However with my ectopic pregnancy I had 0 symptoms. Join Mumsnet Log In Hello ladies, I've been trying to conceive for several months now, and I find myself symptom spotting during. I've not tested since 11 dpo and I'm 13 dpo now. So you might have the same situation and actually be less DPO than you might think. DPO Symptoms 6 replies HolliiiM · 19/09/2023 04:59 Hi all I was wondering whether you can share some advice Since 2 DPO I have had sore breasts and nipples and slight twinges in my pelvis area now and then Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more Symptoms started from then: 13/7 náusea slight ovary cramp light yellow brown discharge 14/7 náusea slight cramps at night 15/7 bad nausea all day 16/7 cramps morning nausea BAD headache!!!! lower back ache super gassy 17/7 cramps BAD nausea headache lower back dull ache gas watery discharge heavy boobs as far as I know I’m 10 dpo today. Sorry i might have confused you! My test line is the same as yours but i am 14 dpo today. I'm starting to feel more anxiety than hope though as from googling it looks as though getting a positive result past now is much less likely to end well. LuluF91 · 11/07/2022 14:56 Any symptoms around now could be due to rising progesterone. 8 dpo - BBT rose . I had mega sore swollen boobs from 8dpo. A week seems like an eternity right now. 14/8/22-36. Just posted this as a bit of fun and for anyone else to join if they’re in the same boat! Hi there, I ov either on the 28th of this month or a couple days later, I'm not sure if I am 9dpo or 14 dpo at this point but I'm guessing more towards 9dpo so With that my symptoms have been as following : 6 or 11dpo - slight nausea, headaches, peeing a lot, bloating, constipation, tiredness, little bit of white cm Dpo symptoms on your bfp cycle 7 replies 2021lady · 07/01/2023 16:40 Hi everyone here I'm just wondering if you all would mind sharing as I'm curious Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here) mushroomushroom · 31/08/2023 14:26 Otherwise I'm in a v similar boat, loads of symptoms (most likely all imagined), am 10dpo, BFN on cheapies. Muda · 12/08/2020 14:10 To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I am over the moon and also in shock. Today (14) I have a similar line. I really want to take another Clearblue digital, but I only have one left, and they’re expensive. Ahh less than a week, you’ve got this! I think I’m go for Thursday evening (as I don’t work fridays and if positive I don’t think I could cope going to work straight after finding out) also according to the app due af on thursday, as I think I ovulated on cd20, and last month af came 10 dpo, but only one cycle to go off of, so who knows what will happen! @Angie2018 I haven’t noticed any breast tenderness, and to be honest I couldn’t tell you how I usually feel after ovulation, but I do feel a bit bloated and I have had a bit of a funny tummy. Stuck to SMEP since CD9 and ovulated CD24 poor boyfriend. OP posts: Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if Hi! 🙋🏼♀️ I’m 8 DPO today! Felt find up until a few days away, headache all day yesterday (possibly cause I didn’t have a lunch and stared at a laptop all day!) & sore boobs! Hello!! I think I’m 11 DPO too not really tracking it. I will say the first month I stopped taking the pill I had all sorts of symptoms thinking I must have been pregnant already but in fact it was just my Hi 👋 I'm 7dpo This is my first 2ww ttc 1st baby. im just 6 dpo, nothing major over the last few days but I’ve ended up having a 30min nap today (which I never do) and that was a first symptom on my last pregnancy (but it ended in a loss) so I’m cautiously hopeful. All could be AF! I was feeling exhausted, irritable and queasy but I get like this when AF is coming so nothing strange. Like you TTC DD1 took 13 months and I was worried how long for NO2 but TTC DD2 only took 5 months. Although we’ve been trying for baby number 2 for 5 years on and off and this is the first month trying again after a very long break. @KatieHallie I completely understand why you're checking line progression, I was the same with my tests as I'm on progesterone too. Light CM. 2. But I did have symptoms from about 6dpo - sore boobs, bloating and very vivid dreams (which I've only ever had when pregnant). I'm quite sad and frustrated myself. Tired. Hopefully OP implanted on day 6 and her symptoms are from the BFP I get weird cramps and twinges during my whole cycle. I completely get how you are feeling though. It's my first month ttc so that's why I'm trying so hard to see if I get a bfp! With my first daughter I didn't know I was pregnant until about 1 week after missed af! I'm thinking I'm out with how Chime in that with my last pregnancy I had loads of symptoms like you BEFORE my BFP. Thursday 30th 4dpo: ⁃ Sensitive I tested 5 days before AF was due. Age 33 Ttc #1 for 19 months. I'm currently 6/7 dpo. We're trying to TTC no 3 now and I'm 11dpo today. Diarrhoea first thing. Sore boobs - sensitive nipples too. 2 days ago (12dpo) I got a very faint line on a easy @ home. I am just hoping my hcg levels was to low to detect when I tested baby dust to me please 😭 I know I felt implantation day 6dpo and 7dpo right side pricking and digging and since then I have had on and off aches and cramps Hi! I’m new here. Hi I have been testing for 4 days and getting faint lines I’m currently on 17 dpo no AF in sight I’m one day passed AF can anyone see a line on this. This means that if you did get pregnant this cycle, a fertilized egg traveled down your uterine tube and implanted into the lining of your uterus. I have no symptoms at all. I’m currently 14DPO period was due today I have a longer cycle 34 days sometimes 35 so could get it tomorrow however I never have cramps until my flow starts and then they are heavy. I'm 14 dpo today, AF is due tomorrow, but no sign of her yet! My symptoms: 3 dpo: sharp shooting pain in my lower abdomen, had a small spot of blood in my cm 4 dpo: dull cramps, very hungry 5 dpo: very emotional, cried for no reason 6 dpo: dull cramps again 9 dpo: very moody, headache, stuffy nose, tired 10 dpo: nausea, dull cramps, tired Hi @delilah7 some people get pregnant straight away but for me it's taken about 4 proper cycles. I know everyone is different but it might help! I'm now 14+2 😊 good luck!! Tuesday 28th 2dpo: ⁃ Sore boobs ⁃ Light cramping ⁃ CM wet feeling - white and creamy. possibly 7 dpo and had a few possible symptoms but symptoms don't mean much to me thought i like to write them down anyway but i've had dull cramping and when i wiped earlier it was definitely pink - not bright pink - more subtle but it was 100% pink - so basically just send me baby dust cause in my head this could still mean absolutely nothing but i need some form I’ve had similar feelings to you this month (I am now 12 dpo I think). Join Mumsnet Log In I have zero symptoms. I am currently 14dpo. Took a test this evening & BFN 😩 I feel . Had all the symptoms 2 days late for af. @Beebeex0 hi I am somewhere between 9-13dpo (didn't track this month so don't actually know)I tested this morning and BFN 😞. 14DPO - Morning urine BFP on Clearblue digital. Symptoms wise I always had lower abdomen pain on ovulation day and I wonder why no pain this time, but I had nausea and bloating. I've had mild cramps and fatigue but also I'm always tired lol. Then once I got high enough levels for a scan, 6ish weeks for me, to confirm viability. I’ve read what seems like hundreds of these threads, but never posted anything myself. Which happens if pregnant or not, that's why at this stage, early pregnancy symptoms are the same as "normal" luteal phase symptoms. I was going to wait until 14 DPO but just thought I'd test, on a whim. Already impatient. I have completed 3 tests now and all positive. To comment on this My 14 dpo looked similar to yours, from memory, and I’m 23 weeks now. Thought it was early period as my temp had started to drop 0. I'm just wondering has anybody experienced flu/cold like symptoms before getting a BFP? I'm currently between 9-11 DPO and AF is due in 3 days time. Vvvf positive test with FMU on Clear blue early. 9 dpo - BBT stayed the same. How are you going? @Pinkmoon23 welcome :) I was similar this month, think I ovulated Cd14 per ovulation test and BD day10, 12 and 14 I'm wanting to wait until 11dpo but it starts getting difficult not to test at 9dpo 🙈 Hi lovely, if you only ovulated on the 14th November, you definitely won't have lines yet as it is only the 17th now. Hi Everyone. Sarah268 · 28/01/2024 14:40 I got my BFP yesterday & wanted to share my DPO symptoms & things I did prior to & during trying to conceive as I know personally I was searching this kind of thing. Xx 14 DPO BFN 8 replies Sabina93 This month I feel like I have so many symptoms: sore breasts, nausea, cramps, extreme fatigue and I feel like I am becoming so consumed by symptom spotting. I never had symptoms until 6 or 7 weeks pregnant, I just felt the same as I did every month. Hi all I think I am 9DPO, AF due Tues/Wed. Quote Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here) Strange as I am 3 dpo and have very similar symptoms!! Stuffy nose out of nowhere and period like cramps (not due for another 11 days) keeping an eye out 🤣 Fabianaa · 18/09/2021 14:51 Thank you sooooo much for this! I feel like I've been waiting to see this for days! I'm around 7/8 DPO (just tracking form the app) and I've been feeling Not had many symptoms apart from cramping. Hi, I feel your pain! The tww is hell. Was very dizzy & felt hot & faint yesterday (even thought it was very hot) in an office with the AC on 😐. Ive had cramps past couple of days & I've woke up this morning with cramps & my boobs are feeling a little sensitive, little bit of nausea but that's not odd for me as I get nauseous at slightest things & before AF anyway. I've had absolutely no symptoms apart from my normal sore boobs I was sure af was going to turn up but today I've had my bfp. can’t say I’ve had any symptoms but have been having vivid dreams. Today I had to have a nap!! Couldn't keep my eyes open. Hi all, just wondering if anybody had symptoms 12 dpo? I’ve had really tender breasts, my partner has said they look and feel bigger too, I’ve also been peeing non stop, like every 45mins to an hour which is unlike me and I definitely can’t hold it like I used to be able to!! @BABYPRAYING No symptoms yet, I had super sore boobs last cycle from 9dpo so was hopeful of a bfp as I normaly get no PMS but nope. unusual for me) and pinching cramps in the right, lower front of my abdomen. Hello! Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar. I'm exactly the same, same dpo same 'symptoms'. Been very uncomfortable with lower back ache and sore boobs for the last week, and brown spotting for last few days. zgapequqlkkarjqltjvghqggmmkifljhzvuvsjfcbzhekazztfouuf